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  1. #1

    Default +6 STR Gloves for +6 STR Bracers

    I usually don't hold on to STR bracers, but now I find it a convenient spot for STR on Davey (rerolled). I have several +6 STR gloves, and would like to trade a pair for the bracers. Elf/Drow RR is ok, if any.
    [Founder/Leader of the Bloodlords of Argonnesen]
    [DaveyKhealerAcapellaParlospiGodithGearey Gygax]

  2. #2


    Guildies finally realized the game was more important than those silly jobs, so I'm all good now.

    - Thread Closed -
    [Founder/Leader of the Bloodlords of Argonnesen]
    [DaveyKhealerAcapellaParlospiGodithGearey Gygax]

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