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  1. #1
    Community Member Leetsneaks101's Avatar
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    Exclamation HELP! My back is torn!

    I play a ranger. My ranger's back is bloody, ripped, and ejecting arrows for some reason... I need a QUIVER. Yes a QUIVER, because if I had a quiver, I would be able to keep a straight posture, and also would move around 5% faster.

    I have a bag to hold gems... but NOT arrows! Nope, not arrows, who would want a bag for 1000+ arrows? I know my back sure would appreciate it...

    All jokes aside... What is going on over there Turbine? (EDIT)Collectables(/edit) and gems get bags, but arrows don't get a quiver? I really don't get it, at least add a quiver graphic so it hides my blood-dripping back!

    Any other rangers with torn backs out there?
    Last edited by Leetsneaks101; 09-11-2007 at 09:35 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Symar-FangofLloth's Avatar
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    100 arrows in a stack isn't representative of a quiver already?
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  3. #3
    Community Member bobbryan2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Symar-FangofLloth View Post
    100 arrows in a stack isn't representative of a quiver already?
    Doesn't a stack of 20 gems represent a gem pouch?

  4. #4
    Community Member Leetsneaks101's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbryan2 View Post
    Doesn't a stack of 20 gems represent a gem pouch?

  5. #5
    Community Member Symar-FangofLloth's Avatar
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    Former Xoriat-er. Embrace the Madness.

  6. #6
    Uber Completionist Lithic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbryan2 View Post
    Doesn't a stack of 20 gems represent a gem pouch?
    100 arrows neatly arranged so as to be immediately available in combat=quiver.

    20 gems scattered throughout a backpack with no need to pull them out any time soon is the equivalent to the 1.68$ in change that my GF has in her purse. Its in there, somewhere, but not all in one place, not neatly stacked, and not readily accessible
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  7. #7
    Community Member lostinjapan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Symar-FangofLloth View Post
    100 arrows in a stack isn't representative of a quiver already?
    In the real world yes...actually 100 arrows would be way too many to fit in a quiver. In the real world 1-2 arrows could take out that deer you wanted to kill for dinner/sport/etc.

    However, we aren't talking about the real world and in *most* cases it is going to take far more than 1-2 arrows to kill everything you are dealing with right then.

    I have had one quest where I literally went through almost 2500 75% returning arrows because my character was 12th, we were on elite, and I was the only person doing any fighting.

    Quivers are needed. Badly. Anyone who plays a full-time archer (of whatever class) and relies on ammunition of any kind knows this. They know they are needed far more badly than any gem bag or collectible bag.

    Quiver request thread is here.
    Last edited by lostinjapan; 09-11-2007 at 10:23 PM. Reason: Added link
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  8. #8
    Community Member Puke's Avatar
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    I have to agree. For any archer, it's a pain in the hide to deal with all them arrows.

    This world can create portable holes, gem bags, swords that lop off heads with a natural 20, returning throwing axes and daggers that are 100%-returning, lightning bolts that shoot forth from the finger but this world cannot yet create a simple Quiver of Holding. Shoot, returning throwing axes, daggers and all that are kind of common but good luck finding 100% returning arrows. Especially ones with Shock or Cold or Fire. It just doesn't make sense to me.

  9. #9
    Community Member Leetsneaks101's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lostinjapan View Post
    Ahh thanks..

    No need for this thread anymore

  10. #10
    Community Member scorn_the_infallible's Avatar
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    we dont need them just some 100% returning arrows/bolts
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  11. #11
    Community Member flowmaster's Avatar
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    My son got Two Worlds for his birthday. He no longer plays DDO because he likes it so much. They have quivers, and the guy actually pulls an arrow from it to load up in the animation. Their animations for two handed weapons are much more accurate too, back and forth rather than up and down. They have crafting and can make their own potions from ingredients they find in the woods, etc. The list goes on. It's the little things like this, things that have been asked for since I started playing this game nearly a year ago. Yet nothing changes.
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  12. #12
    Community Member Mercules's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leetsneaks101 View Post
    I have a bag to hold gems... but NOT arrows! Nope, not arrows, who would want a bag for 1000+ arrows? I know my back sure would appreciate it...

    All jokes aside... What is going on over there Turbine? (EDIT)Collectables(/edit) and gems get bags, but arrows don't get a quiver? I really don't get it, at least add a quiver graphic so it hides my blood-dripping back!

    Any other rangers with torn backs out there?
    Well, Turbine responded to people saying they never bothered to pick up collectibles, which is nice little feature in the game(or would be if money didn't drip from trees in Stormreach) that they designed, by creating collectible bags to hold that 1/3 Beetle and 2/3 fungus and 1/2 fungus and...

    And I am very happy they are doing this as it will make picking up collectibles less painful. I used to just mail everything to a mule character, until I rerolled them into a useful character. I use collectibles mostly for the free potions, and the wands. My Sorcerer has 9 level 5 Lightning Bolt wands he uses in between casting. Boosts damage, extends SPs and is narrow enough I can avoid too much agro. I never bought a one and I use them up like a caffiene addict drinking coffee.

    Turbine responded to people saying they never pick up gems the same way.

    So... my advice would be to point out that you never pick up the ammo from the chests since it takes up too much pack space and isn't worth what you could sell it for, or carrying around until you find a use for it.
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  13. #13
    Community Member Ringlord's Avatar
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    Yes not only would a quiver help with saving my Ranger a whole 20 pack slots used to hold just the normal +3 House D arrows ( still lack the favor for the 75% returning ones ... sigh ), but it would make collecting the specialty arrows worth while since I could keep the until I really got enough to make them useful since those measly stacks of 20 are fairly useless being as once you run out of your current type of arrows you still have to manually load in the next type most of the time or when it does auto load for you you end up using arrows that are not appropriate for the mobs you are fighting.

    Yes spell component bags for casters would be nice too.

  14. #14
    Community Member BUpcott's Avatar
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    Note: I am not against having a pack (quiver) that will carry more arrow. I understand the fast paced action and such would make it very useful.

    From a devil's advocate point though we already get 5x more in a stack than we should. From PHB 3.5 Arrows come in a leather quiver that holds 20 arrows.

    However, like I said with the pace of the action and the amount of arrows we fire vs a PnP game I would love to see an arrow pack similar to the new gem and collectible pouches.
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  15. #15
    Founder Dariuss's Avatar
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    i'm sure that now that the 'bag' technology is in the game they'll get to makign it into quivers sooner or later
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  16. #16
    Community Member Lyletuba's Avatar
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    Much agreed. Good suggestion.
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  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbryan2 View Post
    Doesn't a stack of 20 gems represent a gem pouch?

    Well, not so much a burn, but certainly well-played

  18. #18
    Community Member wamjratl1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mercules View Post
    Well, Turbine responded to people saying they never bothered to pick up collectibles, which is nice little feature in the game(or would be if money didn't drip from trees in Stormreach) that they designed, by creating collectible bags to hold that 1/3 Beetle and 2/3 fungus and 1/2 fungus and...

    And I am very happy they are doing this as it will make picking up collectibles less painful. I used to just mail everything to a mule character, until I rerolled them into a useful character. I use collectibles mostly for the free potions, and the wands. My Sorcerer has 9 level 5 Lightning Bolt wands he uses in between casting. Boosts damage, extends SPs and is narrow enough I can avoid too much agro. I never bought a one and I use them up like a caffiene addict drinking coffee.

    Turbine responded to people saying they never pick up gems the same way.

    So... my advice would be to point out that you never pick up the ammo from the chests since it takes up too much pack space and isn't worth what you could sell it for, or carrying around until you find a use for it.

    I like to keep all kinds of ammo and keep several different kinds on me but see people leave it in chests all the time. No one wants it even to sell cuz it takes up too much space. Good for me, i guess, cuz they are generally more than happy to give it to me. So yeah i really need a quiver...
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  19. #19
    Community Member Murderface's Avatar
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    Default yeah

    Quote Originally Posted by Leetsneaks101 View Post
    I play a ranger. My ranger's back is bloody, ripped, and ejecting arrows for some reason... I need a QUIVER. Yes a QUIVER, because if I had a quiver, I would be able to keep a straight posture, and also would move around 5% faster.

    I have a bag to hold gems... but NOT arrows! Nope, not arrows, who would want a bag for 1000+ arrows? I know my back sure would appreciate it...

    All jokes aside... What is going on over there Turbine? (EDIT)Collectables(/edit) and gems get bags, but arrows don't get a quiver? I really don't get it, at least add a quiver graphic so it hides my blood-dripping back!

    Any other rangers with torn backs out there?
    and potion case and a scroll case to pls
    and +3 favor tomes :P

  20. #20
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    I think a +3 favor tomes case would be a bit over the top

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