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Thread: pvp woes?

  1. #1
    Community Member axebender's Avatar
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    Mar 2006

    Default pvp woes?

    i know pvp has been an issue for a select few. and i too enjoy doing some pvp with friends just to pass the time when nothing else seems to interest me. many people feel fustrated about the caters that are just unbeatable. now im not complaining in d&d casters ultimatley do become significantly stronger then most classes..but i have an idea that may give all the melee types a chance...why not stop tavern regen on hp and sp in the arena. in reallity this never ending pool of man from regen and consuming drinks makes things very unfair. when fighting a caster clerver stagegy must be used beyond the typical hack and slash..if ya can out last a caster sp pool u got this would stop them from having all there metamagic stuff on all at the same time

  2. #2
    Community Member Sybel's Avatar
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    Sep 2006


    The whole reason that casters are unbalanced in pvp is because of the inflated mob hit dice which is due to melee combat being so buffed up in comparison to pnp. Those spells you see being tossed in pvp might roast other toons, but against mobs it usually taked 2 or 3. Limiting sp regen in the pit wouldnt do a thing, as most pvpers use drinks anyway. If you dont want to deal with mages, stop going to the pit that favors them, go fight in house D or the pheonix, or anything but the lobster.

    besides, there really isnt much of a way to balance it, bc if a fighter gets to a caster, that caster is dead. Casters just have to kill em before they get to them, so there really is no middle ground to balance too.

  3. #3
    Stormreach Advisor
    oronisi's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by axebender View Post
    i know pvp has been an issue for a select few. and i too enjoy doing some pvp with friends just to pass the time when nothing else seems to interest me. many people feel fustrated about the caters that are just unbeatable. now im not complaining in d&d casters ultimatley do become significantly stronger then most classes..but i have an idea that may give all the melee types a chance...why not stop tavern regen on hp and sp in the arena. in reallity this never ending pool of man from regen and consuming drinks makes things very unfair. when fighting a caster clerver stagegy must be used beyond the typical hack and slash..if ya can out last a caster sp pool u got this would stop them from having all there metamagic stuff on all at the same time

    Hate to break it to ya, but casters have already been nerfed in a game where they've said adamantely that they will not change the game mechanics for pvp. Casters are not allowed to use many, many spells (aoe, persistant effects) in the only form of pvp anyone does (tavern brawls).
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