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  1. #301


    Quote Originally Posted by Codog View Post
    And MDF when it is properly sealed is fine. Working with it, you'll want a proper mask and good ventilation. The dust is rather bad for you.
    Yeah, just making sure all the Codog's familly will be alright, we owe you that after all you did for us!, #1 source for DDO information.

  2. #302
    Tasty Ham Hunter Kargon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Codog View Post
    displacement on the teeth. Otherwise, you'll start a great fire in your garage. (not that that happened to me.... *whistles nervously* )
    Bah, this no problamem, just do like kargon: Put out fire with face!

  3. #303
    Community Member Elvish_Ranger's Avatar
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    Default help with rangers

    codog great job on all the info you droped in this forum post but there is one question i have that i have not seen answered yet.

    1. seeing that arrows fly on a physics design, why dont rangers get called shot, melee have vorpal magic has fod, pk, destruction why cant rangers have called shot, you can even just set it up so that on a natural 20 for a ranger you make a called shot into the head of the target going off the scripting of vorpal any creature that may have there head severd normally dies, ie any creature that has a arrow/bolt protruding from there brain normally dies. you can even set it up so that you can call shot like limbchopper, 75% reduction in movement these 2 abilites would make anyone want a ranger because they have natural vorpal at say lvl 14 and natural limb chopper at lvl 14.

    the minor thing i was thinking of is there are already class based weapons in the game why not give class based bows. ie bow of the assasin(shoots poisoned tiped arrows causing 1d4 con damage per hit+ 1d6 con damage in 6 seconds because of poison) or somthing like this that makes the ranger stand out a little but not uberise them.

    hope the bed came out nice and good luck on the puppy only took me 2 hrs to read the full post hehe
    Hevanas lvl 15Ranger1rogue,Innovindil lvl 16Wizard,soulstriker lvl 13 fighter/barb,,ghranrul lvl 4 bard, siegrahm lvl 5 cleric
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  4. #304
    Developer Codog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elvish Ranger View Post
    codog great job on all the info you droped in this forum post but there is one question i have that i have not seen answered yet.

    1. seeing that arrows fly on a physics design, why dont rangers get called shot, melee have vorpal magic has fod, pk, destruction why cant rangers have called shot, you can even just set it up so that on a natural 20 for a ranger you make a called shot into the head of the target going off the scripting of vorpal any creature that may have there head severd normally dies, ie any creature that has a arrow/bolt protruding from there brain normally dies. you can even set it up so that you can call shot like limbchopper, 75% reduction in movement these 2 abilites would make anyone want a ranger because they have natural vorpal at say lvl 14 and natural limb chopper at lvl 14.

    the minor thing i was thinking of is there are already class based weapons in the game why not give class based bows. ie bow of the assasin(shoots poisoned tiped arrows causing 1d4 con damage per hit+ 1d6 con damage in 6 seconds because of poison) or somthing like this that makes the ranger stand out a little but not uberise them.

    hope the bed came out nice and good luck on the puppy only took me 2 hrs to read the full post hehe
    Nice suggestions. I'll talk it over with the lead systems designer in our next systems meeting. We've been bantering around ideas akin to this one since the start of this thread.

    Best wishes,


  5. #305
    Community Member skraus1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Codog View Post
    Nice suggestions. I'll talk it over with the lead systems designer in our next systems meeting. We've been bantering around ideas akin to this one since the start of this thread.

    Best wishes,

    Or you could make it a prestige class such as deepwood sniper or some such, such as the warchanter was the warrior skald. Some nice raid loot bows would be an improvement too as they come too late in the game for people to plan around having said uber bow.

    Now playing on Thelanis because Turbines loves to nerf things.

  6. #306
    Community Member PhoenixFire31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Codog View Post
    Nice suggestions. I'll talk it over with the lead systems designer in our next systems meeting. We've been bantering around ideas akin to this one since the start of this thread.

    Best wishes,

    Skewering enchantment (yes from a splat book) also does the vorpal effect. It's a +5 enchantment and works on all crits (MUST be changed to nat 20's only for obvious reasons ) : the comedic gift that keeps on giving!

    Quote Originally Posted by Deaths Ward
    Then by the magic of the mighty ones, someone from Turbine swung the +5 Banishing Banhammer of Greater Cheating A**hole Bane and scored a Nat. 20.

  7. #307


    Uh... the game already has slaying arrows.
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  8. #308


    I like the idea of a called shot but a simple natural 20 is too easy. I would suggest that his be made into a feat so that other character classes can have access to it, should they want it, and to reflect the specialization that this takes.

    Feat: Crippling Shot
    Prerequisite: +3 BAB, Dexerity 13, Precise Shot
    As a full attack action (read 10 second cool-down timer), the character is able to make a Disarming Shot. This Crippling Shot is made at a -3 attack due to the small target size. On a successful critical strike, instead of rolling double damage the target's movement is slowed by half and takes normal damage. Normal successful attacks are unchanged.

    The target must use its limbs for locomotion for this attack to be effective. Targets with natural weapons are still affected. Targets that are immune to critical hits are also immune to this attack.

    Feat: Disarming Shot
    Prerequisite: +6 BAB, Dexterity 15, Crippling Shot
    As a full attack action (read 10 second cool-down timer), the character is able to make a Disarming Shot. This Disarming Shot is made at a -3 attack due to the small target size. On a successful critical strike, instead of rolling double damage the target is disarmed (-6 to attack for 15 seconds) and takes normal damage. Normal successful attacks are unchanged.

    The target must have an anatomical limb with which it makes attacks, for this attack to be effective. Targets with natural weapons are still affected. Targets that are immune to critical hits are also immune to this attack.

    Feat: Head Shot
    Prerequisite: +9 BAB, Dexterity 17, Disarming Shot
    Description: The character is able to make devastating shots to the head, causing instant death to the target.
    As a full attack action (read 10 second cool-down timer), the character is able to make a Head Shot. This Head Shot is made at a -5 attack due to the small target size. On a successful critical strike, instead of rolling double damage the target is slain (possible Fortitude save added, though I don't think that it is necessary). Normal successful attacks are unchanged.

    Targets that are immune to critical hits are also immune to this attack.
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  9. #309
    Founder binnsr's Avatar
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    And you could get the guy that did the announcement/voiceovers for Unreal Tournament to do the 'HeadShot!' audio when you get one!

  10. #310
    Community Member bobbryan2's Avatar
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    Or just release Heartseeker on bows.

  11. #311


    Quote Originally Posted by Codog View Post
    Nice suggestions. I'll talk it over with the lead systems designer in our next systems meeting. We've been bantering around ideas akin to this one since the start of this thread.

    Best wishes,

    It's a nice idea, Codog, but I would advise against it honestly. Maybe a special bow (Raid loot maybe??) that would do this, but not an ability.

    Basically, Called Shot (melee and ranged) was removed from D&D when they went from 2nd ed to 3rd ed and left out of 3.5 as well. At the higher levels called shot was an abused feature as the player recieved a -8 to their to hits and all they had to do was hit the AC for the shot to work. To many one shot kills were done with the aid of special weapons like vorpal.

    Honestly, the best answer is to change either the trajectory of the arrow so that it leads the target and has a high chance of recieving a roll, or to simply eliminate the physics behind ranged combat all together (aside from line of sight). Eliminating the physics would mean that hitting the attack button generates a roll, regardless of running or any wonky movements.

    It's a touch call on how to improved ranged combat, but as I said, adding something like called shot is one I would advise against. Besides, we need more weapons that are considered special. There are just to damned many vorpals and such in the game now.

  12. #312
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    Codog, thank you for your time and patience. Im glad to see all the positive comments in this thread, and Im happy to see all the hard work you are going through. Your post about your and your wife's sacrifices for this game actually made me tear up.

    I love this game, but I get frustrated when I see all the potential going to waste. Alda's necklace was my first impression with how this game would be, I loved that side quest. Simply because it promoted talking to NPC's that did not have a chalice over their heads. I thought every NPC would have something they are looking for. I also loved the Tangleroot and Co6 quest chains, I was really looking forward to something similar but higher level. I loved the static rewards for those quest chains also, and I felt dissatisfied when the static rewards were randomized.

    Ive always found ranged weapon combat to be sorely lacking. When casters get all sorts of instant death spells and use ranged spell combat, it did not make sense to see Rangers left out in the cold with weapons. I heard it was because in beta a group of 6 rangers could complete every quest in the game and not be touched. Well, a group of clerics or casters can do exactly that. While a group of melee would have a hard time doing that.

    Im also disapointed in the limited item generator. The weapon Retribution gave me hope that maybe there would be weapons with three attributes on them generated as normal loot. But the items are just stale. We need a revamp on the item generator, one that produces Normal non-magical items. Magical items, Rare Magical items, and Unique Items. Rare non-named items that can drop in a multitude of quests. With orange named creatures we should get a chest that has a chance of Rare magical items, things with more than just a prefix and suffix, depending on level of item allow them to have 3-4 prefix/suffix combinations. I know this is probably not your department, sorry about that.

    Anyway, great job with a fantastic game Codog. I am glad to see how hard you are working to get this game in top notch shape.

  13. #313
    Community Member ErgonomicCat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Codog View Post

    And MDF when it is properly sealed is fine. Working with it, you'll want a proper mask and good ventilation. The dust is rather bad for you. One more tip for MDF... make sure you have a blade in your circular saw with some displacement on the teeth. Otherwise, you'll start a great fire in your garage. (not that that happened to me.... *whistles nervously* )

    Ah ha!

    My parents were in town last month and they helped us put in a purgo (sp?) floor, which seems to be similar wood to MDF. Every time we made a cut, we got horrible black smoke from the wood, and a lot of heat. I'm thinking that's the problem for next time. It also melted the plastic edging on each piece of wood.
    I play on Ghall...Gall..Galli...The new Fernia. Lifetaker, Heartbreaker, and Battlemage
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  14. #314
    Developer Codog's Avatar
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    Default Fyi

    Howdy all,

    Just a quick update. I have checked in the speed change to ranged combat with some very promising results into Module 6. Discussions are still in progress related to whether this is hotfix material. Because this touches practically every ranged weapon in the game and QA wants to spend an adequate amount of time testing this fix, we are likely not to see this go live before module 6. Thanks for your patience. I'm afraid that missile weapon aesthetics has suffered a little bit due to the decreased visibility of the projectiles in the air because they are going faster. However, I think the gameplay result is much more satisfying and worth it. Several thousand kobolds and hobgoblins died bringing this to you. There is a mass grave of arrow, bolt, dart, shuriken, hammer, and axe littered corpses just outside of the Stormreach city limits. I would have to say that this was the most comprehensive test I've conducted on ranged combat in different environments with different weapons. A few times in my testing, I forgot I was testing and actually was just having fun.

    In testing these changes, I've discovered a few other pecularities and am exploring them. It seems that some of the bridges in the game have some weird 'phantom geometry' that is blocking missiles (unrelated to the speed change). I'll be working with our content/art team to resolve this problem as well. I expect that some other functional scene elements might also be causing this problem as well. I have to share with you that one of the weird experiments I tried while testing trying to ascertain what was happening in these strange geometry cases was setting the projectile speed to 1 meter a second. It was hilarious to shoot an arrow and walk next to it as it poked over to hit a paralyzed kobold.

    Another great sign in my testing was that under hitch conditions bringing the server to an absolute crawl, missiles were hitting their targets better than I expected. There is still a lot of testing to be performed on this change and some problems with this might arise. I'll keep you informed if anything changes.

    So that is the news hot off the press.

    Good night and best wishes,


  15. #315
    Community Member SteeleTrueheart's Avatar
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    Thank you Codog. Your efforts are really appreciated.
    Khyber - Officer in The Stormreach Thieves Guild
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  16. #316
    Waylander of the Stolen Blade Cambo's Avatar
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    Thanks for the update..

    Love the communication...

    PS did you confirm that rapid reload will impact repeater performance with design team ?


  17. #317
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    Quote Originally Posted by Codog View Post
    .... There is a mass grave of arrow, bolt, dart, shuriken, hammer, and axe littered corpses just outside of the Stormreach city limits.....
    What? No daggers?

    Sorry, had to do it.
    I drink harder than you, ride harder than you and if I have spare time I might just play this game too.
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  18. 10-23-2007, 02:58 AM

  19. #318
    Founder Luthen's Avatar
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    Hey Codog... do some of the other Devs give you the mean look because you're making them look so bad with all this interaction you're having with us? Well worry not if they are... we got yer back. And tell them from us they can learn a thing or two about being honest and forward with information once inna blue moon.
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  20. #319
    Community Member Sillius's Avatar
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    Default Great!

    That's the best news ever.
    I've always like playing a bow user and the rate of fire in DDO is really disappointing/boring.
    So bad that I've given up using bow and melee instead.

    Anyway, thanks for the update. Something to look forward to.

    P/S : hope that it's not like the Rapid Shot feat ( i didn't even notice the diff... lol )

  21. #320
    Founder Cowdenicus's Avatar
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    Codog PWNS all others.

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