Looking to trade/sell following items
+6 Intel Goggles
+6 Intel ring RR FORGED
Dex6 ring RR DROWLEV 13 has plus 3 perform also i beleave
Protection 5 Cloak !
Protection 5 Necklace RR Forged
Pearl of Power 8
Pearl Of Power 10
Wizerdry 5 helm (125mana 250for sorc)
Wizerdry 6 helm (150 mana 300 for sorc)
Runed Ogre Femur (on critical hit (20) and on a fort save of 20 caster cant cast for 18 seconds) Fleshmakers
+1 Sickle Of Smiting
+1 Ghost Tough Shortbow Of Disruption
+1 Shortbow of disruption
+1 Seeker Longsword Of Smiting
+1 Viscous Kopesh Of smiting
+3 Keen Greataxe Of SmitingRR DROW
+2 Keen Heavy Xbow of Smiting (crits on 17)
2 Vorpral greataxesone rr human other warforged lev 8
Vorpral Falchion
Banishing Dagger and shortsword
+3 Wounding of Puncturing Shortbow (RR DWARF)
Wounding of Puncturing Heavy Pick(2)
Wounding of Puncturing Longbow
Wounding of Puncturing Light XBow
Silver iron ingot(sup ice lore and sup glaciation 4)
3 Greater False Life Rings
These items are the best i have to offer atm some of them are still in use but always for trade for the right price/trade....to give u an idea of what i am looking for here is a few sugestion that might get a trade going + 2tomes....+5 elven chainmail.....+6 con ring....w/p dagger/lightpick/shortsword/rapier......... Sirooco....+6 con necklace or belt....Power 5 Returning weapons.....Heavy Fort Ring...Beholder optic nerves...(been hunting for some forever)...Rings Of Spell Storing(not real intrest just trade fodder)... Smiting Falchion, Kukri, Scimmy, ... I am also starting to collect GreatCrossbows b/c noone uses them (bust them out of the bank u have been saving them for no reason noone uses them hahahah) I have all toons in game so dont be afraid to offer other items besides these...Will also be looking for new named items from the new mod i have a few i have my eye on such as........Bow of Elements (ICE)..Cloak of Ice....Chord Of Reprisals.... Have fun with new mod guys finally here yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah!!! contact me on kelus,plex,ownia,ohpopia,onnia,mavixx,mule onni
Happy Hunting