I'm relatively new to DDO. About a month ago on my first toon (at the time, a lvl 8 pally), I was in a party facing a golem and asked "what's the best weapon to kill a golem?"
A higher level member in the party asked a few polite questions like "how long have you been playing?" and "do you have any rare items?". Anyway, long story short... he handed me a Mace of Smiting (+1 smiter, adamantine).
I didn't realized what a great gesture this was at the time. Now I'm a level 12 and realize that it was really, really kind of that guy to offer me this weapon.
I've since taken to doing the same to strangers.
So, I wanted to say 'thanks' to whoever-that-was.... and wondered if anyone else has been really helped out by a total stranger...?
Pally 12 - Argonnessen