OK- if you had your way, what improvements to halflings (besides a better run) would you like to see?
I have built some decent, not amazing toons, but where they fall short seems to be on keeping up on the weapons. Any halfling build can match the same to-hit of another race, with the size bonus and -1 to damage from strength, but what about the enhancements? Dwarves have their axes, and many other great enhancements. Elves and drow have nice weapon lines, too. How about a halflling weapon enhancement line for some of the smaller stuff. Kukris, daggers, light maces, light hammers? Something in there should be halfling-specific.
Halflings deserve more than to be just good at saves and have great dragonmarks. Remember, in Eberron, the Halflings are supposed to be barbarian tribes from the Talenta Plains! They don't ride their dinosaurs up to their prey and take it out with....darts?!?!
Post if you've got ideas on this or any other needed changes to halflings besides the improvements on halflling luck that are coming.