OK, here's some items I have laying around.... Will add lots more stuff over coming days. I will check PM's here every couple of days, or you can send tell OR in game mail to my main "Smatt" Please make reasonable offers! At the bottom are a few things I'm curently looking for, but all decent offers will be considered.
+1 Vorpal Battle Axe (min lvl 10)
+1 Vorpal Kama (min lvl 10)
+1 Vorpal Falchion of shatter (min lvl 10) (RR human umd 20)
+1 Vorpal Great Axe (min lvl)
+1 Vorpal Bastard of Maiming (min lvl 10) (RR Dwarf umd 20)
+1 Heavy Mace (min lvl 10)
+1 Dagger (min lvl 10)
+2 Battle Axe (min lvl 10) (RR Human umd 20)
+1 Greatsword (min lvl 10)
+1 Comp Longbow (min Lvl 10)
+1 Para Returning Dart of Deception (min lvl 12)
+1 Byeshk Bastard sword of Smiting (min lvl 8) (RR Halfling umd 18)
+1 Seeker (4) Greatsword of Smiting (min lvl 12) (RR Human umd 22)
+1 Crippling Rapier of Smiting (min lvl 12)
+1 smiting dagger
+2 Shock Short Sword of Disruption (min lvl 14)
+1 Frost Great Axe of Disruption (min lvl 12)
+1 Shock Longbow of Disruption (min lvl 12)
+1 Ghost touch Battle Axe of Disruption (min lvl 12)
+2 Ghost touch Light Mace of Disruption (min lvl 14)
+1 Dwarven Axe of Disruption (min lvl 8 (RR Halfling umd 18)
+1 Flaming Dwarven Axe of Disruption
+1 Banishing Darkwood Longbow (min lvl 10)
+1 Banishing Short Sword of rightiousness (min lvl 12)
+1 Banishing Rapier of shatter (min lvl 12)
+1 Banishing Dagger (s) (min lvl 10)
Greater Undead Banes:
+1 Wounding Dagger of Greater Undead bane (min lvl 12)
+1 Transmuting Bast Sword of Greater Undead Bane (min lvl 10)
+2 Crippling Long Sword of Greater Undead Bane (min lvl 10)
+2 Ghost touch Repeating L-crossbow of Great Undead (min lvl 10)
+1 Flaming shortbow of Greater Undead Bane (min lvl 8)
+1 Frost Returning throwing dagger of Great Undead (min lvl 8)
Other weapons:
+1 wounding puncturing Rapier
Planar Gird (s)
Rez Ring (s) (lvl 9)
Reaver Ring (s) (lvl 9)
Spell Storing ring (lvl 9)
25% Striding Ring (lvl 11)
30% striding Ring of Command (RR Elf/Drow umd 20)
30% Striding Boots (lvl 13)
+5 protection necklace (lvl 13)
+4 Protection necklace (lvl 11)
+5 Cloak of Protection (lvl 13)
Cloaks of Greater Fire, Sonic, Lightning, Acid, Cold (lvl 11)
Boots of the Innocent (+5 resistance to ALL saving throws, 15% striding)
Lots more to come as I find time to post it!
Items I NEED:
+5 Mith full plate
Bursting Bastard or Long sword or Battle Axe of Greater Giant bane (Icy preferred)
Acid Bastard Long Sword or Battle Axe of Greater Giant bane
+2 Tomes
Greater Construct Bane Long or composite Longbow
Of Course Plat is always a good thing as well