The ongoing joke in the DDO world of Rogues is disabling traps is what you do AFTER the party runs through and is busy killing the mobs just past the trap.
No one waits.
Traps should HURT if you try to bypass them. Oh sure, we don't want to make things impossible without a rogue (one isn't always available) but it should hurt.
And there should be some optionals that NEED a rogue. No rogue? Fine, you just lost that optional mob and the associated xp & chest.
Fluffy is right. If you made the search animiation faster (it is PAINFULLY slow) it would be huge. A slight increase in the disable animation also wouldn't hurt but it isn't as bad.
Also a minor little nit... for those of us that haven't been in the dungeon as a rogue 100 times we first have to do the search animation, and then we have to look for real for the stupid trap when we hear it pop. Could we please, just in the Rogue's animation, have some big bright shiney highlight/arrow/something point out the location we just spent 10 seconds searching for?
And here's one people will probably find petty but it would make the rogue more efficient... Why do I even have to click the "disable" button? Why can't I just click on the trap to use it? There is no way to use a trap except disable it after all...