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  1. #1
    Community Member axebender's Avatar
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    Default beating a dead horse?

    i hate to beat a dead horse guys but I.....WANT....PSIONICS.... probably not likely in the near future as the new mod is hard enough to get out there but just really ..reallly reallly reallly want them. i know i know ..more of ya want monks and druid but not me I WILL NOT STOP gimmee what i want and i will

  2. #2


    Here ya go:

    Only great AD&D series to incorporate psionics.

    At one point the devs/producer said in IRC that psionics was unpossible in DDO based on engine capabilities as well as priority of such a sweeping implementation. It's been requested a number of times.
    Casual DDOaholic

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Gratch View Post
    Here ya go:

    Only great AD&D series to incorporate psionics.

    At one point the devs/producer said in IRC that psionics was unpossible in DDO based on engine capabilities as well as priority of such a sweeping implementation. It's been requested a number of times.
    Eberron Incoporates Psionics..

    The Race Kalashtar was heavily made with the idea behind Psionics..

    That said.. Kalashtar are not in DDO... would love to see them and psionics... but I do not expect it for many years.

    Heddar Dwarf Fighter L 17, Celidaer Elf Wizard L 17, Merinid Drow Bard L 16,
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  4. #4
    Community Member captain1z's Avatar
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    I want capes...............

    but thats just me.

  5. #5
    Community Member axebender's Avatar
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    yea i hear ya me too

  6. #6
    Community Member issiana's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by captain1z View Post
    I want capes...............

    but thats just me.
    I'd love capes as well. but would just settle for a simple new hair cut (aka the ability to change our appearance after character creation)
    Somedays your the Bug
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  7. #7
    Community Member GreatCzarsGhost's Avatar
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    I want a /flip the bird emote, but I aint going to get it so.... iIi.
    Somewhere in Texas there's a village missing it's idiot

  8. #8
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    Psionics would be cool, but wizards, sorcs, and clerics already fill the role of CC, which is all a psionic character would really do. I think the devs have other priorities than a redundant class.

  9. #9
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    I want a dead horse to drag around and chew off pieces when I'm hungry in a dungeon

  10. #10
    Community Member Grizzt14's Avatar
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    ya kinda of think psionics would be kinda of waste with lots of similar classes out currently
    Degenerate Matter

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  11. #11
    Community Member In_Like_Flynn's Avatar
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    Cool Good Idea!

    Monks and Druids have been done. Psionicists! Now there's some wow for DDO.
    H A R A H A R A - H A R A M A K I - H A R A S E K U
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  12. #12
    Founder Drider's Avatar
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    Whenever I hear Psionics in D&D I think of total powergaming. Though I mainly remember it from 1st Edition where it was just god awful powerful.

  13. #13
    Community Member Solstyse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by In Like Flynn View Post
    Monks and Druids have been done. Psionicists! Now there's some wow for DDO.
    Idon't know Psio's were done in Vanguard and they came off like a poor mans Enchanter. WIth neater sounding spells, but that was about it.
    So, till Sony buys Turbine make mine DDO.
    When you're pushed killing is as easy as breathing, unless your underwater then neither is really that easy.

  14. #14
    Community Member axebender's Avatar
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    psionist would not be useless in game by no means they are a bit different from regular casters. as for them being overpowered nah dont see it 3.5 psions are different from 2nd and 3rd addition. it just brings a great new flavor to this game.

  15. #15
    Founder Garth_of_Sarlona's Avatar
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    It doesn't take a Kalashtar to know they're never going to put psionics into the game.

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    Tibetan 20/mnk Automatic DDO raid timers Haezon 20/sor (Conj)

  16. #16
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drider View Post
    Whenever I hear Psionics in D&D I think of total powergaming. Though I mainly remember it from 1st Edition where it was just god awful powerful. was pretty much the only way to successfully fight gods...

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by Lorien the First One View Post was pretty much the only way to successfully fight gods...
    I'll quote one of my roomate's players: "I'm not a powergamer, the only time I powergamed was when I wrote psion level 1 on my character sheet.", #1 source for DDO information.

  18. #18
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    Psionics have come a LONG way since 1st edition

    I personally loved them in 3.0, but I won't complain too much about what they did to them in 3.5

    The reason I love them so much in PnP is that they are on a power point system, much like the casters in DDO... Vancian(sp?) magic systems are VERY lame imo.

    Also, altho many of their powers mimic spells wizards and clerics already posses, I favor the variety of their powr list a little more than the traditional wizard/cleric spell list.

    I can appreciate that it would require a great deal of development to incorporate it into a magic based world, with all the powers/feats/items/enhancements involved.

    One suggestion that would save a LOT of time however would be adopting the optional rule in PnP psionics = magic... IE SR = PR (spell resistance = power resistance), and to entirely leave psionic combat out of the game... IE no my ego whip vs. you intellect fortress, etc.. only impiment the power list... and only implement feats/items mirroring pre-existing arcane modifying feats/enhancements/items. Once you have a base which yes blandly mirrors the arcane casters, you can begin to gradually give the mental casters their own flavor.

  19. #19
    Community Member issiana's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorien the First One View Post
    I want a dead horse to drag around and chew off pieces when I'm hungry in a dungeon
    I cant believe everyone missed this absolutely awesome idea!

    i'll go for this one anyday, hehe
    Somedays your the Bug
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  20. #20
    Founder Sojourner's Avatar
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    You'd think Psionics would be relatively easy to implement.
    * Use a fatigue system that mimics the current mana system.
    * Most of the psionic powers would have similar effects to current in-game spells.
    * Swipe a majority of the rules for the psionic powers from the rules already in place for similar spells.
    * Add a few new powers and effects, and some new graphics for them, and presto! a new class.

    I would expect it to be much easier to do than druids with animal companions and shape-shifting.

    But -- I'm also surprised they don't have Shifters as a race in the game.
    * Use human models as a base for the avatars.
    * Don't have to animate the shifts since most of them are fairly subtle (increased speed, increased strength, increase DR, etc)
    * Use barbarian rage as a model for invoking shifts

    Quote Originally Posted by Aspenor View Post
    Psionics would be cool, but wizards, sorcs, and clerics already fill the role of CC, which is all a psionic character would really do. I think the devs have other priorities than a redundant class.
    From that point of view, once you have a class for each of the archtypes - DPS, Healing, CC, Support (Fighter, Cleric, Wizard, Rogue) all other classes are redundant.

    Looking at monks on the D20 SRD pages, I am completely underwhelmed with them. Would much rather see a Kalashtar than yet another melee character.

    Thelanis, The Band of the Shifting Sands:
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