IF atari is behind the lack of advertising which is putting a strangle hold on this game making it go stagent I consender this poor means of pumping a profit or good marking and they dont care to gamble on the cost of this game then mybe we as players should come together and buy out there shares and sell them to all ddo players becomming a player owened mmo and monthy cost shared between all of us have a open session then if the player owend part profits the profit is split between the players that pay the extra 5 to 10 dollars month to be a share holder. Is this insane or a half insane idea we have the base i game with many skilled and smart people atari forgot dnd has been around for 30 years or more and the player base for ddo reflects that if the game flawed am sure I could find YOU a 100 players that know how to fix it as for turbine they doing a great job with one arm tied behind there back not there fault there partner give up on them