For some unknown reason when team pased PvP was first announced I got into my head that it would be a competition between teams in a quest.
I think this would be a great idea. I am not going to go into to much detail but I am going to throw aome stuff out there on how this can be done.
You can have a quest where the teams are split on to different parts of a dungeon. As they go through the dungeon they can fighting monsters on the way, all with the goal to get to the end before the other team.
Part of the quest could be puzzles and switchs set up to release traps and monsters on the other teams side all set to delay them.
There can be chests placed in the Dungeon, but it would be a bad idea to place unique items in there because that could get people to feel they have to do the PvP to get the item.
One team has to make it to the end before the other team. Once one team gets to the end a timer starts. If the other team gets there before the timer ends then a All out brawl starts to determine who wins. If they do not get there before the end of the timer then the first team wins.
You can also add a room after the the final room that only the winning team can access to face an end Monster.
A good story behind this could be competeing houses hiring groups to get what ever it is at the end before the other houses group does.
What ya guys think?