So something had been eating at me for the last few days, and I think I found it:
Now, don't get me wrong, I've always detested the way Von6 has been run. Always felt dragging to home was "cheap". But, that said, I'm wondering how this new mechanic will work.
For a group of locked and loaded level 14's, this won't pose a problem. But for a group of level 8-10's or so, this might be a nightmare. Even on normal.
So my questions are: will the base mobs continue to respawn? or can I put or more than one toon on a base without drawing Velah's wrath?
My concern is a level 10 fighter is going to have one heck of a time by himself tackling those flensers unless he is fully uber-ized. I highly doubt a new player's untwinked first toon is going to be able to roll 3 of them up at once. Or the earth elementals for that matter.
Now, if I can run 1 man/bridge at a time to the base and load it up without Velah flaming us, cool. But if I put two toons on the base and she flames us along with the mobs, this could be a disaster for those who haven't acquired high-end gear.
Understand, I don't want it to be easy, but the reason people used to exploit this was it was near impossible at that level to single-handedly clear the base and drop the pillar before they respawn. Now that the "technique" is gone, all bets are off.
I'm guessing bards will now become the raid group's new best friend. But if you don't come with fascinate or 5 billion disco balls, you might be hosed.
I mean, our guild is thinking up what new strategies we can use as we speak,, and it won't stop us from running it, but I'd just like to get other's feelings on this, and maybe a dev response on if any other mechanics are changing.
After all, I want to encourage the youngsters to try it, not just let it become the playground of the capped 14's.
Just tryin to help the noobs survive long enough to have a small chance at success,