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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Release Spirit Confirmation

    I would again like to humbly request that you add a confirmation button when releasing your spirit after death or incapacitation. Due to the resolution on my monitor it is not practical for me to move all of my toolbars out of the way of the "Would you like to release your spirit?" button that appears instantly when you are incapped or killed. This continues to lead me to often accidentally recall because I died while trying to activate something on my toolbar (spell, etc.). This, of course interrupts the quest for teh entire group while they wait for me to walk back, or in a raid ends the raid for me, and if I was playing a critical role, ends it for everyone.

    This has been persistently interruptive to play for years. I have tried to put my little 2 cents in the development discussion thread, but have now decided to try starting a new thread to get more notice.

    This change would take little coding and not affect game play at all - simply add a confirmation box "Are you sure you want to release?" and hopefully place the accept button offset from the accept button on the first box, thus making it impossible to instantly release on accident when killed or incapped.

    I thank you kindly for your time and consideration.

  2. #2
    Community Member cnynridr2's Avatar
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    Post please


    Have had that happen alot being a squishy.

    Couple of temp work arounds would be to move the window once you have died to an out of the way place but you have to die first and it lasts only as long as that mission.

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  3. #3
    Community Member Tenkari_Rozahas's Avatar
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    there's already another topic in this forum, see the "Release button" thread for more views on the subject.
    Quote Originally Posted by jwbarry View Post
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  4. #4
    Community Member WilbyZ's Avatar
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    It needs to be a Yes or No question (with a Yes or No button). Not a single 'Click here to Release' button.

    If Yes, it will recall you to last Bind spot.

    If No, the Popup will close and 'Dock' into the Menu bars at Top Left corner. Which can be reopened later when needed.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tenkari Rozahas View Post
    there's already another topic in this forum, see the "Release button" thread for more views on the subject.
    Excellent - sorry to add more threads to the same subject, but hopefully a Dev will accidentally run across it somewhere and say to himself "That is a really easy fix that everyone would like to see - we can work that in next release". Then there will be no more threads on the topic.

    I know most changes are controversial, but I think a confirmation to release would be universally applauded by the community.



  6. #6
    Stormreach Advisor
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    Quote Originally Posted by Issip View Post
    I would again like to humbly request that you add a confirmation button when releasing your spirit after death or incapacitation. Due to the resolution on my monitor it is not practical for me to move all of my toolbars out of the way of the "Would you like to release your spirit?" button that appears instantly when you are incapped or killed. This continues to lead me to often accidentally recall because I died while trying to activate something on my toolbar (spell, etc.). This, of course interrupts the quest for teh entire group while they wait for me to walk back, or in a raid ends the raid for me, and if I was playing a critical role, ends it for everyone.

    This has been persistently interruptive to play for years. I have tried to put my little 2 cents in the development discussion thread, but have now decided to try starting a new thread to get more notice.

    This change would take little coding and not affect game play at all - simply add a confirmation box "Are you sure you want to release?" and hopefully place the accept button offset from the accept button on the first box, thus making it impossible to instantly release on accident when killed or incapped.

    I thank you kindly for your time and consideration. want a confirmation box for your confirmation box??
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  7. #7
    Community Member Tenkari_Rozahas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oronisi View Post want a confirmation box for your confirmation box??
    well, it would help for those who die and accidently hit the release button becasue they were in the middle of an action.
    Quote Originally Posted by jwbarry View Post
    Your doomsaying of doom does not meet the doom regulations for doom font, doom color, or doom spelling, specifically the number of "o"s. Please take a moment and correct these glaring doom issues.

  8. #8
    Community Member cpito's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oronisi View Post want a confirmation box for your confirmation box??
    but it's not a confirmation box, it's a conversation box informing you of death.
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  9. #9
    Community Member HumanJHawkins's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Issip View Post
    I would again like to humbly request that you add a confirmation button when releasing your spirit after death or incapacitation. Due to the resolution on my monitor it is not practical for me to move all of my toolbars out of the way of the "Would you like to release your spirit?" button that appears instantly when you are incapped or killed. This continues to lead me to often accidentally recall because I died while trying to activate something on my toolbar (spell, etc.).

    If you don't play a caster, you probably don't understand how sucky this is right now for some people.

    Several other suggestions would work to, but something should be done. The suggestion I like best is to get rid of the "release your spirit" box and instead, make the existing "Recall" button (on the quest objectives box) handle this when you die.
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  10. #10
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    The best solution I've seen kicked around on this subject is rather than add a confirmation box, to put the release on a timer (interruptable of course) just like the recall option. This gives you opportunity to cancel it if triggered accidentally, without bogging down the UI with more dialog/confirmation boxes.
    Last edited by DSL; 09-13-2007 at 03:26 PM.

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