Things I want fixed/nerfed.
Grease: NPCs are not slowed; they can still travel up hills at normal rate. Care to explain why this CHEATING still happens?
Swimming: NPCs never swim. They just stand on the bottom of the water container and attack you. Talk about CHEATING.
Ranged Attacks: You know, Devs, you broke ranged attacks for us, YOUR PAYING CUSTOMERS back in Mod 3. Funny how the same thing did NOT happen to the NPCs. Funny how the NPCs (archers specifically) have higher AC, more hit points (than the warrior NPC equivalent), can arch the shot, have unlimited sight of target, and faster rate of fire than we'll ever hope to achieve. You know what, you've proven you can't fix it, and I give up asking you to fix it. So why don't you nerf the archers in the game? Drop their hip points, drop their AC, and drop their speed boost.
Ranged Attacks cont: We know you won't nerf the NPCs, you like to kill us far too often. You won't give us auto arching so we can hit our targets, you are removing our ability to target and shoot things that aren't drawn on the screen. So why don't you give us the same pathing for predicted placement shooting of NPCs like you give the NPCs to shoot us. Yes, let our ranged people (all forms of range) auto lead the targets to hit them. Why give monsters a superior form of targeting compared to what you give us? Are you saying that the PC we are playing are too stupid to auto lead their shots? I'm sorry but a lot of us don't have the mouse Doom (tm) skills needed to play the game in that manner. I know I don't.
Ignore lists: If I have someone one my ignore list I should not have to deal with the harassment of them constantly sending me invites.
"Do you want to release? yes/no?" box: Would you PLEASE put the (x,y) coordinates for its location in our ini file already? That stupid box is constantly in the way, even after we move it to a spot where it won't be. Yes, we died, we get it. Now leave the box were we put it.
ESC key (or the command that ESC is by default mapped to): This command should be enough to close ALL windows opened. So make it close the darn mail box and composing mail box windows already.
Elemental earth grab: If the elemental does NOT have line of sight, no earth grab. Plain and simple. That would fix it without breaking what is currently very broken.
Barbarian Rage: would you please make it non interruptible. It is really freaking annoying to lose the rage when a player NEVER should have lost it. Rage is not interruptible after all.
Trip attacks by NPCs: You know... worgs should NOT improve trip every single attack. There are NO area trip attempts by medium sized NPCs. (aka Hobgoblins) Also if I make ANY save to stand up, I should stand back up. Not sit on my rear because two worgs are trying to trip me on my butt when I'm already on my rear end.
NPC have bad breath: By this I mean NPC SHOULD NOT BE GETTING INSIDE OF ME!!! This is bad AI design. The center point of my square is such that no NPC should be able to stand exactly where I am. They are. They are standing in my sides and my toes. Not on, IN. Because they keep trying to get in my exact square, they are constantly circling me. If this were happening in the real world I'd be sticking my foot out to trip the jerk. (Oh yeah.. only a fighting class gets trip in this game. ANYONE CAN TRIP attempt!!!) But with how this game is, home PCs lag, this means your average player will not be able to hit this circler and it will be out of range (even your beloved 270 arc) by the time the spell is cast. (I didn't say when button pressed)
Medium sized NPCs have striding 40-50: yeap, just about any NPC can out run me. This is not right. They also have NO issue hitting me when they are behind me. You know what.. I'll deal with their CHEATING of striding 50, but FIX the freaking attacking from behind. I should not have to be standing PAST them to hit them if we are running. (Mind you, spiders and such I'm not about to argue the speed.)
Air elemental and Marlith knockdown: The area effect of this is too huge. I get 10 feet within them and I get tossed. An attack should NOT throw me away from them. They should make an attach check ONLY if I'm within their square, not outside of it, and they must HIT in order to throw me. While not correct PnP mechanics there, it is a lot closer to the area reach effect currently coded.
Hobgoblin Assassin phasing out: This is pure cheese, plain and simple. I'm guessing it was designed to fake a "blink" spell from 2nd ed. I can deal with that, HOWEVER, it was over in less than a second. It will not stick something in another dimension for minutes. Want proof of this? Wear fearsome armor and let one hit you. They will immediately phase out and run away. You can follow the fear symbol. You can't attack them. As stated, pure cheese. Make it to where they can't phase when feared and I'll call it good.
Stormcleave is still bugged!!!: Actually, this has become so much tradition I don't care any more. Truly, this is a sad state, and you should be ashamed.
Leadership board: You said we could have this also. Now that you have merged the servers, I think this should take a much higher precedent now than it did before. The PvPers are clamoring for it. (I'm not a PvPer at all, so I don't care about it.)
The climbing ladder pause: You said you were going to take care of this pause when getting off a ladder. We are still waiting for the supposed fix.
Bards: I want a different music for each song. We may never be able to change instruments or the like, but please, a different song for each song is not too much to ask for.
Ranged attacks: Why do we never get attack progression like in melee? PnP always allows for this, and the mobs are so heavily inflated here I fail to see what it would break. Not to mention you have now removed the "can't see but still target" tactic from the game, and the game draw distance of drawing monsters is pathetic compared to landscape, Please give us the full bonus for attacking like you have melee. (Granted I don't expect manyshot to follow this.)
I can't see! Stupid trees: Why? Due to the camera getting blocked. Why can't you make things that are between the camera and the character transparent rather than 100% block my sight. Other games do this and I think DDO should as well. I am tired of getting ambushed by stuff that my character could plainly see, but I can't see because I have a stupid leaf in my camera view. (I'll grant you, the scorching ray going right up the camera... now that was both freaky and cool.)
Staffs, under priced or underpowered: The way staves are supposed to work is that you enchant each end separately. Therefore that +5 flaming burst quarterstaff is really wroth double what it is being sold for. Then again by that same attribute that enchantment focus power VI is being sold for the correct price but is really underpowered for a level (>8) weapon in this game. Why carry that around when you can have a scepter with the same power in ONE hand? If you can't tell, I'm suggestion that they make the cost actually appropriate and the enchantments actually worth while (case dependent) I mean I would seriously love to run around with a greater potency VI, enchantment focus, and nemocracy focus staff than two daggers that equate the same power. We should also be able to get fire on one side of a staff and ice on the other. I won't worry about dual weapon enchantment types in this game, however, as that would probably require lots of re coding, and you already let us stock an armory in our back packs.
Make two weapon fighting a stance: yeah, I've had to think about this but it is the best idea I could come up with using in game mechanics. If we make two weapon fighting a stance available to everyone (just like trip SHOULD be available to everyone), people that carry two weapons for the weapon abilities could still attack at full strength with no penalty. (I.E. a cleric with devotion in one hand, and mace of bashyness in the other.) In PnP we can do this, so why not here? This would also aid in the ability of two weapon fighting with a staff correctly.
Two weapon continued: If you do make the first suggestion happen, could you also make it to where you can denote primary hand on character generation for people who want left handed characters? By making two weapon a stance, you can do this a lot easier now. But I wouldn't let this ability be reto active. That would be too much of a pain to do. Just make all characters by default right handed, and any new character gets the option of being a south paw.
Remove trip immunities: That is a really bad design (blanket immunities) you are following that will RUIN end game. Sure, I can understand things being immune to fire, having heavy fort, having some good head get to keep from getting stunned, but immune to trip? I'd slap my DM with a pizza box for that one. Some things, Vheal, WF titan, Whisperdoom, heck even red named driders... Ok, really huge, really sturdy, too darn many legs. Guess what, I won't argue those. Those make sense. But making a kobold immune to trip? Wizard King mummy? Hobs? Give me a freaking break, those are most definitely tripable. You want to give them some great saves because they are a boss? I have absolutely NO problems with that at all. I'd expect it. But immune is a cop out from a game designer that can't see what is going to happen next. Even fantasies pay attention that things can be tripped even if they are immune to just about everything else.
Favor: You've not put in a lot of houses still, so I have no idea what you have in mind. (Love all of what you've done so far, however, please keep it up.) One suggestion I have is perm elemental resist that would stack with others. Maybe like 5 pts worth. You have enhancements set at 2 pts for starters.
Bags: You are putting in gem and collectable bags, (SWEET, THANK YOU!) Could we please beg quivers off you next?
Giants on the march: I've not yet seen the dragon in the sky myself but I've seen screen shots. The eye candy is nice, so how about giants in a march in the distance in giant hold?
Wallpaper splash screens: come on, you said you were going to, do it already would you? It is called "FREE ADVERTISING". The game needs any promoting it can get as whoever is in charge of such isn't doing squat (I'm looking at you Atari.).
The spell storing ring: No, no, not complaining, just asking if you would consider making more. The current one is only a caster level 4. Can we get them more as random chest/end rewards with just varying caster level values? I still find that mnemonics beat the ring hands down as for the most part, I need manna in the middle of battle.
Oh yeah, and I'm not against making them all exclusive either.
Action Areas: Let us have multiple uses of the shrines so we don't have to recall so much. (Now hold up.) I'm not asking for this case scenario. A) Shrine. B) Kill everything. C) Come back 1 minute later to reshine. No, no, that is too much of a gimmie. However, this is an action area not a quest. We see day go to night go to day over and over. (Which I like) Wouldn't one cycle of this period constitute enough time to shrine again? I was thinking of say put a timer on the shrines in the adventure areas. About 20 minutes. (Keeps in line with the religion enhancement clickies if I remember correctly). But by that same aspect I'd not be against you removing a shrine or two if this is implemented. I hate losing shrines, but meh.. I could deal with the trade off.
Desert Tokens: You know... 6k+ tokens for a random (normally junky) lvl 10 weapon just isn't worth it. Why bother collecting them? I suggest that for 20 tokens turned in you get random arrows/bolts of vermin, undead, or elf bane ammunition. For 100 you could get greater banes. For 500 you get slayers. Desert tokens would be worth a lot more this way.
Lips, eyes, and scars: Aka character generation looks. Lips are sorely lacking. It looks as if you took one race and modeled all lips after them. Come on, lips are much more diverse than that. Make the art department actually work on making new facial features, lips, eyes, etc.
Live events: Love them, sadly can't always play them. Let them happen more often please.
Note: This is just a list of things that have annoyed me on the fair play side of things. I'm of the opinion that if "They can, I can." It also contains a few items we have been told we could get and not yet received. And random ideas I had that could possibly improve the over all game.