Dear DDO Developers,

#1 Could every player, that is, your paying customers : ) - please have the option to check box on a new feature (aka mail white list) which would only allow mails to be received from:

1) all of their created characters to their other characters
2) all of the players on their current Friends list
3) all of their Guild members

But, NO ONE ELSE-like all these transient 'dfxywff' type characters/people out there constantly sending us all Terms of Service violating solicitations to purchase with real money DDO platinum/items!

#2 In addition to the current 'Score Card' CTRL-X end of quest report's 'player monster number of killed list', could we please also have next to each player's name there, a 'Total Monster Hit Points Damage Inflicted' statistic for each party member?

(I'm tired of people stealing my kills! lol which btw, is ultimately a waste/counterproductive to 'winning' a given (Elite) quest, ideally, a cooperative party would purposefully try not to 'steal kills' form each other at the last moment of a monster's health, but do the opposite)

Total damage inflicted though, would be a more accurate statistic of a player's overall effectiveness, don't you agree?

#3 Congratulations on the major improvement to the Auction House search function. It is much more ergonomic and functional now. I would like to see in the future it taken one step further though, with a simple stand alone global Keyword Search function. So that, for example, I could click on Keyword Search and type in "Ghost Touch" and all Ghost Touch items would be listed, or any such items matching the entered keyword from the item's description or title. Please include the ability to utilize quotes to specify an AND or truely exact phrase search, or an OR search for multiple words without quotes by default.

(By the way-currently there is no way to specify single level search or level X to X search, where X is the same level number twice, you might want to add that functionality.)

#4 It is my opinion, and I would like to see in the future, that when my character takes off a Spell Point Power I, II, II etc. item, and then later puts that Power item back on, that his/her extra Spell Points from that item, should also come back (like Hit Points with a Constitution item). After all, why should the Power item effectively lose it's 'power' just by taking it off? Currently, those Spell Points are lost, and not regained until the character rests again with the Power item equipped.

Creatively Yours,

Wishing you success and future great development new, attractive and ergonomic ideas,

David J. aka Lavaedia/SunStormWar/Saeriak/Saeria/Atraedies/Vaelon/Aedarr