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  1. #281
    Founder chrisrtld's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    If you're aiming at the center of the kobold you have about 1 meter's worth of movement before he escapes the target. Thus, at 5 meters per second, he'll move out of that range in 1/5th of a second. Thus your arrow needs to travel 60 meters in 1/5th of a second. Or it needs to be going 300 m/s.

    For the extra extra credit, moving 4.5 meters per second west means the kobold's relative velocity is 9.5 meters per second. Thus it's 1/9.5 seconds before he escapes the target and your arrow needs to travel 60*9.5 or 570 m/s.

    (Now to read the rest of the post)
    I'm no physics major, but isn't this still just a point to point shot. Your movement relative to the target actually only has the effect of changing the distance between you and it. So, assuming the shot is instantanceous, your first answer is correct either way because your not changing the spot your shooting at just the position your shooting from thus the straight line distance. I would assume you could create a triangle, calculate distance and then recalculate velocity needed to hit target. I assume it wouldn't be too much greater.

    Now, if there is a delay from aim and shoot all bets are off.

    Also, I can't find my calculator!
    Last edited by chrisrtld; 10-17-2007 at 04:07 PM.
    The Old Timers Guild
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  2. #282
    Community Member Mad_Bombardier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Codog View Post
    Last night I checked into Mod 6 tree a fix for Greater TWF. The standing attack 1 will now have a left hand attack hook if you have greater TWF.
    8:4 attacks ratio with GrTWF @ BAB+11! Does that mean that SupTWF will increase to 11:5 ratio? Even with the slower animation, we might actually have a attacks/time ratio pushing 2:1!!! TWF actually means TWO weapon fighting. /faints

    P.S. Any comment on making SupTWF available with BAB+15? Inquiring Bards and Rogues want to know. Although, I suppose it's semi-moot. Bards and Rogues don't get a feat at level 20(BAB+15) unless they take a level of Fighter.

  3. #283
    Founder Cowdenicus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mad_Bombardier View Post
    8:4 attacks ratio with GrTWF @ BAB+11! Does that mean that SupTWF will increase to 11:5 ratio? Even with the slower animation, we might actually have a attacks/time ratio pushing 2:1!!! TWF actually means TWO weapon fighting. /faints

    P.S. Any comment on making SupTWF available with BAB+15? Inquiring Bards and Rogues want to know. Although, I suppose it's semi-moot. Bards and Rogues don't get a feat at level 20(BAB+15) unless they take a level of Fighter.
    I thought all rogues took a couple levels of fighter. just for the BAB and the feats.
    Clerics of Fernia
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  4. #284
    Community Member Mad_Bombardier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cowdenicus View Post
    I thought all rogues took a couple levels of fighter. just for the BAB and the feats.
    You get feat(s), but no effective BAB increase at level 14 for 1Fighter or 2Fighter (nor at 20). 17/3, 18/2, 19/1, 20 all have the same BAB+15. You'd have to be 16Rogue/4Fighter to get BAB+16.

  5. #285
    Developer Codog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Missing Minds View Post
    Take this weekend off for peats sake and have some fun with your family.

    You have given ranged people, and twf a lot to look forward to and a lot of hope. Thanks for raising player morals. now take the weekend to raise your own moral up as well.
    You folks shouldn't worry about me so much! In the morning I get the kids ready for school and walk them to the bus stop. When the kids get home, I help them with their homework, play with them, and sometimes cook dinner ( I make a mean chili! ). After dinner, we spend cuddle time with the kids and read them stories if it hasn't gotten too late. Every night I try to tuck them in to bed. My policy is that when the kids are home and awake try to focus on them.

    This week, my wife has been really tired from her work and has been going to bed pretty early. This has left me with some extra time... between that and insomnia none of my girls have been neglected.

    My folks are coming into town this weekend, so I won't be working.

    We're building a castle bed for my older daughter. About nine months ago I bought the plans for it from a company called Tanglewood Designs.
    You start with 8 sheets of MDF (medium density fiber board) and the plans are crazy! We cut the big pieces a few months ago and since then, I've been slowly assembling it, cutting the finer details, and painting it. We're done with 3 of the towers and starting to get close to putting together the 4th. A lot of the trim is complete and ready to be tacked on. Elizabeth is so excited! We _might_ get it completed and ready for final assembly this weekend if we're lucky and it doesn't rain.

    Then, all we have to do is work on that puppy!



  6. #286


    Quote Originally Posted by Mad_Bombardier View Post
    You get feat(s), but no effective BAB increase at level 14 for 1Fighter or 2Fighter (nor at 20). 17/3, 18/2, 19/1, 20 all have the same BAB+15. You'd have to be 16Rogue/4Fighter to get BAB+16.
    And seriously, who splashes more than 2 levels of fighter. What a waste.

    You're much better off with Rogue 16/Fighter 2/Paladin 2.
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  7. #287
    Founder Drider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Codog View Post
    You folks shouldn't worry about me so much! In the morning I get the kids ready for school and walk them to the bus stop. When the kids get home, I help them with their homework, play with them, and sometimes cook dinner ( I make a mean chili! ). After dinner, we spend cuddle time with the kids and read them stories if it hasn't gotten too late. Every night I try to tuck them in to bed. My policy is that when the kids are home and awake try to focus on them.

    This week, my wife has been really tired from her work and has been going to bed pretty early. This has left me with some extra time... between that and insomnia none of my girls have been neglected.

    My folks are coming into town this weekend, so I won't be working.

    We're building a castle bed for my older daughter. About nine months ago I bought the plans for it from a company called Tanglewood Designs.
    You start with 8 sheets of MDF (medium density fiber board) and the plans are crazy! We cut the big pieces a few months ago and since then, I've been slowly assembling it, cutting the finer details, and painting it. We're done with 3 of the towers and starting to get close to putting together the 4th. A lot of the trim is complete and ready to be tacked on. Elizabeth is so excited! We _might_ get it completed and ready for final assembly this weekend if we're lucky and it doesn't rain.

    Then, all we have to do is work on that puppy!



    Those bunk beds are awesome! Lucky kids!

  8. #288
    Community Member BananaHat's Avatar
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    I've mostly just been reading Codog's posts in this thread and his feedback has been awesome.

    I was thinking, if it were somehow possible to have our characters auto-lead targets, it would probably be a good idea to make it so the player has the choice of auto-leading or not. Maybe make a second form of auto-attack that leads targets. It is hard for me to imagine why you wouldn't want auto-lead with ranged weapons (my ranger always had a heck of a time hitting targets that for whatever reason were coming towards the party at an angle) but I know people like choices and many are highly resistant to change. I can't imagine it is TOO hard to put in auto-leading since monsters do it to the players all the time and they hit dead on if you don't change course.

    Of course, you can really psyche out their auto-lead by make a small movement to the side right when they are about to fire. Their arrow will soar off to the side. I imagine that could be a reason some people would want to stick with just firing at their target's current position, mostly for PvP or mobs that just happen to do seemingly hundreds of tiny little hops in the course of a single fight (I'm looking at you kobolds!)
    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin
    I've never seen someone at a tabletop game say "I jump up on the wall until I get stuck in a spot where I can hit the giant but he can't hit me back for no apparent reason."

  9. #289
    Community Member Symar-FangofLloth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    And seriously, who splashes more than 2 levels of fighter. What a waste.

    You're much better off with Rogue 16/Fighter 2/Paladin 2.
    I splashed 4 levels on my pally. Weapon Specialization, whoo!
    Former Xoriat-er. Embrace the Madness.

  10. #290


    Quote Originally Posted by Codog View Post
    We're building a castle bed for my older daughter. About nine months ago I bought the plans for it from a company called Tanglewood Designs.
    You start with 8 sheets of MDF (medium density fiber board) and the plans are crazy! We cut the big pieces a few months ago and since then, I've been slowly assembling it, cutting the finer details, and painting it. We're done with 3 of the towers and starting to get close to putting together the 4th. A lot of the trim is complete and ready to be tacked on. Elizabeth is so excited! We _might_ get it completed and ready for final assembly this weekend if we're lucky and it doesn't rain.
    Are you sure you want to use MDF?

    MDF has been controversial in regard to its use of formaldehyde resins and the associated health risks. Thus, other resins are being considered and used instead of formaldehyde, #1 source for DDO information.

  11. #291


    Well, Codog if you want to field this One I'd appreciate it.

    I'd like to know what the to hit / damage is on glancing blows. You gave the rules for the feats in terms of when they happen, but I'm wondering what they actualy do numbers wise.
    Former Host of DDOcast
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  12. #292
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    Default Codog's Kobold Dinner question

    CoDog asked:
    A nasty kobold appears in front of you 60m to the north. He is running east at a rate of 5m/s. If the kobold is 2m wide (very heavy boned koblod ), how fast does your arrow have to be to hit the kobold if you are aiming and firing at his current position. Extra, extra credit! If you are moving 4.5m/s to the west at the same time, how fast must your projectile be to hit him?

    MysticTHeurge answered the exact question well:
    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    If you're aiming at the center of the kobold you have about 1 meter's worth of movement before he escapes the target. Thus, at 5 meters per second, he'll move out of that range in 1/5th of a second. Thus your arrow needs to travel 60 meters in 1/5th of a second. Or it needs to be going 300 m/s.

    For the extra extra credit, moving 4.5 meters per second west means the kobold's relative velocity is 9.5 meters per second. Thus it's 1/9.5 seconds before he escapes the target and your arrow needs to travel 60*9.5 or 570 m/s.
    But that just got me to thinking about the answer I need to use to hit the danged guy with the current crossbows ....

    the things we need variables for:
    Vk : the kobold's relative speed to us
    d : the distance from use to the kobold
    Vm : the muzzle velocity of our kobold sticker
    t : the time it takes our projectile to reach and stick the kobold
    temp : the temperature the oven needs to be set at to slowly roast the Ko... ah nm that one

    a vector drawing of the distances involved works easiest here so:
    .....................+....................|...kobold path=
    ....+___) ___________________|
    ...................distance to kobold = d

    From the triangle: sin(theta) = (Vk * t)/(Vm * t)
    ..................or.....sin(theta) = Vk / Vm as the time crosses off = arcsin(Vk/Vm)

    Also :..................tan(theta) = (Vk * t)/d
    or, since Vk * t is actually where the bolt hits the Kobold and thus is where you need to aim (lead distance)
    ..........lead distance = Vk * t = d tan(theta)
    So...................lead distance = d tan( arcsin(Vk/Vm) )

    which for the given kobold speed of 5 m/s and the muzzle velocity of 120 m/s gives us a lead distance of 2.5 m to hit center of mass. This aiming spot would actually work for our 2m thick dinner for muzzle velocities anywhere from 100 m/s to 150 m/s....

    Now all we need is a laser range finder and relative velocity meter add-on to our bows

    So, Codog... might it be possible to add this trinket to the loot tables?

    **extra credit - if the relative velocity was 9.5 m/s then the lead distance would be 4.8 m... which would still work for our broad barn kobold at 100m/s to 150 m/s
    Last edited by Tygre; 10-17-2007 at 05:51 PM.

  13. #293
    Community Member Dane_McArdy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drider View Post
    Those bunk beds are awesome! Lucky kids!
    Adults can have those too.

    Um, not that I do...

  14. #294
    Founder Drider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dane McArdy View Post
    Adults can have those too.

    Um, not that I do...


  15. #295
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    I thought the whole purpose of rolling a d20 to-hit was to determine if your skll was high enough to hit a target.... i.e. you know how to lead a target. Easy solution stop with all the arrow having to hit the hit box and just add -4 to-hit if a target is moving.

    Target is moving -4 to-hit
    You are moving -4 to-hit
    You and target moving -8 to-hit
    You have high ground +1 or 2 to-hit

    Just get rid of the physics of arrows.

  16. #296


    Quote Originally Posted by Snike View Post
    I thought the whole purpose of rolling a d20 to-hit was to determine if your skll was high enough to hit a target.... i.e. you know how to lead a target. Easy solution stop with all the arrow having to hit the hit box and just add -4 to-hit if a target is moving.

    Target is moving -4 to-hit
    You are moving -4 to-hit
    You and target moving -8 to-hit
    You have high ground +1 or 2 to-hit

    Just get rid of the physics of arrows.
    Yeah, but DDO likes it's physics. And despite not being an FPSer/Twitcher, I kind of like them too.

    Part of me wishes they were a little more dumbed down, cause then I'd be a lot better at the game. But they are pretty cool.
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  17. #297
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    Yea don't get me wrong I love the fredom DDO has over other games for attacking, but if the physics is ruining ranged attacks including ray spels, just dumb that part down.

    They have already admited it's not working well for ranged attacks.

    You might think that a ray would be like a lazer and love at the speed of light.... but go enlarge a ray and try and hit a moving target... crazy waste of mana.

  18. #298


    Quote Originally Posted by sigtrent View Post
    Well, Codog if you want to field this One I'd appreciate it.

    I'd like to know what the to hit / damage is on glancing blows. You gave the rules for the feats in terms of when they happen, but I'm wondering what they actualy do numbers wise.
    And the % of increase to trigger glancing blows when taking the feat...
    Last edited by Borror0; 10-17-2007 at 07:40 PM., #1 source for DDO information.

  19. #299
    Community Member PhoenixFire31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Codog View Post
    You folks shouldn't worry about me so much! In the morning I get the kids ready for school and walk them to the bus stop. When the kids get home, I help them with their homework, play with them, and sometimes cook dinner ( I make a mean chili! ). After dinner, we spend cuddle time with the kids and read them stories if it hasn't gotten too late. Every night I try to tuck them in to bed. My policy is that when the kids are home and awake try to focus on them.

    This week, my wife has been really tired from her work and has been going to bed pretty early. This has left me with some extra time... between that and insomnia none of my girls have been neglected.

    My folks are coming into town this weekend, so I won't be working.

    We're building a castle bed for my older daughter. About nine months ago I bought the plans for it from a company called Tanglewood Designs.
    You start with 8 sheets of MDF (medium density fiber board) and the plans are crazy! We cut the big pieces a few months ago and since then, I've been slowly assembling it, cutting the finer details, and painting it. We're done with 3 of the towers and starting to get close to putting together the 4th. A lot of the trim is complete and ready to be tacked on. Elizabeth is so excited! We _might_ get it completed and ready for final assembly this weekend if we're lucky and it doesn't rain.

    Then, all we have to do is work on that puppy!


    I need to make my husband do that for Alex! That totally kicks butt!

    Could you email me those plans when you are done? : the comedic gift that keeps on giving!

    Quote Originally Posted by Deaths Ward
    Then by the magic of the mighty ones, someone from Turbine swung the +5 Banishing Banhammer of Greater Cheating A**hole Bane and scored a Nat. 20.

  20. #300
    Developer Codog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PhoenixFire31 View Post
    I need to make my husband do that for Alex! That totally kicks butt!

    Could you email me those plans when you are done?
    Unfortunately, no... I can't. It didn't come in electronic form. They are drawn onto 19x11 draft paper with autocad or something like that.

    So if you are going to do that, here is a list of things you'll absolutely need.

    A table saw
    A jigsaw
    A circular saw
    A miter saw helps but isn't necessarily required

    And LOTS of time and patience. I swear the roof on top of the octogon tower was the biggest exercise in patience. I had to go buy a 9th sheet of MDF.

    And MDF when it is properly sealed is fine. Working with it, you'll want a proper mask and good ventilation. The dust is rather bad for you. One more tip for MDF... make sure you have a blade in your circular saw with some displacement on the teeth. Otherwise, you'll start a great fire in your garage. (not that that happened to me.... *whistles nervously* )

    If you are into building stuff together and have the tools, it is great fun!


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