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  1. #1
    Community Member Scalion's Avatar
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    Default How Is Rage Length Determined?

    The Title says it all. I was wondering if someone can give me the way to determine my base rage length.

    I'm pretty sure that Barbarian level and Constitutin score are the only 2 factors involced but that's all I know for sure right now.

    Is it 30 seconds per level, +6 seconds per level for each con bonus? After making a 12 con elf and a 14 con dwarf and raging at level 1 I noticed 36 seconds on the elf and 42 seconds on the dwarf.

  2. #2
    Community Member Mad_Bombardier's Avatar
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    Rage duration in seconds = (3 + post-rage CON modifier) * 6.

  3. #3
    Community Member Scalion's Avatar
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    Ok...that means my level 1 elf with 12 con for my experiment had 3 + 3 = 6 X 6 to then get 36 seconds, and the dwarf experiment with an additional +1 to con score had 42 seconds, that math works out right.

    Does barbarian level not factor into it at all then? I know you get additional rages, and better enhancements that improve rage duration, but does the duration increase simply because you are higher level?

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scalion View Post
    Ok...that means my level 1 elf with 12 con for my experiment had 3 + 3 = 6 X 6 to then get 36 seconds, and the dwarf experiment with an additional +1 to con score had 42 seconds, that math works out right.

    Does barbarian level not factor into it at all then? I know you get additional rages, and better enhancements that improve rage duration, but does the duration increase simply because you are higher level?
    nope, Level does not factor into Rage Length.

    As you get higher in level, its easier to get your CON Higher Plus you have more enhancements availabale tolengthen your Rage time.
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  5. #5
    Community Member Scalion's Avatar
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    Thanks for clarifying all of that. Definately appreciated as I am making a human barb and I was debating how high to push her starting con. Sounds like I need to go ahead and bump it up to 16.

  6. #6
    Community Member Blind_Skwerl's Avatar
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    So how long will rages last with enhancements and such? How many will you get per day?
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  7. #7
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    With all enhancments you can get 7 rages, con has nothing to do with this. Rage should last around 3 min at lvl 14, enhancments give double time of whatever it works out to.

  8. #8
    Community Member Cruzer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blind Skwerl View Post
    So how long will rages last with enhancements and such? How many will you get per day?
    I didn't concentrate on CON (silly i know) with my barb. Started at 16 and he's sitting at a 24 con. Just a +6 item with barb con 2. With Extend 4 and Extra 3, I get 7 rages total per rest.

    Just hitting rage, it lasts about 2:38.

    with rage clickie its like 2:44

    with rage clickie + madestone it jumps to like 3:11.

    Madstone rage goes off a lot for me it seems, so usually my next rage is about 2:44 or 2:50, depending on fatigue heh. Since hitting lvl 14 I rarely go down to 2 rages before needing to shrine
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