Hi everyone, I have been playing for about 6 months now and am slowly figuring out the jargon( he he old PNP player) Anyway I am and always have been a big fan of a Pally, though for DDO I'm not sure what skills/ ablities all the stats affect. I was wondering if I could get some advice for starting stats for a 32 pt build pally so I can start to plan for that great day. He will be Human, sword and board, and a pure pally of course. No I do not have a ton of +6 items or tomes yet.( and since I send a lot of items and pp to my son's chars, I am not uber rich) Any help would be greatly appreciated, I am more looking forward to roleplaying a Pally because that is what he is,than beating every char out there for DPS(??) If you could keep it simple for the dumb newb I'ld appreciate it. Any feat/skills suggestions etc would also be welcome.
"the measure of a man is not what he says, but what he does!!!"
Thanks all and good hunting.