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  1. #1
    Community Member XFracture's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Default Some Advice Part Deux

    I have myself both a Barb14 and Ftr11/Pal3 stat damagers. So I figured I'd try my hand at DPS'ers. I have a lvl 6 Barb dps'er in the mix right now. I'm having an alright time. After doing some thinking and serious number crunching I decided to try out a fighter DPS'er. So far he's only lvl 5 but I'm having alot of fun with him.

    I'd like a bit of advice on what pittfalls to avoid.

    Starting Stats:

    Str 18
    Dex 14
    Con 16
    Int 13
    Wis 8
    Cha 6

    Skills: Jump, Intimidate, Balance

    His feats are:

    Gr Cleave
    WF: Slash
    GWF: Slash
    WS: Slash
    GWS: Slash
    ImpCrit: Slash

    *denotes feat already taken
    Finite number of classes + Finite number of levels = Finite number of combinations. Your build is not special, you are not a genius, someone was bound to "find" it and you don't have a patent on it.

  2. #2


    I'd try to make Stunning blow fit in, otherwise seems good.

    I'd have raised Wis instead of Dex, but that's just me., #1 source for DDO information.

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