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Thread: Rogue ability

  1. #1
    Community Member Gratan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default Rogue ability

    I had an idea about a new rogue ability, I figured I would share it.

    Disable Magic Device - Rog10 - Able to active/disable Magic Traps or Runes. A Rogue would get to use only 1/2 of there disable skill and if it is a trap there is still a chance that it explodes. In the case of runes they would still get to use only 1/2 there disable skill(as runes are magical) and the DC should be twice the stat needed to activate.

    This ability falls right in line with the rogues skill set and gives them more usablity in a wider range of quests.

    What do you guys think?
    Hargrave 20 Pally 1/2ling * Saraph 20 N Human Clr * Azureflame 14/2 CG WF Wiz/Rog * Grimstone 12/2/6 CG Dwf Rgr/ftr/Barb * Ebinn 17/3 Clr/Pally Dwf * Settsu 20 Dwf Monk LN * Nythh 8 Fvs Lg Human * Krisi 20 Sorc Drow LG * Cinderblok 6/12/2 Rgr/Ftr/Mk WF LG

  2. #2
    Community Member Tenkari_Rozahas's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2006


    really they should add the Ability to emulate Stat scores with UMD. From the SRD:

    "Emulate an ability score See text

    Emulate an Ability Score: To cast a spell from a scroll, you need a high score in the appropriate ability (Intelligence for wizard spells, Wisdom for divine spells, or Charisma for sorcerer or bard spells). Your effective ability score (appropriate to the class you’re emulating when you try to cast the spell from the scroll) is your Use Magic Device check result minus 15. If you already have a high enough score in the appropriate ability, you don’t need to make this check."

    thus to emulate say, a 20 Wisdom, you would have to roll at least a 35 total... of course, with as high as UMD can get, these would be like auto-pass things at later levels.
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