The CHA Ring has been traded! Went with the "Ugly" (so ugly i'ts kind of cool!) non rr CHA Mask, as equipping a rr one would have been an issue I preferred not to have to deal with! Thanks for all the offers. Zebadiah.
I have a +6 Charisma Ring (brand new, NO damage) that I want to trade for a +6 Charisma Helm (would want it to be brand new as well - and depending on number of offers way want one that is cool looking! Yeah I know).
I know rings are normally more valuable/rare than Cloaks/Helms, but I have two really nice rings equipped on my Sorcerer now, and already have a +6 CHA Cloak I swap out with a really sweet resistance Cloak, so the Helm slot is my preference...
Please PM me your offers, or contact me in game (to show me what you have in a Helm).
I am on most evenings as Zebadiah or Barumar.