I'm wanting to mix it up a bit. My collection of toons are pretty much sorcerrors and variant versions of twf stat damagers and I'm thinking of trying out the dps version of barb.
I was thinking of making a pure barb dwarf going for the rage/crit enhancements with a collection of Falchions and these feats:
1 Pwr Attack
3 Cleave
6 Great Cleave
9 Stunning Blow
12 Imp Crit: Slash
OR going with, as a Human:
1 Pwr Attack, Cleave
3 Stunning Blow
6 Great Cleave
9 Quick Draw
12 Imp Crit: Slash
The reasoning behind the Quick Draw feat is so I can hot swap my Weighted 5% and vertigo +10 items out with my DPS'ers w/o missing much of a beat. I know with my stat dmg'ers it pains me when I'm hot swapping weapons in battle. I have to stop swinging, stand there for a second or two, do my swapping, continue attacking, stop for a second or two, do my swapping again and then continue on with my battle.
It's pretty frickin' annoying and I thought I'd try out Quick Draw to see if it makes a difference. Anyone have any opinions? If it doesn't make much of a difference I'll just stick with my original dwarven version.
I was also wondering what the AoE is on Great Cleave? I'm assuming that is all Great Cleave does, increase the AoE, please correct me if I'm wrong. If so, is it that much of a difference then that of Cleave? Is it worth it? I mean, how often do you really find yourself completely surrounded on all sides? But that could just be me, I'm used to jumping in and out of those situations with my tactical builds. However if Great Cleave really isnt' worth it then I'll just stick with the Dwarven version after all and toy with the idea of Quick Draw.
I am well aware that I can swap out my feats easily enough, lord knows I've done it dozens of times already on my stat dmg builds but I figured I'd save myself some headache and a little coin by asking for advice first. All I know is if Quick Draw works out as well as I hope it does I'm just gonna have to dump something on my stat fighters to accomodate. Because that is by far the biggest down fall of playing melee's. IMO anyway.