With a WF Barb, Does an Adamantine Body effect the Barb skills/feats?
Searched the Forum and didn't see this question, though I am sure it is here somewhere.
With a WF Barb, Does an Adamantine Body effect the Barb skills/feats?
Searched the Forum and didn't see this question, though I am sure it is here somewhere.
Adamantine body DR will not stack with the barbarian DR.
Your skill checks will be lower with Adamantine body on things like jump, swim, tumble, but not things like listen or intimidate.
Your uncanny dodge and other such skills should still work with adamantine body. Dodge bonus to AC has nothing to do with Armor check or Dex restrictions. Same with trap save bonuses.
The ONLY feat-like class ability that is currently limited by armor type in DDO is Evasion. That said, Barb Fast Movement and Ranger combat styles are limited by armor type in PnP and *should* be fixed eventually in DDO.
So, for now you are safe with Addy Body (though, as Scalion said, Barb DR is not additive with WF Addy DR). To be safe for the future, just go with Mithral Body (or none at all on a feat starved Barbarian!).
Adamantine body is mostly good for the first few levels, then you can respec it out for a feat more useful in the long term.
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