Originally Posted by
Beherit Baphomar
There is a thread in General Discussion about Deathmatch/Arena PvP options, I thought Id bring it to Development with the hope someone see this issue.
Well, if anyone has ever tried to use this feature they'll know that its broke.
The matchup can take 60 minutes + to complete.
See, what I think happens is the system tries to match up everyone, severwide, and place them in teams, then into the arena. Well...its an awesome idea, but it doesnt work. Or at best works very, very badly.
We ran a PvP night in our guild and when everyone was bored with me killing them we decided to try deathmatch/arena. So we went into two different groups, chose the same destination, and waited. And waited. And waited. And waited....well, after a very long wait two teams of three got into the Arean and it was FREAKIN AWESOME!
Devs, can you tell us what the problem is with this feature? Can you tell us how to get it to work? Can you fix it? Its one of the most fun things Ive done in this game and if you fixed the time-delay issue Im positive alot more people would use it.
It really is worth the time to look at Devs, its a wonderful addition to the game and guilds could have a blast. Personally, Id schedule an event at least once a week for our guild...
PvP is a part of the game you hate or you love. Personally, I enjoy doing it before I log off for the night, although rarely. Deathmatch/Arena isn't even PvP if you ask me...Grease works there, cloudkill, firewall, solid fog....its just fun...
Please Devs, tell us how to use this feature properly and fix it so that we dont have to wait an hour to zone in....give us an option to create parties inside the zone or something...let us zone in and go from there...something to stop the long wait times.
Much appreciated,
(Oh and please, dont post if yer gonna say something like "OMGZ!! It wurkz 4 me evry time, IDK wat u r doin rong! OMGZ!")