OK, so I've decided playing a cleric that's just a healbot is too boring. But my gametime is limited enough such that completely scrapping a character for a re-roll would be painful. So here's where I'm at now:
Drow 7th Cleric, with the following base stats:
STR 12
DEX 10
CON 10
INT 10
WIS 17 (16 at start +1 level pt at 4th)
CHA 18 <-- intended for DVs...
Feats currently are Empowed Healing, Extend & MT. As a healbot I'd planned on 9th/12th taking Extra Turning for DVs and IMT.
The new plan?
Well, I'd be happy still with a non-melee cleric, just have the goal now to be an effective offensive caster too. Still want to be decent at healing of course, but can tone it and the DV focus down a bit. With my melee types in PoP, etc watching clerics throw out slay living and destruction just looks soooooo fun, I want in on that!Yes I know there's other casting that can be done, but if I had to pick one thing I guess it would be that necro stuff.
So could this guy become an effective caster without a re-roll? Meaning for one was the 16 WIS @ start too low? Right now I have no +6 WIS items, and don't think I can plan on favor for this guy either. Just a +1 WIS tome banked if he is indeed still viable, and a +5 item. So a 28 can be done but 30 would likely be a stretch (+2 tome via favor or loot, and +6 item). On the feat side, I do have shards banked so re-spec'ing feats isn't a problem.
Besided stats and feats, how much is casting success gear-dependant? I don't have any spell pen items banked yet. About all I have for cleric gear for this guy is a Superior Potency V item for later healing use. (Can't use it yet but was told it would work like a devotion item for healing.) So what should I be shopping for or hoping to loot?