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  1. #1
    Community Member Dworkin_of_Amber's Avatar
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    Default Feedback Request: 2xDeathnip Wielding Barbarian

    For those who don't know what Deathnip is, it is a new weapon coming with Mod 5, that can be obtained as a Collectable Reward (more like Relics than current candy) The Deathnip can be found here: And if that still doesn't impress you, remember that Seeker also adds to damage on Crits BEFORE the multiplier, and Maiming adds 3d6 on crit (not multiplied)

    Ok, I've been rolling the idea around in my head for a few days about a piercing specced Two-Weapon Fighting Barbarian. Overall, it is pretty simple in starting stats and feat progression, but there are a few questions that I am still hung up on, and that is mostly over race. There are 4 races that stand out as potentials for this type of build.

    1) Human - Bonus Feat & +1 Human STR can give higher STR than all other builds

    2) Dwarf - Dwarven Toughness, Dwarven Tactics, +4 vs. Enchantment, Racial CON

    3) Warforged - Warforged Immunities, Racial CON

    4) Drow - Racial Weapon Bonus for Rapiers & Shortswords.

    Now, your first reaction is probably, "But Dworkin, the point of the build is for Dual-Wielding Deathnips, which are Heavy Picks"... and this is true, but two things to consider: 1) What weapons will you use until you get 2x Deathnips, and 2) Even with the awsome damage potential of Dual Deathnips, there is a VERY good case for carrying and wielding dual Wounding of Puncturing Rapiers.

    And in all honesty, even with the incredible DPS potential of Dual-Deathnips, I am thinking that the opportunity of doing 1d6+1 Con Damage on 35% of your hits (13-20 crit range when raging) might make for even faster kills than Deathnip... and this is where Drow come into play with the +2 Hit & +2 Damage Enhancements for Rapiers.

    But either way, the build is simple:
    Human 32-point
    STR: 18 + 3 (Levels) + 1 (Human STR 1) + 2 (1750 Tome) + 6 (Item) = 30 (+10)
    DEX: 16 + 1 (Tome) + 5 (Item) = 22 (+6)
    CON: 14 + 2 (Barbarian CON) + 6 (Item) = 22 (+6)
    INT: 8
    WIS: 8 + 1 (Tome) + 1 (Human Wis 1) + 6 (Item) = 16 (+3)
    CHA: 8

    Dwarf/Warforged 32-point
    STR: 17 + 3 (Levels) + 2 (1750 Tome) + 6 (Item) = 28 (+)
    DEX: 16 + 1 (Tome) + 5 (Item) = 22 (+6)
    CON: 16 + 2 (Racial CON) + 2 (Barbarian CON) + 6 (Item) = 26 (+8)
    INT: 8
    WIS 11/9 + 1 (Tome) + 6 (Item) = 18 (+4) / 16 (+3)
    CHA: 6

    STR: 17 + 3 (Levels) + 2 (1750 Tome) + 6 (Item) = 28 (+9)
    DEX: 16 + 1 (Tome) + 5 (Item) = 22 (+6)
    CON: 13 + 1 (Tome) + 2 (Barbarian CON) + 6 (Item) = 22 (+6)
    INT: 10
    WIS: 9 + 1 (Tome) + 6 (Item) = 16 (+3)
    CHA: 10

    1) Two Weapon Fighting
    3) Toughness
    6) Improved Two Weapon Fighting
    9) Improved Critical: Piercing
    12) Greater Two Weapon Fighting

    If Human, then add Power Attack or Weapon Focus: Piercing

    *All stats listed below are assuming Human Build*

    Hit Points
    20 - Heroic Durability
    168 - Barb 14 Base
    84 - Con Bonus
    50 - Barb Toughness 4
    10 - Draconic Vitality
    348 HP without False Life

    9 / 4 / 4 - Barb 14 Base
    6 / 6 / 3 - Stat Mods
    4 / 4 / 4 - Resistance +4 Item
    4 / 4 / 4 - Greater Heroism
    23 / 18 / 15 - Before Rage Mods

    14 - BAB
    10 - STR
    5 - Weapon
    4 - Greater Heroism
    -4 - Two Weapon Fighting with non-light weapon in off-hand
    3 - Rage
    2 - Power Rage 4
    +34 to Hit (+34/+34/+34/+39/+39/+44/+44 for Attack sequence)
    You can also add Rage Pot (+1), Madstone Rage (+2), Haste (+1), Recitation (+2), and Bard Buffs (up to +9) to this.

    Damage - Main Hand
    10 - STR
    5 - Weapon
    3 - Rage
    2 - Power Rage 4
    +22 Damage
    You can also add Rage Pot (+1), Madstone Rage (+2), Recitation (+2), and Bard Buffs (up to +9) to this.

    Damage - Off Hand
    5- STR
    5 - Weapon
    3 - Rage
    2 - Power Rage 4
    +17 Damage

    ****. Not even worth calculating... but I'll do it anyways
    10 - Base
    13 - +5 Mithral FP
    3 - Dex
    3 - Spectacular Optics
    2 - Ring of Balance
    31 Standing AC
    3 - Ranger's Barkskin
    1 - Haste
    6 - Shield of Faith +3
    2 - Recitation
    43 Buffed AC

    7 Attacks per Round wielding Deathnip
    1d6 + 22 (Main Hand) 15-20/x4 While Raging
    1d6 + 17 (Off Hand) 15-20/x4 While Raging
    Dworkin, Benedict, Gerard, Vialle, Beldin... too many to list
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  2. #2
    Community Member Mad_Bombardier's Avatar
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    Dualwielding Deathnips is pretty silly as the Seeker bonus on any item is applied to all attacks. Basically, your 2nd Deathnip is just a +5 Hvy Pick of Maiming. Which is not a very good weapon. A +5 Hvy Pick of Pure Good does more overall damage.

    Alternatively, you can use 2x +5 Hvy Picks of choice and a Bloodstone. Or +1 or +2 Seeker (+10) Lt/Hvy Pick in offhand with Hvy Pick of choice in main hand.

  3. #3
    Community Member Dworkin_of_Amber's Avatar
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    Well, it was a build request from a friend... so call it "Deathnip + SomeOtherNastyDPSPickInTheOtherHand Build"
    Dworkin, Benedict, Gerard, Vialle, Beldin... too many to list
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  4. #4
    Community Member Mad_Bombardier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dworkin of Amber View Post
    so call it "Deathnip + SomeOtherNastyDPSPickInTheOtherHand Build"
    I like it!

    P.S. Posted some info in your attack rate thread. But, can't find anything else in Google cache.

  5. #5
    Community Member Dworkin_of_Amber's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mad_Bombardier View Post
    I like it!

    P.S. Posted some info in your attack rate thread. But, can't find anything else in Google cache.
    I saw that... thanx

    I am working on that Damage Calc... I think I have everything except TWF and then the vs. AC Comparison portion done.... took awhile to compile all the possible buffs for To-Hit and Damage... Of course, next I need to find someone who can convert everything I'm doing in Excel into a Web Page!
    Dworkin, Benedict, Gerard, Vialle, Beldin... too many to list
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  6. #6
    Stormreach Advisor

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    that crit range is pretty silly.
    Now the problem is I'll have a harder time getting good picks for my barbarian, with everyone wanting to make these builds... Picks are one of the weapons that don't drop very often, unfortunately

  7. #7
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    I plan 2 use a Deathnip in my main hand and a +3 Axiomaticburst of Puregood Light Pick in my offhand. The Seeker +8 and 19-20 crit range really just replaced my Bloodstone so that I can always wear my Head of Goodfortune in my trinket slot.
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  8. #8
    Founder Fallout's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HorridForm View Post
    I plan 2 use a Deathnip in my main hand and a +3 Axiomaticburst of Puregood Light Pick in my offhand. The Seeker +8 and 19-20 crit range really just replaced my Bloodstone so that I can always wear my Head of Goodfortune in my trinket slot.
    Might as well go for two Deathnips. Thats what I plan to do. But the thought of spending 30-70 hours grinding to get two
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  9. #9
    Founder Fallout's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mad_Bombardier View Post
    Dualwielding Deathnips is pretty silly as the Seeker bonus on any item is applied to all attacks. Basically, your 2nd Deathnip is just a +5 Hvy Pick of Maiming. Which is not a very good weapon. A +5 Hvy Pick of Pure Good does more overall damage.

    Alternatively, you can use 2x +5 Hvy Picks of choice and a Bloodstone. Or +1 or +2 Seeker (+10) Lt/Hvy Pick in offhand with Hvy Pick of choice in main hand.
    Its the crit range. Its like saying the SOS is just a plain +5 Adam greatsword.

    I made a TWF barb for kicks. If you're going to use power attack with two heavy picks, at the very minimum need greater hero constantly otherwise your to-hit will be in the teens. Bard buffs makes a huge difference.

    I only TWF when I have rage to take advantage of the ST and crit range, otherwise I just use a great axe.

    If you have full bard buffs and rage, two heavy picks will be fun to use, but otherwise using another weapon when not fully buff might make sense.

    If you're going to make a TWF barb, always max out ST. Nothing more important then that.
    Fallout, Unforgiven, Skyline, Radient, Tenken, Sagat (first name not Bob).

  10. #10
    Community Member Mad_Bombardier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fallout View Post
    Its the crit range. Its like saying the SOS is just a plain +5 Adam greatsword.
    Thank you Fallout, I missed that. Although I coulda sworn that the crit range in the screenie was from ImpCrit, but it appears I was mistaken. Thanks again for clarifying.

  11. #11
    Founder Fallout's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mad_Bombardier View Post
    Thank you Fallout, I missed that. Although I coulda sworn that the crit range in the screenie was from ImpCrit, but it appears I was mistaken. Thanks again for clarifying.
    Yah I found that out reading that big Rsia thread. Now there's a barb love fest with TWF the Deathnip A crit range of 15-20 with a X4 multiplier plus maiming.

    After messing around with a TWF barb, TWF picks will be a situational use, really shines when raging and bard buffs against critable mobs.

    But so-so when not fully buff or against uncrittable mobs. I still carry a trusty axe and blunt (the weapon kind, not smoking kind).
    Fallout, Unforgiven, Skyline, Radient, Tenken, Sagat (first name not Bob).

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