The thing is, yea dex can help. yea con can help, and yea Int can even help.
But none are really superior then any others. They just don't mean very much to a sorcerer to make any really big meaningful difference.
Con like mentioned you just don't get much of on a drow sorc anyways, nor really need a ton. WF or Dwarf can get some great con but take the cha hit.
Dex only makes the difference of a couple AC, nothing meaningful. In the same pic where u tank the troll, my 10 AC sorc can tank him better and take less dmg just by using a tower shield instead of a heavy to get the better DR.
Int is just for skill points but can help on defnese too. Your base 10 gets you concentration and umd, but 12 or more gets you skills like jump and balance, which can help a little bit.
Either way, there no big difference between picking the 3 secondary stats. Doing all you mentionned is just a matter of max cha and equipment, bit of dex doesn't change that.
Dang Shade... I'm going to have to change my opinion about you.
I totaly agree, there are different strengths you can play to and each of them has some advantages. The key is almost always taking what you got and making the very most of it.
PS: I gave you a shout out in the next DDOcast podcast because I used your posts on glancing blows as a reference for their damage range.
heh yeah, when all is said and done, my base dex is only 4 points ahead. That's 2 AC. Putting on armor and getting the dex up to 24 or 26 is another story though. You don't see a 12 base dex sorc work hard to get his dex to 20. They don't care to begin with.
Someone that does not care about dex will also not have a high AC.
"What's the point" is the argument.
Tanking the troll was just to show people that it can be done even on elite. That's not to say I recommend running into a room full of trolls and hit shield mode. I did not think I had to clarify that.... It was just a worst case scenario. You will really feel the difference when getting dragon or queen ready and many other quests.
Still, Shade made a good point (cough, I'm choking here making a compliment) that there is not much difference, that the benefits of con, dex and int are similar in how much they benefit in their own way.
This does not mean that 16dex,12con > 12 dex,14con
it MEANS 16dex,12con = 12dex,14con
You got a few less HP, you got a bit better defense again physical and magical damage. That has advantages in some situations and disadvantages in others. Overall it is about the same.
That's kinda the point...
A dexterity sorcerer is a viable alternative (I keep saying that...)
I never said that a dex sorcerer is the only way to go, I was also only talking about elves and drow because they get a bonus to dex, enhancement bonus to dex, penalty to con AND access to arcane fluidity.
The race just screams "con bad, see what you can do with dex thx"
Roa - Fernian Nuker
It is all about the Wisdom! You can't block or cast when held or commanded!
If you don't have 14 wisdom at creation you are a ignorant noob!
goes back to playing his 8 wis chars