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  1. #81
    Community Member zyp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Rocking Dead View Post
    One of the reasons we have traps that require a super high skill to beat the DC, is to offer a reward to people who do stick with the rogue class, pump a lot of points into their skills, and keep around items that aid them in their pursuit of treasure. There aren't many of these traps in the game, and they tend to be off the beaten path. This is our way of letting those players feel special. They make a sacrifice to attain that level of mastery, so they get the bonus. If we didn't cater to them once in a while, they would feel like it was an absolute waste to dedicate themselves so.
    It's good to see this actually posted by TRD. When the GH mod came out and I encountered the Cabal trap (not to mention all those other cool traps), it gave me a whole new interest in playing the Rogue I'd stuck on the shelf. After enhancment respecs, some serious gear collecting, feat readjustments and the addition of the ventilated bracers I've gotten him to where he can search the box on his own every time and disable it 50% of the time on elite. It was a huge rush the first time I got that thing disabled on elite. Thanks again TRD.
    Short Fat Bald Guys of Khyber: Zyp, Klod, and a bunch of mules...

  2. #82
    Community Member zyp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Riekan View Post
    Most groups won't pick up a rogue unless they can significately contribute to DPS, and a well build rogue can excel at that. However, they aren't shooting for the Cabal trap on that build either. I don't think making traps that a rogue has to spend everything on to get is the answer. At the same time, there isn't much game reason to stay pure rogue these day. Crippling Strike is nice for rogues who stay rogueish, but in truth, the 7d6 sneak attack is the better goal/advantage to be shooting for.
    After much respec to get my rogue to the point that he can do the Cabal trap reasonably well, I find that he is still an excellent melee. This is primarily due to a combination of wounding/puncturing, imp crit and weapon finesse (assuming that constitution stat damage can be counted as 'damage' with respect to the term DPS).
    Short Fat Bald Guys of Khyber: Zyp, Klod, and a bunch of mules...

  3. #83
    Community Member muffinlad's Avatar
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    It actually goes beyond just a Rogue based quest, or skill based quest, in my view, and on to "ROLE" based quest.

    Few quests that I can think of (Von 1, BAM-Relic, and Crucibal most importantly) have actual components for non-combat skills that can help turn parts of the quest off (or make someone not wear their armor, etc), and in a few of those cases, like BAM, succeeding actually gets you LESS of a reward.

    It is important that more ROLES, such as the trapsmith, become important to the game, and that your play style supports those roles. I for one, will not move past the Rogue while he is working on the trap. Even though I could survive the trap, I wait for it to be taken out, period. As I am often the Cleric or the Wizard with Haste, I make sure that everyone else knows that I see his role as important.

    Now, I am not going to stop the barbarian, who with 100 Cure Crits and 100 haste posts who is out whacking up a storm....but nothing really else is either. They have money to burn, and they are playing the game like they just put in another quarter. Good for them....I am waiting on the trap to be disabled.


    Last edited by muffinlad; 09-20-2007 at 03:37 PM. Reason: my dog told me to.
    Now Diving in Lava, with the Lava Divers.

    AKA, Cb,Cg,Cj,Cl,Co,Cp,Cq,Cr,Cs,Ct,Cw,Cx,Cz and...Edvard. All the other C's were taken.

  4. #84
    Community Member Twerpp's Avatar
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    Default Dont forget about the little people

    Yes I think there should be Multiclass specific quests too.

    I mean when are they going to design something we can enjoy as Halfling Bard/Wiz/Barb dragonmarked shuriken specialists who plan to re-spec to double-mace as soon as it comes out????! Doesnt anyone care about us??

  5. #85
    Community Member BlueLightBandit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Rocking Dead View Post
    One of the reasons we have traps that require a super high skill to beat the DC, is to offer a reward to people who do stick with the rogue class, pump a lot of points into their skills, and keep around items that aid them in their pursuit of treasure. There aren't many of these traps in the game, and they tend to be off the beaten path. This is our way of letting those players feel special. They make a sacrifice to attain that level of mastery, so they get the bonus. If we didn't cater to them once in a while, they would feel like it was an absolute waste to dedicate themselves so.
    I'm jumping in on this a little late, so bear with me...

    I have no problems with the devs catering to those who have made sacrifices to achieve certain abilities, in fact, I applaud it.

    My quams come into play when the needed abilities are specifically unachievable by entire races. Halflings, Warforged and Humans are simply unable to get high enough scores in search to find the trap for the Cabal chest. Dwarves are only able to find it if they take a dragonmark AND 10 action points into enhancements, that is a sacrifice. Halflings, with their favored class: rogue, are simply unable to find the trap, regardless of what sacrifices they do make.

    That this is a chest for those who make sacrifices is just a post-event justification for an arbitrarily high number that was implemented without much thought. In otherwords, laziness. Instead of creating a universal set of rules that were applied to all races and all events, Turbine has repeatedly -tweaked- this and -nerfed- that based on either the whims of some angry forum-goers, or the lack of popularity of specific quests. Read: static loot, human versatility, and xp, were all implemented without the necessary foresight IN THE FIRST PLACE, thus they had to go back and change things.

    The DC check to simply find this particular trap, is at such a level that entire races (not builds, not skill selection, not player ability) are simply unable to reach this mark. That is not a matter for sacrifice, but rather a matter of poorly DM'd quests.
    Voice Chatter Apotheosis - If you don't know, you betta axe somebody.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quarion View Post
    No're not supposed to LIKE it... *sigh*

  6. #86
    Founder Cowdenicus's Avatar
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    I would like to see more OPTIONALS that were geared toward class specific stuff.

    Why my cleric has never been able to use his heal skill on an NPC is beyond me.

    If these optionals have chests or good xp or shortcuts or whatever is just icing on the cake.

    Not everything in Dungeons and Dragons needs to be a hack and slash fest.
    Clerics of Fernia
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