Disintigrate, maxxed, has been my friend with the flesh golems....one max and he is mostly dead.
flesh to stone really helps with the 'turn into undead' upon death guys.
fod has been great against the wind elementals.
Flesh to stone has been great against the wheeps..have not tried it on the quells though.
monsters seem faster, so a nice solid fog before the firewal is needed.
I am going to pick up acid fog and use that to see..just to many skellies and stuff immune to fire...and I want to try on undead beholder.
disintigrate magic missile and force missle on the beholder...and stone to flesh the mobs with him.
have not used sommand undead much except on wraiths and specters (hate them that much) but it has been effective.
I am specced with the best spellpen and only carry max..so I seem to be able to land the spells well and my fire maxxed with potency, lore, and efficay items seem to be working good.
***** LOOT ******
I forgot to change loot to random until I did the last dungeon...got poor loot on my sorc until then....then on the last run I pulled a +3 adamantine bastard sword of greater undead bane.....whoo hooo
no magic items of 200 points yet though.