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Thread: New Classes

  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Exclamation New Classes

    Are they going to add new classes such as a Druid or Psionics to the game?
    I really enjoy playing these classes. My favorite is the Psion! Just the game been out long enough and no new classes have been ntroduced?

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by whisper2000 View Post
    Are they going to add new classes such as a Druid or Psionics to the game?
    I really enjoy playing these classes. My favorite is the Psion! Just the game been out long enough and no new classes have been ntroduced?
    Nothing on Psionics..

    Monks will be here sometime first quarter next year most likely.. Druids they are having problems on last we heard and now news on timeline.

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  3. #3
    Community Member Grizzt14's Avatar
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    i would doubt they add psionics, druid maybe but not in the near future
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  4. #4
    Community Member Mercules's Avatar
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    Apr 2006


    I love Psionics as well. I have, in the past, built a PnP Psionic Warrior that covered the roles that most Clerics do. Helping the team get up to full strength after fights and take care of stat damage.

    The reason I believe we will not see Psionics in DDO is the SP system of casting. Especially with the Metamagic changes coming in Mod5 the SP system makes Wizards/Sorcerers/Clerics/Bards work much like the Psionic classes for casting. Wizards would be your Psion, Sorcerers your Wilder, and Clerics your Psionic Warrior. I would love all the Psionic classes/races included, including the Eberron races, but I don't forsee it happening.
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