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Thread: DDO Crash error

  1. #21
    Community Member TanisSutton's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pikamoo View Post
    I changed my compatibility setting and it stopped crashing.

    I selected on: Turbineluancher, TurbineInvoker, TurbineElevator, dndlauncher, dndclient.

    -Disable visual themes
    -Disable desktop composition
    -Disable desplay scaling on high DPI settings.

    To find all this stuff. I right clicked on the shortcut. Selected properties. Go to File Location. Then Right Click and go to properties on each icon. Selected Compatibility Tab.

    Sorry I was too lazy to narrow down any further to find out which setting and application.
    Dude! How do I disable DPI settings and desktop composition I don't have those options!

  2. #22
    Community Member Ybbald's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pikamoo View Post
    I changed my compatibility setting and it stopped crashing.

    I selected on: Turbineluancher, TurbineInvoker, TurbineElevator, dndlauncher, dndclient.

    -Disable visual themes
    -Disable desktop composition
    -Disable desplay scaling on high DPI settings.

    To find all this stuff. I right clicked on the shortcut. Selected properties. Go to File Location. Then Right Click and go to properties on each icon. Selected Compatibility Tab.

    Sorry I was too lazy to narrow down any further to find out which setting and application.
    I'm trying this right now, but let me say that on another game that crashed a lot, the compatibility worked miracles. It eliminated 99% of the crashes.

    Edit: The game runs perfect now
    Last edited by Ybbald; 01-24-2010 at 01:56 PM.

  3. #23
    Community Member Akristorn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pikamoo View Post
    I changed my compatibility setting and it stopped crashing.

    I selected on: Turbineluancher, TurbineInvoker, TurbineElevator, dndlauncher, dndclient.

    -Disable visual themes
    -Disable desktop composition
    -Disable desplay scaling on high DPI settings.

    To find all this stuff. I right clicked on the shortcut. Selected properties. Go to File Location. Then Right Click and go to properties on each icon. Selected Compatibility Tab.

    Sorry I was too lazy to narrow down any further to find out which setting and application.
    well i tried what you posted for my system and it worked for a while but now it continually crashes my pc in less than 15 minutes.

  4. #24
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    I was running XP Pro 64 and getting crashes occasionally after playing for three years, the first three years NO CRASHES. The crashes were so severe it was taking down my, supposedly, protected operating system, an obvious Microsoft fail, but it only happened when running the DDO client. I tried just about everything. I reinstalled the OS and every application. I replaced over time every single hardware component. I noticed that it only crashed on mouse clicks in game. It crashed more with one character than any others I have. Microsoft provided a patch and it happened less often but often enough to be frustrating. Ultimately, I upgraded to Win 7. Since the upgrade I have had one system crash while playing DDO in the last two months. It's not perfect but I can live with that. I think the issue is part DDO part Microsoft but what do I know.

  5. #25
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    Default DDO wont load up :(:(:(

    Hey guys i really need help, i just downloaded 5gb overnight and now wen i login i just see Bring to front then it quickly looks like it minimizes but is not there, please help me as I really want to strat playing DDO again, Thanks.

  6. #26
    Community Member akiraproject24's Avatar
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    I tried a clean reinstall, although I was running the high res I opted this time around to go with standard res. 10 min into sins of attrition DnD client error follwed by 2 more before the quest was finished. I took the exact compatibility steps from this post and applied them. Running Bastion and will post if I have anymore problems or whether this fixed the issue. Been playing for years like this now I dont think theres any fix to it besides a new PC. Probably like my 20th time taking steps to correct it.
    Pimpin toons since 2006

  7. #27
    Community Member akiraproject24's Avatar
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    2nd floor on bastion DnD client error..When I logged back in I was dead. Just cant play like this anymore.
    Pimpin toons since 2006

  8. #28
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    Default Fix for Windows 7 Dndclient startup crash

    Quote Originally Posted by pikamoo View Post
    I changed my compatibility setting and it stopped crashing.

    I selected on: Turbineluancher, TurbineInvoker, TurbineElevator, dndlauncher, dndclient.

    -Disable visual themes
    -Disable desktop composition
    -Disable desplay scaling on high DPI settings.

    To find all this stuff. I right clicked on the shortcut. Selected properties. Go to File Location. Then Right Click and go to properties on each icon. Selected Compatibility Tab.
    The above fixed my Windows 7 problem ... the dndclient fails after a pop-up asking if I wanted to try Direct X 10.

    ALSO however, I had to set those five programs named above to Windows XP compatibility mode.

  9. #29
    Community Member Flufferandos's Avatar
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    Default Bilge solution

    Quote Originally Posted by NameisToad View Post
    I was having this problem as well, until I removed some of my RAM.

    Windows XP and Vista 32-bit are limited to 4GB of RAM, but some of the RAM space is used for video RAM (on your video card) and the memory spaces used by I/O controllers and network adapters.

    Since my machine had 4GB of RAM, it had the true RAM and the vRAM in the same virtual locations, and this caused conflicts that caused every high-RAM game to crash. I had Sim City, Civilization 4, and DDO all crash due to unknown memory errors.

    I chose to remove 1 of the 4 sticks of RAM in my machine, and all those errors went away. My machine still reports 3GB of RAM (as it should now, since that's what's actually in it) and it works much more fluidly.

    If your machine is reporting anything more than 3GB of RAM, you probably have 4GB of phyisical RAM in the machine, and this problem is not caused by Turbine, but rather by Microsoft, who did not anticipate that people would want to increase their RAM this far.

    Please note that 64-bit versions of Windows do not suffer from this limitation, but they have much larger problems with games and hardware drivers that can cause all kinds of similar and not-so-similar errors.
    What full and absolute BS. removing your physical memory because it clashes with video RAM absolute nonsense.
    SHARED VIDEO RAM is exactly that. if SHARED with video its not available for program execution.

    Read "PC's for Dummys '" before submitting such faulty information.

    Cards with their own Video memory are in a different Address range, so these wont lead to your answer being correct either.

  10. #30
    Community Member Flavilandile's Avatar
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    Holy Necro.
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