Take the name from over the persons head too.
Take the name from over the persons head too.
And your point is what?
Which ways the...? Aww man! Can someone grab my stone?
I don't like this newest change at all.
a) Don't show the player's name in the LFM.
b) Don't show the player's class, level and race in the LFM.
Either. Not both. I prefer a).
Caius Furius Aurelius of Fernia
Philadelphus - Theodorus - Vibius - Isidorus - Cnaeus - Lucius - Flavius
Aurelia - Lucilla - Iulia - Marciana - Caecilia - Pompeia
Subsidium - Robotello - Roboangelo - Argentarius
Yeah Ive noticed that when you create a party you can only see the "invitees" class and level with the brief pop up message.
The LFM "create party" menu or LFG panel's just list a character as anonymous. So if you are anonymous and the leader misses the message or if multiple people wanna join at same time , you wont get picked cause the leader doesn't know what you are.
Heck! If we're going that far on Anonymous, why not just make the person invisible as well so we don't even see them in Public places.