I'd like one more set. I am willing to package items below:
+1 ghost touch dagger of disruption (rr halfling)
+1 ghost touch khopesh of disruption (rr human i think)
+1 acid dagger of disruption
+1 rapier of smiting
+1 scimitar of smiting (x2)
+1 vorpal battleaxe of pg (rr human)
kardin's eye
+7 Armored bracers (rr halfling)
+5 shocking burst khop of backstabbing
+4 shocking burst khop of maiming
+4 shocking burst khop of pg
+5 ice guard mfp of lesser acid res
+5 mfp
+5 elven chain mail of hammerblock
+5 mbp
dragon scales: all colors
+5 mts
+6 str ring (x2)
+6 str gloves or belt
+6 cha tiarra or helm
+6 dex gloves
+6 cha ring
+6 wis helm
+6 con belt or neck
ancient band
ring of greater false life
ring of the djinn
ring of shadows
spiked boots
+1 flaming handaxe of gtr undead bane
+1 g/t maul of gtr undead bane
+1 wounding ls of gtr dragon bane
disease immunity ring of heavy fort
. . . . and LOTS of other **** . . . . pretty much anything . . .
reply here, PM, or ingame