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  1. #1
    Community Member Twerpp's Avatar
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    Default Tempest Spine was a blast...can we have another?

    I would like to see a lvl 14 no-flag raid like Tempest, it's so much fun!

    Reaver with the no-need-to-reflag is kind of like this but lets admit it, Reaver isn't as fun as Tempest. No need to put raid loot in it but some nice named items would be good and of course a healthy lvl 14 loot table and good XP.

    Just as an example, I really love Gianthold Tor as a quest, think how much fun it would be if you could grab the guildies and blast through it on elite with 12 people!

    It was a lot of fun running Tempest, and now that the cap has gone up theres not a whole lot of incentive at the moment.

  2. #2
    Community Member Laith's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twerpp View Post
    It was a lot of fun running Tempest, and now that the cap has gone up theres not a whole lot of incentive at the moment.
    Except "fun", of course.
    I'm not gonna lie, why people would play a game other than "to have fun" is beyond me. If TS was really so "fun", you should still be playing it occasionally. If it was for the loot, then yes: there is no longer any incentive. MMOs are funny that way.
    edit: can't argue though, another TS would be fun.
    Last edited by Laith; 09-17-2007 at 02:17 PM.

  3. #3
    Community Member Twerpp's Avatar
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    I have went back and played it for fun, with PUG, naked etc, etc.

  4. #4
    Community Member Laith's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twerpp View Post
    I have went back and played it for fun, with PUG, naked etc, etc.
    awesome! i do too.

    now that it's not a primary loot run, running it tells turbine that we enjoyed for more than the pretty drops.

  5. #5
    Community Member Akhad_Durn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Laith View Post
    Except "fun", of course.
    I'm not gonna lie, why people would play a game other than "to have fun" is beyond me. If TS was really so "fun", you should still be playing it occasionally. If it was for the loot, then yes: there is no longer any incentive. MMOs are funny that way.
    edit: can't argue though, another TS would be fun.
    Oddly enough I do run it when I see a PUG forming for it (and they'll take me ). I just can't help myself, its still fun.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lewis Carroll
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  6. #6
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    I agree with the Twerp, its really a fun raid. If its being run I join if I have anyone within the level range. Naked runs with your L14s can also be fun.

    I'd love to see a TS style raid available both at lower levels (maybe make a beefed up Irestone a raid??) and at higher levels. It doesn't even need to give raid loot quite as good as the existing raids if you don't want, just give us a really fun large group run.

  7. #7
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    Yes, I would love to see another raid which consists mainly of areas where the group can just run in and kill things, without having to worry about puzzles, dodging elementals, base running, pillar breaking, etc. - i.e. where much of the raid party must wait/go defensive while others complete tasks that allow the raid boss to be defeated.

    The Gianthold Tor would have been great for this, though I wouldn't have wanted it to have to be re-run each time you wanted to get to the actual Reaver's Fate.

    Tempest's Spine is fun because it allows everyone to participate equally, without any serious segregation of the party for specific tasks, or prolonged periods where most of the group is waiting uselessly for a few key players/quest goals. It boasts few annoying monsters (i.e. no Air elementals or red-named archers), and its many chests serve as milestones that give the players a sense of ongoing progress, rather than a simple success/failure outcome.

  8. #8
    Founder Rickpa's Avatar
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    At 14, we still go back to Tempest. It is still great fun!

  9. #9
    Community Member Fattiest's Avatar
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    Default TS outside area

    I havnt heard anything about the outer area on TS..Is there Rare mobs or encounters,,,any chest that are worth while,,,whenever i do TS we always just run to the cave and rush through it. Could you get slayer for the base of the quest?? If not i think it would make a great explorer area
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  10. #10
    Community Member The_Ick's Avatar
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    Default favorite

    Yup, it is still one of my favorit quests in the game. More like TS would rock...

  11. #11
    Community Member Fura's Avatar
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    Default Agree

    I want another TS type lvl 14 raid. I agree with the OP.
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  12. #12
    Community Member Mercules's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rickpa View Post
    At 14, we still go back to Tempest. It is still great fun!
    Tempest is fun in general. We decided to see if we could 3 man it around level 11-12. Normal was no problem, Hard was a bit more, Elite was tough but fun. The quest is well designed. The challenge and resources(shrines & chests) are both there, making it a lot of fun.
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  13. #13
    Community Member Onubis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fattiest View Post
    I havnt heard anything about the outer area on TS..Is there Rare mobs or encounters,,,any chest that are worth while,,,whenever i do TS we always just run to the cave and rush through it. Could you get slayer for the base of the quest?? If not i think it would make a great explorer area

    TS isnt an adventure area, its an actual raid quest, there is no slayer etc. But there is still a good question if there are any chests and names outside the main roads every1 takes to boss.

    anyways /signed. Having a raid with no prereqs that can be fun and interesting.

  14. #14


    How about a Tempest like raid... with the outdoor (including mostly unavoidable fights) approach... then combine it with the outdoor castle siege (other thread) followed by the indoor stronghold battle. Put it in as Update 5.2... no need for a raid chest... instead make it the first L15 quest. That way running it on elite gives access to the L14 gears which we've already seen from +1 loot weekends. The same way Invaders/Relic preceeded the L14 bump. Let's not forget at least one dragon with corresponding named-loot hoard and some crazy traps.

    To sum up: Big outdoor (that you can't just run through), castle siege to get inside, big indoor. L15. Gianthold Torish fights indoors.

    Make it so. And since some might complain if we only get one big crazy raid quest for an update... add in half-elves or such. Then we can all be Tannis, Half-Lamen.
    Last edited by Gratch; 09-18-2007 at 06:48 PM.
    Casual DDOaholic

  15. #15
    Community Member The_Cataclysm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gratch View Post
    How about a Tempest like raid... with the outdoor (including mostly unavoidable fights) approach... then combine it with the outdoor castle siege (other thread) followed by the indoor stronghold battle. Put it in as Update 5.2... no need for a raid chest... instead make it the first L15 quest. That way running it on elite gives access to the L14 gears which we've already seen from +1 loot weekends. The same way Invaders/Relic preceeded the L14 bump. Let's not forget at least one dragon with corresponding named-loot hoard and some crazy traps.

    To sum up: Big outdoor (that you can't just run through), castle siege to get inside, big indoor. L15. Gianthold Torish fights indoors.

    Make it so. And since some might complain if we only get one big crazy raid quest for an update... add in half-elves or such. Then we can all be Tannis, Half-Lamen.
    It wouldn't be the first level 15 quest. Mod 5 features two level 15 quests.

  16. #16
    Founder Zor_Prime's Avatar
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    TS is the greatest. There's always good stories from this raid. People joke around and have a blast. I like this quest more than any other.

    As many times as I have run this, I have yet to really explore the outer area. I knew there was a shrine or two but I had never seen them. Then, the day before yesterday, Sorjek knocks my Fighter way off the platform. I come down right on a shrine. Cool! A shrine! Right between the rez and rest statues stands a Fire Reaver! That was just evil.

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by The Cataclysm View Post
    It wouldn't be the first level 15 quest. Mod 5 features two level 15 quests.
    The first *fun* (see Op's post) level 15 quest... j/k.

    How about going with a Glabrezu as the main mob. I mean he'll have some puppet Dwarf/Human/Halfling sitting on the throne, but once you've dispatched who seemed to be in control... you get the real fight. You'll also need some Dretches for him to summon.
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  18. #18
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gratch View Post

    How about going with a Glabrezu as the main mob.

    Brilliant! I'd love to see an extra long raid quest, along the lines of TS, and a Glabrezu as the end boss would be perfect. Don't see any reason why it couldn't be a level 16 quest, as we need more over-the-cap quests to keep things tough and exciting.

    In fact, if anyone from quest design wants some ideas, drop me a PM... Have something particularly fiendish in mind, an idea for an absolutely evil maze design to lead to a final glabrezu confrontation. Something that will be totally unlike any other quest in the game and will make people's heads spin.
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  19. #19
    Community Member Standpoint's Avatar
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    I would REALLY love to see Irestone Inlet revert back to a raid. Beef it up considerably and make it a lvl 4 raid quest. It would become a staple for low level charecters.
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  20. #20
    Community Member bnrilfun's Avatar
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    I always have a ball running Tempest Spine. Good exp for an up and coming and always a blast at level 14 to Zerg through.

    Irestone Inlet with some help could be a great addition. I still think a series of quests from level 2-14 that are Raid events like this that have a story line. Just think how much more interesting Tempest would be if they had a level 4 raid environment in which you learned about Tempest and at the end learn you have to head to House J and talk to the Quest giver to continue on.

    These types of adventures are the bread and butter of DnD.
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