Last edited by Vinos; 10-16-2007 at 01:21 AM.
PM sent
I'm interested in the smiting scimitar, but your also looking for things I'm looking for also. So, find me ingame on zyba,gemli,hilo or singer
Will someone just trade me those bracers so I won't have to keep bumping this thing.
PM sent.
The DDO forums resident kobold.
STOP PICKING ON US!!!!! We don't pick on you. Ummmm..... nevermind.![]()
I really wouldn't have to keep doing this if you would just trade me the bracers or bloodrage necklace.
but but my ranger loves his ethereal bracers loves to pair them with a tortured livewood on the undead beholder![]()
Hevanas lvl 15Ranger1rogue,Innovindil lvl 16Wizard,soulstriker lvl 13 fighter/barb,,ghranrul lvl 4 bard, siegrahm lvl 5 cleric
Sun War Academy from Lhazaar, favorite guild
Knights of Tiamat last known members: Chadzz, Gierwin, Hevanas