My wife is having the same problem. Some people just either are not aware of the little amount of sps clerics get, or flat out new. Some people will trust their friendly cleric, others want to see every buff on them for no reason.
For example, my wife was in a group yesterday, aoed everyone with her buffs, and gave everyone death ward. (quest needed it, and no one had it), and was down to 1/2 sp, with the first shrine being quite a ways down the road.
Within a few mins, the tanks in the group started bashing on her, saying things that she could have (and should have imo) gotten banned for, just because they didnt have resists up. There were two pallys and two wizzys in the group that could have resisted them up, while she dved them.
Yes, she even asked more than a few times. She was stubborn and she stayed, and eight mins. later, they finished the quest, and no one died. They didn't need one of those resists, but they sure got heated having to play with out them.
Don't let it get to you, if you were a bad cleric, you'd know. Knowing when to buff and when not to buff, makes you a great cleric imo--you'll have more sp to heal when things get hairy.
I don't remember your level, so you're probably a lot higher, but if you ever need to "gripe," wife says to send Vahlaria a tell in game.