Hey all,
I know the game is meant to be played in groups and I certainly spent most of my time playing with others. To mix things up I wanted to figure out a character that could solo most (not all....) of the quests in the game and allow me to explore on my own.
I figure that the character will have to be strong in the following areas:
Self Healing, and
Picking locks.
Everything is else (i.e. Spell casting, disarming traps, massive DPS, etc...) is relatively secondary but still important.
My question to the community is what combination of classes and levels do you think allows one to achieve decent solo play?
I was thinking of a Human or Dwarf 8 fighter / 3 Paladin / 3 rogue concentrating on relatively balanced stats at the start (16 str, 12 dex, 14/16 con (depending on race), 15 int, 8 wis, 10/12 cha (depending on race), with appropriate +1 tomes (i.e. dex to 13 for dodge, int to 16 for additional skill points etc..). Skills would focus on open locks, UMD, when fighter or paly and a OL/UMD/Jump/Search etc when doing the rogue levels.
I am sure this type of character has been done numerous times by many people but I am beginning to wonder if a Fighter 8 / Rogue 4 / Ranger 2 might be better in terms of skills? The ability to use wands for healing comes from Ranager levels but I am obviously trading off fear immunity, divine grace and 2 ac points from the paly aura (with enhancements) which seems like a big trade off.
Any help from the rest of the community would be appreciated!