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  1. #41
    Founder Roguewiz's Avatar
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    We hear every year, when a new MMO is coming out, "oh this is the WoW killer, this is the DDO killer." When it all comes down to it, it never happens. The only "killer" was WoW. It totally devasted the EQ population. EQ is down to around maybe 250k subscribers, Compared to the 8mil subscribers WoW has.

    No, Vanguard isn't a DDO killer. Granted, what is? DDO doesn't have a high population as is.

    Vanguard has potential, but was extremely buggy, even in Beta. The system specs on it or like "OMG". Not to mention the grind makes EQ look fast.

    Yes, I Beta tested Vanguard, and paid for 1 month of a subscription. I cancelled after that.
    Rangers don't die, they just teleport to their bind point.

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mercules View Post
    Please tell me the people who left were not the "race to cap because that is where the -real- game is." people. If so I have no sympathy. Yes, it's very easy to get bored when all you do after level 10 is GH quests/farm for items. So why burn through levels 1-9 at warp speed?

    There are a dozen different ways to breathe life back into the game that people can do themselves. Non-twink/perma-death guilds work great for this.

    I see too many people grind to level 14 as quickly as possible and then grind for items and then go, "Huh? Turbine you suck, there is nothing to do in your game." when it is only partially Turbine's fault. They gave you ways to make their game less interesting, but you didn't have to go there.
    But wouldn't that involve making the most out of the game as it is instead of ****ing and moaning all day about what the game isn't? How can it be possible to play the game and have fun. If you are still having fun you must be a noob. Being truely great means always having a bad time!

  3. #43
    Stormreach Advisor
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    Quote Originally Posted by dblquick View Post
    i am a 25 year player of d&d but we have lost 8 players from our guild in the last 2 weeks because there is nothing to do while waiting on updates u must put in secondary skills like crafting or fletching or within a year d&d is doomed
    This game simply does not support 'full time MMO' players. By that, I mean people that play 4+ hours a day, making a single MMO their main hobby. I know alot of people do that to MMO's including DDO. Heck, I do it myself in streaks.

    But DDO is for the more casual gamer. The content is more refined and detailed than other games, which makes it also harder to crank out by the devs. If you play 3-4 days a week for more like 2-3 hours, I bet DDO would be perfect for you.

    However, if you aren't a casual gamer, I'd suggest taking a break from DDO. I did before the level cap was raised above 10, and just returned about a month ago. I have yet to exhaust all the new content to where I feel burnt out, and with mod 5 coming out, I will have more to do for a while longer.

    That's just the nature of this game. Nothing lasts forever. Play something else for a while. Or if you don't want to lose your guild, get everyone in the guild to pick up a few games at the same time.
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  4. #44
    Founder Cowdenicus's Avatar
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    Does Turbine really want their players to take the sometimes 6 month long breaks though and lose the revenue?
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  5. #45
    Community Member Twerpp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dblquick View Post
    i am a 25 year player of d&d but we have lost 8 players from our guild in the last 2 weeks because there is nothing to do while waiting on updates u must put in secondary skills like crafting or fletching or within a year d&d is doomed
    Im a long time D&D fan too. As long as this is the exclusive D&D based MMORPG I will be here, so will other hardcore D&D fans. Long after the game tanks there will still be a cult hardcore group of players, people are still playing EQ1 and Diablo 2 (which is still a kickass game, wish our barbs could chug as fast as theirs!).
    As far as crafting goes, this is Eberron so give us an artificer please.

  6. #46
    Knight of Movember
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    Default You are right

    Quote Originally Posted by Cowdenicus View Post
    Does Turbine really want their players to take the sometimes 6 month long breaks though and lose the revenue?

    But what I pulled from the threads and fallout of the recent road trip by Quarion, there is tension between Turbine, Atari and the other licensing entities with Dungeons & Dragons.

    Maybe that tension is linked to Atari not funding promotion due to declining revenue; maybe it is linked to Turbine not getting a pay mod out faster or being encouraged to spend their time on LoTR.

    It seems clear to me that there are multiple issues at play and they are not all within Turbine's ability to control.

    If only it was as simple as, "make game, get customers."

    Thus, I will enjoy the game as long as it is here. To me, the game has evolved and it is better today than a year ago. Has that happened as quickly as we would desire? No. But then again, how much in life really does?
    The evolution of DDO: Stormreach to Eberron Unlimited to Dungeons & Dragons Online
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  7. #47


    Quote Originally Posted by Aspenor View Post
    Asp, you forgot an O, fixed it for ya'.

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  8. #48
    Community Member Capstern's Avatar
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    Default yes

    Yes there could be more content - there can always be more content but its about what you make of it too.

    Our guild is small and we raid a lot and thats fun sometimes we like to do practical jokes on each others like grease near lava etc but I found that making different toons is the most engaging way to stay interested

    And making the same toon type over and over isnt really interesting either
    here is my stable and how I have stayed interested and like Aspenor says its about learning how to play each class in an elite style - and its also trading and finding that last piece of gear to eek out that last little bit of potential from your characters - not really gear for gear sake

    So here is my guys (all 14's are capped) 3 have 1750+ favor and Hamster and gerb both have +2 tomes in all stats

    Kaptan - Human 13 clr 1/ sorc - heal bot/devine heal/buffs

    Hamster - Drow 11 pal / 2 rog / 1 ftr - evasion pally with SoS near indestructible and decent dpr

    Gerbillee (my favorite) halfling 12 ranger / 1 rog /1 wiz (eventually 16/2/2) a two weapon fighting finesse melee ranger - mostly dual w/p rapier /ss combo...wizard level give free extend and shield spell..2 levels will give me 4 min of shield while dual weilding and a 36 dex meqans she doesnt miss..other than only decent will save shes awesome and fun in any situation

    Lemming - Human 3 pal / 11 rog - high dex and 30 str - master of the nasty backstab damage can do any trp and lock and hits like a ton of bricks and has great saves thanks pal levels

    Blitzkrieg - (lejes build) WF Wizard 14 - 228 HP and 45+ ac buffed and 1313 sp...WF wiz are gods among the wizardly community and this build just flat rocks...max spell pen and max neco focus and POOF bye bye rakshakas...what SR

    Bandicoot - battle cleric dorf 14 (used to be khopesh and slash speced but I dont split focus well in big brawls - I can admit my limits)...but with 28 str and 28 wis can beat down the mob or cast it down - extend max and empower plus empower healing....well rounded - combat cleric magic and mace IMO is fun but knows his role

    Squirrell - WF Barb 14- wanted to make a mindless killing machine and Squirrell is the man....can hit 44 str and 42 con with dual madstone ...rage and barb rage....200+ damage on crits and can crit carnifex a lot untl SOS - 400+ hp and its just run sqing swing swing....just pure fun of death but have to play with groups that know you will need reconstructs...usully only play him with a guild WF Wiz

    Chichilla WF Bard (7) - an experiment....has all the master race WF benefits and so far looking good as a battle bard - high str decent dex and decent cha and looks like sing - ok you all hold still while I use this w/p rapier on you - fun so far

    Its about variety and diversity and learning the nuances and in part makes you understand better what your party mates might be capable of when you are grouped with them and they are a class you arent played but have played

    The Ashen - Khyber - Gerbillee (Half 13rg/1ro/2w), Blitzkreig (WF 16w), Chipmonk (Half 16mk), Bandicoot (Df 15CLr) , Chinchilla(WF 16 Monster)- "Go for the eyes, Boo, GO FOR THE EYES! AAAAAAURGH!!" - Kaptan/Hamster/Lemming/Bandicoot all retired - "Terrible Hamster justice shall be wreaked on you!"

  9. #49


    Quote Originally Posted by Mercules View Post
    You capped in a month and didn't repeat STK for items? TR for items? Stormcleave? Co6 for items?
    I don't normally do this at all. I ground out GH quests for tokens, then got raid ready, then rolled a new character. For me, the life of the game is making new characters and watching them grow. I love every quest I have done in this game, except the entire GH area. GH is the only spot I have found that is a real grind in DDO, the rest of it is as entertaining to me now as it was at launch. After all, when you were young how many times did you play metroid over and over ever after you knew it all?

    Casual, fast paced, in between. What you find enjoyable in this game is up to you. Turbine had this layout for a long time now, and the game has not shut down less all the "game will be dead in a year" posts that showed after month 1. Even if production goes stagnant, I think DDO will be here for a while longer.

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