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  1. #1
    Community Member xmonk06's Avatar
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    Default Show some love for the 28s.

    I still play the first toon I rolled on the first day and have made him the best possible. He is a blast to play but with all the 32 point builds the 28s are gimped. Now I am a causal player and don’t have time to just re-roll all my favorite toons and re-outfit them. Couldn't we have a faction reward the would give the 28s the four extra stat points they are lacking?
    Last edited by xmonk06; 09-20-2007 at 12:20 PM.

  2. #2
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    4 point isnt a hugh amount when you really look at it. Many 28pt builds who have run a lot of loot runs over the year or so could have more stat points than a lot of 32s just from all the 2-3 tomes.

  3. #3
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    I'm running a 28 pt human sorc on Ghallanda, my main server is Argonnessan with all drow and 32 point builds.

    Frankly, my 28 pt human on Ghallanda utterly pwns everything. So I really don't understand what you are talking about.

    My 28 pt human > 95% of drow and 32 pt sorcs

  4. #4
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xmonk06 View Post
    I still play the first toon I rolled on the first day and have made him the best possible. He is a blast to play but with all the 32 point builds the 28s are gimped. Now I am a causal player and don’t have time to just re-roll all my favorite toons and re-outfit them. Couldn't we have a faction reward the would give the 28s the four extra stat points they are lacking?
    I don't think it matters that much really (not that I would turn it down). The 28s are hardly gimped. If you are the min/max type all it would get you was 1 more point on your top stat anyway.

    If you were applying this to a secondary stat it would make more difference, but at most it would give you a +2 bonus to something that was minor in your build. (ie, if you had a low wis because you used it as dump stat you might gain +2 to will save).

    It's nice, its hardly huge and gimping not to have them brought up to 32 pt.

  5. #5
    Community Member Qzipoun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aspenor View Post

    I'm running a 28 pt human sorc on Ghallanda, my main server is Argonnessan with all drow and 32 point builds.

    Frankly, my 28 pt human on Ghallanda utterly pwns everything. So I really don't understand what you are talking about.

    My 28 pt human > 95% of drow and 32 pt sorcs
    Well this is the way I see it:

    Yes, it IS possible for a 28pt human to "pwn" other builds including drow and 32pts... BUT imagine that same 28pt human with additional points in some stats, it can't HURT can it? My point is, no, 28pts are not necesarly gimped, but the exact same build transfered from 28 to 32 pts can't be worse off!

  6. #6
    Community Member xmonk06's Avatar
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    I am not saying the 28s can't make elite toons but with the same build and gear the 28 will always be lacking as compaired to a 32. Four points can go a long way if used wisely and combined with a few tomes.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by xmonk06 View Post
    I am not saying the 28s can't make elite toons but with the same build and gear the 28 will always be lacking as compaired to a 32. Four points can go a long way if used wisely and combined with a few tomes.
    Who cares? Is it really necessary to be the "most mathematically uber?"

  8. #8
    Community Member xmonk06's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aspenor View Post
    Who cares? Is it really necessary to be the "most mathematically uber?"
    Umm, isn't that the point.

    I know I have never seen a level 14 in masterwork. We all want to be the best we can, Don't we? I’ve never seen anyone that wanted to use poor equipment or pass on a +2 strength tome because it would make them hit just to hard. Who strives to be average? What fun is that?

  9. #9
    Community Member Emili's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snike View Post
    4 point isnt a hugh amount when you really look at it. Many 28pt builds who have run a lot of loot runs over the year or so could have more stat points than a lot of 32s just from all the 2-3 tomes.
    I guess you missed the part saying he was a casual player... I do not think his 28 point build is layered up with +2 and +3 tomes nor will it be in the near future.

    As for the OP... the difference between a 28 pointer and a 32 pointer is not really that grave. It's 4 build points (even in a min/max to the guy touting is not so much there). 4 points can make a difference in a few ways... 14-24 more HP, +1 to +2 to AC or +1 or +2 to any save.

    The biggest difference in a character though is gear. ie.) +2-+3 tomes, +5 mith fp topped with +5 protection, SoS etc... a character layered with +6 stat items and +2 or +3 tomes and with weapons and items of power is what makes a huge difference. If people stripped down the gear they'd find approximately 1/4 to 1/3rd of that characters power and survivability was in that gear. It enhanced the base build... In my year and a half of playing I've seen some peoples mediocre builds suddenly flurish due to luck of getting items.
    Last edited by Emili; 09-20-2007 at 12:37 PM.
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by xmonk06 View Post
    Umm, isn't that the point.

    I know I have never seen a level 14 in masterwork. We all want to be the best we can, Don't we? I’ve never seen anyone that wanted to use poor equipment or pass on a +2 strength tome because it would make them hit just to hard. Who strives to be average? What fun is that?
    Nobody. Personally, I'd rather be able to tell somebody "hah, well my 28 pt just pwned your 32."

    And what does this have to do with the original idea of handing out stat points? I don't see the parallel.

  11. #11
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    We already do. Its called the +2 Favor Tome... THis takes a 28pt build and adds 6 (THeoretically More is you started at a Max Stat) to the build. Sure, if you take a 32 Pt Character up to 1750 you get another... But meh... Who cares....

    No one buy YOU knows for a fact whether a character is 32 point build or not... My Main Cleric is a 28pt build... I've never had anyone question his contribution to a party.
    °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸A R C H A N G E L S °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸

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    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    We don't envision starting players with Starter Gear and zero knowledge playing on Hard or Elite.

  12. #12
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    If you have your 32 point build already, then your 28 point build got some love and those extra 4 points that you lost in getting a +2 Tome for your 28. Of course, then again, your 32 pt build will get a +2 tome for getting the 1750 favor to, but oh well. I still love my 28 pt builds. Don't think I'll ever re-roll them.

  13. #13
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  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by xmonk06 View Post
    I still play the first toon I rolled on the first day and have made him the best possible. He is a blast to play but with all the 32 point builds the 28s are gimped. Now I am a causal player and don’t have time to just re-roll all my favorite toons and re-outfit them. Couldn't we have a faction reward the would give the 28s the four extra stat points they are lacking?
    28pts vs. 32pts

    Those missing 4 pts do not gimp you. If you are gimped because of that, you would definitely reroll because your character isn't just gimped vs. 32pt builds, it is also gimped vs. 28pt builds.

    My main is a 28pt Elf and I do just fine.

    Of course, I wouldn't complain if they offered us some extra points
    Last edited by Roguewiz; 09-20-2007 at 12:45 PM.
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  15. #15
    Community Member Zenako's Avatar
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    Part of the problem is probably due to perception.

    As a self proclaimed casual player, the odds of you having the same caliber of gear and tome boosts is a lot lower than many players with multiple 32's running about.

    Stripped down bare naked, a 32 point vs a 28 point build might be almost impossible to see the difference in. In any min/max build the odds are that the prime stats are already covered by the build so the extra points just go into shoring up a secondary aspect of the build. Does it help, sure. Does it make a real difference, depends, but probably not a lot, and certainly less than the gear the character has gotten will make.

    Also do not forget that it is 4 build point, not simple 4 stat points, so getting a buffed stat up will take most of those points right there.

    Does taking a 14 CON to a 15 Make much difference? It might make a little, or affect what items you are happy with. It might mean that a +5 CON belt will be just as good for you as a +6 would have been. There is very little practical differnce between a 20 and 21 CON in game play. Same thing hold true with all stats. (If every point of stat made a game play difference, the impact would be more pronounced.)
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  16. #16
    The Hatchery GeneralDiomedes's Avatar
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    If you want to be the uberest, you have to play the mostest!

    Please either reroll or get over your complex.
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  17. #17
    Community Member xmonk06's Avatar
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    It's true we get some love at 1750 but so do the 32s. You may be able to get more stat points for awhile but the 28s when compared on an equal basis will always be less then their 32 point counter parts.

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    So you want to make 28=32?

  19. #19
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    My two main chars are still 28 pointers, as is my cleric. None of them will ever get rerolled, I enjoy them just as they are. My 2 capped 14s are 28 pointers, and I have gotten them both to 1750 favor so they have their +2 tomes from that, but have no tomes used anywhere else. Only stat boosting items, and they are both completely viable and up to par with other 32 pointers.

    Alot of it isnt 28 or 32 point builds. Alot of the differences is in ability to play and item accumulated that helps determine the viablility of the character. Not that the OP is a bad player or is lacking good items, but the stat benefit is actually lessened a bit the higher in level you get, and is most beneficial at lower levels (at least from my experience).

    Although I am not against the idea the OP suggests, I really don't think it is entirely necessary.

  20. #20
    Community Member Emili's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roguewiz View Post
    28pts vs. 32pts

    Those missing 4 pts do not gimp you. If you are gimped because of that, you would definitely reroll because your character isn't just gimped vs. 32pt builds, it is also gimped vs. 28pt builds.

    My main is a 28pt Elf and I do just fine.

    Of course, I wouldn't complain if they offered us some extra points
    I agree... but I do know the OP's point. Here's something to think about. If you look at my sig below you'll see Emilee and Emili, Emili is my main... she was rolled up and rerolled as a 32 point (and topped off with a favor tome also). However, at the time and don't ask me of my thinking - rather silly looking back - I built Emilee (a 28 pointer) to run my original 1750 favor because I felt I did not wish to run Emili up to 1750 get a tome just to scrap her.

    Now then, both fighter's are very similar builds with just a few differences and guildies who play with me will often tell me they seem to play the same. In reality though I do feel a difference in the way they handle. Emili is a tad bit more robust and survivable than Emilee... yes I play them the same and yes they're feated slightly different - very minute at that - but I must play Emilee a bit harder and a bit more cautious to achieve the same results I get with Emili. ie.) I often solo the vons 1-4 for marking dragon readiness... the mean time Emili will take will always be about 5 -10 minutes quicker than Emilee for von 3 for instance. Why? well she uses less resources. Does this mean Emilee is gimped? No not at all.
    Last edited by Emili; 09-20-2007 at 01:23 PM.
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