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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default Project Dark Tear (New Guild: Khyber)

    There's so much to say here, but none of it can really be summerized into this thread. In all honesty, it would be better just to read the first few posts on the link I will supply, then go from there. That is how I feel, anyway.

    On the other hand, it's not entirely fair for me to lead you blindly into something, without a taste of it first. So where do I begin?

    As with all guild, high end content is it's ultimate goal. Gathering up the loot from raids, and distributing it among members is something to strive for; but you got to start somewhere, no?

    I also felt a need to mix up the heirarchy. In the fact that there is no heirarchy - well, not in the usual sense. There are no officers, no lieutenants, no generals, or what have you. The best way to describe it, is a board or sorts. Every two months, members can take up a spot on the board...thus refreshing control in the guild, and keeping members on an equal ground. Nothing is hidden from the surprises when you wake up in the morning.

    Other rules? Sure. Greed is something the guild tries to avoid as best as possible, and a few other rules on how members should conduct themselves. Those are best left to the message board:

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Default Posting in Support...

    For those who don't know the OP, I can personally say that I've known him for a while and he's an excellent player and honest person. Those of you who are unguilded or considering a switch should definitely check his link out and see if it fits what you are looking for.

    Good luck with the guild, dude.


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