Update: I tried putting my widescreen monitor in a 4:3 aspect ratio resolutioon (1200 by 1000 or whatever the number is). This created a non-widescreen desktop area with vertical black bands on the sides (sort of like if you watch a widescreen movie on a 4:3 normal TV, though in that case you get horizontal black bars on the top and bottom).

The game STILL looked squashed down by about 25%.

Personally, I can barely stand to look at the game now since I know what it's supposed to be like. My play time has dropped from 10 to 0.5hours a day (on my days off at least), and if its going to stay like this it will go lower...I compare it to playing on low vs Ultra high. Could this problem be at least aknowledged and give us some hope of a soonish fix?