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Thread: Raid Mechanics

  1. #1
    Community Member LargusMeans's Avatar
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    Default Raid Mechanics

    With the new raid loot system coming with Mod 5, can we please get VoNs and DQ changed for the way the raid is accessed. With having to run repeated quests to get access to these two quests, I think the frequence of these being run will drastically decrease. It would be nice that once you get tabbed for the raid you just have to run the 6-man to get to the DQ raid, and only run VoN 5 to get to the dragon.


    Skitmar Guthorm 16th Human Conan UMD Barbarian(10)/Fighter(4)/Rogue(2)
    Tarith Larz 16th Dwarf Barbarian

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Jan 2006

    Default Dont know if thats a great idea.

    Frequently, I run and rerun those chains to get flagged in PUGs and almost every time there is 1 or more people who are first timers. I think for these people, finding a group would really tough. Also as someone who doesnt really have a main and plays many different charaters all equally, it makes it very easy to get newer guys flagged for the chains that must be repeated as opposed to the ones that dont. Reaver is still easy to flag Ill admit, but what happens when the new stuff comes out? You think people will be running them as frequently?

    I'm prolly in the minority but I think it is somewhat helpful to newer players to have to run these flag chains from the start.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by LargusMeans View Post
    With the new raid loot system coming with Mod 5, can we please get VoNs and DQ changed for the way the raid is accessed. With having to run repeated quests to get access to these two quests, I think the frequence of these being run will drastically decrease. It would be nice that once you get tabbed for the raid you just have to run the 6-man to get to the DQ raid, and only run VoN 5 to get to the dragon.

    Exactly. Since I feel compelled to be devil's advocate today, I say every raid should flag like DQ and Dragon, and ALL raids should roll-over like Dragon and Titan. (one goes into the other, no doing it at your leisure). After all, it's like you are walking through a door to the next fight (except Reaver I know, but still....)

    They are RAIDS after all....make them MEAN something other than "quest". And if you are SOOOOO uber you can't flag it again cuz you need all your loot now, now, now, and can't spend 1 hour flagging....tough pa-tooty.

    Dev's, please DO NOT pander to these people and make the game even easier.

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  4. #4
    Stormreach Advisor

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    I'm not convinced by the reasoning. I regularly work to get ready for the DQ and Velah, and yet I've never short-manned them.

  5. #5
    Community Member Cyr's Avatar
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    tihocanI'm not convinced by the reasoning. I regularly work to get ready for the DQ and Velah, and yet I've never short-manned them.

    Huh funny thing there...Have run DQ maybe 50-60 times (just a guess but pretty accurate) and dragon maybe 50 times also...yet I have found that even with running in guild most of the time those groups tend to be short manned largely from peps saying "I'm not ready, can you guys all wait for me to do them all" Well not exactly saying that, but you get my point Yet on the reaver/titan tend to have larger groups and everyone has more fun. DQ I have not run even close to full man since the raid first came out...usually run it 2-4 man since that is who is ready not from any real loot concerns. Reaver have run 2 man, but generally run it with much more. As for never running short manned, omg it is rare to run a raid non-short manned let alone those unless you pug out every last spot (which is not needed in most cases and actually makes things harder due to the do this and you will fail type nature of most ddo raids).

    So I say I love how the reaver works. People log on in guild, we say hey lets run a reaver and people can get together for a moderatly quick run. Let's our more casual players raid more. Got to say that Turbines push recently has definetly been in catering to the casual player base and doing as the OP suggests would help them catch raids when they happen to be on. Sure there would be more dragon loot/ DQ loot out there, but who cares the "elite" players have all that already and I got to say running the vons and DQ prep was fun first few times after that not so much so this would be of benefit to the power gamers and casual gamers. It makes zero sense to base an argument around the fact that if it was a one time flag the casual players would never get through them...the power gamers I know all help out guildies (even casual ones) with raid prep...and they would be even more eager to do so if they only had to do it once per person!
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