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    Default The Lost Quest Guide

    The Lost Quest Guide

    Hello from the future! Word. So this thread was necroed after a few years of gathering dust, so I figured I would do a quick history for nostalgia's sake. Way back in '07 the forum mods decided to hold a contest for player written strategy guides and player guides. At the time there was nothing like this. The ddowiki didn't have a comprehensive quest guide and it was before spyderwolf was making his videos. I decided that this would be a great tool for myself and other players, so I set to it. In the end it took 3rd place in the contest, after SableShadow's Notes of a Dancing Rogue, and MysticTheurge's Ask a Loremaster. We each got the forum title "Scholar Of Adventure" and the other two got some other ingame gifts or something.

    Anyways, fast forward a couple years and the mods come up with the compendium. In order to bring more traffic there they decided to copy the winning guides to the compendium. But joke was on them, I got an email telling me that there was too much info to move the Lost Quest Guide over to the compendium and it would take too many man hours for them to do it, so this guide wouldn't make it over there. Also the editors over at ddowiki were beginning to get the quests section filled out and the wiki was really becoming the go to source for that kind of info. While I'd like to think that some of my project here helped them to make that resource better, I know that those folks do a huge amount of work to keep that wiki awesome. Still, I tried to keep this thread going for a bit longer as it was my pet project.

    Fast forward a few more years and I've stopped updating at all really, the wiki crew has more than done a great job filling this niche and I prefer to spend my time playing. Then ddo forums make a big change in software and all the old links get broken. This guide I think helped quite a few folks over the years, but it is out of date, and I didn't really see a need to spend the hours necessary to fix it all.

    So now here we are in the future. DDO has gone thru many devs and ownerships. I am still here and playing, at least from time to time, and I still enjoy the game. I've made some great friends. Have some great memories. I plan to continue that. Cheers to you all! Everybody Drink!

    Last Updates: 11/08/09

    So as you have probably noticed, I am no longer maintaining this guide. Many of the walkthroughs are still valid, and can hopefully continue to help guide you through the trickier spots of older quests. Perhaps someday I will come back through and clean it all up and give it an overhaul, add all the new quests. But probably not. It's a huge project and I have found that I would rather spend my gaming time, well, gaming. I am always happy to share my quest knowledge though, so if you ever have a specific question, and don't mind waiting a bit for an answer, feel free to pm me. Also, I play on Sarlona and I am never anonymous. If I am not busy leading raids or whatnot, I am happy to spend a few minutes talking about questing or character builds or whatever. My characters are in my sig, or just ask one of my guildies to direct you to me.

    The purpose of this guide is to help to familiarize a player with a quest. It is also to help you determine what quest you want to run, what classes you may want with you, what the rewards might be. There will be spoilers in this guide, so do not continue reading if you do not want to have the veils of mystery lifted.

    Quests are organized by criteria (level, favor, chain) and then alphabetically. Quests beginning with the word ‘the’ will be alphabetized by the second word in the quest.

    This guide is listed throughout this thread. The links below will connect to single posts to make navigating easier.


    Lost Quest Guide - Outline

    Optional Search Criteria

    Korthos Island ~ New Player Experience

    Raid Flagging Guide

    Quest Chains

    Favor Rewards and Quest Listing

    Search Quests by Level

    Level 1

    Level 2

    Level 3

    Level 4

    Level 5

    Level 6

    Level 7

    Level 8

    Level 9

    Level 10

    Level 11

    Level 12

    Level 13

    Level 14

    Level 15

    Level 16

    Level 17

    Level 18

    Level 19

    Level 20
    Last edited by Lost_Leader; 12-21-2016 at 05:14 PM.
    Leader of Lost Legions

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