Many wizards/sorcs are all too aware of this old bug when casting spells such a lighting bolt etc.
A party member standing at a certain spot will alter the trajectory of a thrown weapon or spell projectile.
If said party member is behind you, in front of you or possibly some other odd spots the projectile can fly up towards ceiling or even up and BEHIND you as demonstraded in the screen shots.
Now normally this wouldn't be HUGE issue to raiding, but say there's a new raid where you have to throw boulder (think coal) at stuff and cast an ice ball into some water with 0 margin for error, well then things get pear shaped!
Frame 1: Notice the throwing axe goes UP and BEHIND ?
Frame 2: Again the axe is delfected upwards
Frame 3: With the party member out of the way now, the axe flies straight and true.
There are times when we dont have the luxury of avoiding this bug, please consider these 2 factors when patching the Mod5 raid this weekend.
Thx, gpk