Maraud the Mines

Quest Giver: Firebrand Warrens Entrance (quest entrance)
Level: 11 Party
Patron: The Free Agents (6/12/18)
Length: long
Entry Point: Firebrand quarter of the menechtarun
Prereqs: none
Recommended Party: standard
Base Experience: 1,890
Quest Info:
--Creatures: firebrand gnolls, rust monsters, earth elementals, fire elementals
--Traps: none


Head south into the main chamber, a lava pit crisscrossed by bridges. The goal here is to steal a large quantity of the Gnoll’s mined ores and gemstones. There are four separate areas in the mine, you must explore each, break the barrels and collect the raw ore and uncut stones.

There are no traps to watch out for, so just start exploring through and clear as you go.

You can turn the raw materials into money and cut gems with a miner in the Refuge.

Once you have collected enough ore to satisfy the requirements, head out and talk to Skavyr to get your end reward.
End Reward: standard loot list