I so needed to rant about this that yeah, it deserves a new post just for it![]()
And before I start my rant, I just want to say, CODOG, this isn't directed at you personnally (my frustration), the only reason I've put your name in the title is because you're the ONLY one at Turbine who dared to say anything on this, but it was 4 months ago... so I dared to think you'd have the gutts one more time to post on this issue, as no one else wants.
But sadly, absolutely nothing happened since then and we never had any news on it either. So you're simply my personal "Obiwan-Kenobi", my last hope before I go nuts!![]()
And CODOG don't ask me what race/class/weapons/feats, etc.. I'm using, this is COMPLETELY unnecessary. I've tried all range builds possible (so various feats), different races and no matter if I use bows or xbows or repeaters, the fact is, it sucks, all the time, on all races, no matter the class, no matter the level, no matter the feats, no matter the instance, no matter the quest, even no matter if it's rainy or not outside.... the issue is simply omnipresent!![]()
With some luck, maybe Cathy from QA or even Silthe might answer something to all this... So here's the step by step to reproduce the bug![]()
/sarcasm on
1. Create a dexterous toon
2. Buy a range weapon
3. Equip the weapon
4. Buy ammo
5. Equip ammo
6. Pick a quest
7. Enter the quest
8. Pick a mob
9. Fire a couple shots at the mob and you just CAN'T miss what's going on. You really can't miss it cuz it sucks so much that a 5 HPs kobold is gonna be in your face in one sec!!![]()
And in 10 months, no one at Turbine have been able to reproduce that bug!lmao Slow down on the crack guys and get back to work!
Now, if you CAN'T fix it, here are the step by step to do:
1. Admit it once and for all!
2. Put it back to what it was pre-MOD3 before you all messed uselessly with the rate of fire and the reload animation!!! Cuz yeah, it was absolutely useless! Because we "supposedly" were stronger at low-lvls with a unique rate of fire that wasn't increasing as we lvl up (thus not too powerful at all for end-game purpose!), you changed it and now it's completely broken from lvl 1 to lvl 14. Nice fix...
But I probly "lost" all of Turbine in the first steps to reproduce the bug...![]()
/sarcasm off
/rage on
Am I upset? YES! Range being my main attraction in this game, I'm wondering more than ever why the heck I'm losing my time/money with u Turbine. The way you're handling this issue is simply a shame for the whole gaming industry! You're simply stealing our money, selling us (range fans) a "dream" you're not even working on!!!![]()
Like I said in another post about this, this game doesn't have a billion possibilities to offer, but only 3:
1. You play a caster
2. You play a melee
3. You play range
So your game is 33% broken since November 2006 and you don't even seem to care about it, worst, you really don't seem to be aware of this...
/rage off
Now I realize this is way too late to work on this for MOD5, obviously.So I'm gonna be patient a bit more, but if this isn't part of the release notes for the next update after MOD5 release, (which would make it a WHOLE year with crappy range combat), me and my 2 accounts are out of here and maybe I'll be back in 2050 to see if something has been done...
Now, before any stupid trolls wake up and bash the post, realize that:
1. I'm a founder (not on this account of course) so I freakin know what I'm talking about.
2. I like the game.
3. I really like the game!
4. Seriously, I HAVE to love the game to wait so stupidly for so long for a fix that don't even seems to be coming soon...
5. This isn't an useless rant about "I want red pants" or "I want to change my haircut", I'm talking about PERSISTANT BAD GAMEPLAY ISSUE here, not a personal fantasy I want to see in the game!
I just can't be the only one who is upset with the fact they haven't dealt with this issue asap. So if you are too, just bump the post til someome wake up at Turbine. But I'm sure the Cube is gonna wake up first anywayC'mon Cube, eat a DEV, get inside the coding and eat the bug!! EAT THE BUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!