-- R --
-RainbowBrite Assassination Squad:
Average Playtime: Usually late night/early morning Pacific Time (-8 GMT), but can be on at various times during the day as well.
Size: VERY very small
Raids We Do: TBD (but we roll in various raids)
Raid Loot System: Rolls are done on a d100 where 1 ALWAYS trumps 100. Need before greed is preferred.
Leader: Vyoleht Reign
Website: -none-
Recruiting: RBAS is not currently recruiting. This may change in the following weeks. Recruitment is based on ability to follow directions, willingness to work as a unit, and general sense of humor.
Info: The RBAS is dedicated to providing quality tours and guidance of various areas in and around Stormreach, Xendrik, and the surrounding seas. Most members are open to hold instructional courses in various quests (exception: we currently have no Litany, Abbot, or Twilight Forge instructors). RBAS members are encouraged to spread knowledge, color (including but not limited to commentary), and a rain of blood wherever they adventure.
-Rangers for a Green Stormreach:
Average Playtime: Difficult to pin down times, but someone is online most all of the time.
Size: SM
Leader: Humblearcher - Leader // Worth - Officer
Recruiting: We have to make a run or two with you, get to know what kind of player you are and generally to get to know all of the members as best as possible. Very casual and not interested in all of you Avatar's...just the Ranger.
Info: We are new and small. No desires to contain all avatars of any player, we are also not going to be very demanding. We are interested in building Ranger only parties and eventually raids. We are adult players and always have the one rule of 'Stay Together' whenever questing. We freely offer anything we have to help others. We also have alts that can help low lvl characters, so if you are new, I bet we can help you out.
We are friends to all rangers, even if you belong to another guild, plarty up with us Rangers!
Average Playtime: Peak 4pm EST to 2am EST, there is almost perpetually a ransacker online
Size: About 30 daily active, many more part timers
Raids We Do: All
Raids Per Week: Untold....to Ransack is to Raid
Raid Loot System: Keep whats yours or its up for roll
Leader: Toof -- Successor: Stickyfeet
Recruiting: Gotta make the run. We need to know you before invites will be given. Being a good player helps a lot, but you must be respectful, friendly, helpful and a team player. We take pride in our guild. Aspiring Ransackers should either find an officer in game or go to our website.
Info: Ransack is a guild of friends with common game goals. We love to raid as well as tear down WaterWorks. If you need something, we are there. We have toons of all levels just because grinding isnt the only thing in this game. A Ransacker stands out as a well oriented individual who isnt afraid to help out other gamers, not just our guildies. Ransackers are good people.
History: Ransack was started when the game launched (Feb. 2006) and is one of the few original guilds on Khyber still around and active.
-Rest In Piece s:
Average Playtime: Right now Monday evenings from about 8pm CST until about 10pm CST or 12am CST
Size: Very Small... 8 Active Accounts
Raids We Do: None of them yet we just got off the ground and right now all of the toons are too low to run raids.
Raid Loot System: Your loot your choice
Leader: Treylie
Recruiting: Actively recruiting anyone looking for a Perma Death guild.
Our Moto: Don't Die!
Info: We are a Perma-Death Guild... If you have any questions you can find us on monday nights, or look up on of my toons from Psionic Infinity (Saleena-riedra, Desorna, Dylila, Deairdrie, Brivan, Teruko, Morriganna, Falicity, Syvela, Lehona), and we will answer your questions.
Size: Very Small Private Guild
Raids We Do: All
Raids per Week: As many as we can
Raid Loot System: Need before Greed. If you don't need it put it up for roll
Leader: Lacer
Recruiting: Not actively recruiting, only the best need apply.
Guild Motto: "We don't die, cept for lag!"
Info: Very small tight knit group from Argonnessen, that runs the game at the highest level.
-Riedra’s Order
Average Playtime: eveings CST USA
Size: 25ish (10ish highly active)
Raids We Do: TBD
Raids per Week: TBD
Raid Loot System: TBD
Leader: Galaas
Website: TBC
Recruiting: Swoseldi, Dunleme, Nitestoker, Galaas
We are looking for mature friendly ambitious players any level any class.
-Role Players:
Size: 30-40
Raids We Do: All
Raids per Week: It varies.
Raid Loot System: had one, but about to get rid of it.
Leader: Melodee
Recruiting: If you are interested in joining, please contact the following in-game: Melodee, Arrgus,
Zenix, Nellas, Mandingo, Kabooom, Hankolas, Krusherr
Info: The Role Players guild is being restructured to
get back to its' roots. Being fun is far more important
than being a good player to be a Role Player. You
must also be an adult (over 18).
-Role Players Mules
-Royal Blood
-- S --
-Seekers of Tomorrow’s Horizons
-Silent Steele:
Play Times : Mostly early AM and late PM EST.
Raids We Do: Most Members like to do Tempest Spine and the Chrono Raids just for the loot. I enjoy them and HoX as well.
Guild Established : Sometime during Update 4, and currently have 43 active members and 12 members away at college for total of 55, which includes 10 Officers.
Guild Leader is Nazrahgul Wartusks TR 20th Ftr/6 Barb, Sucessor is Chuuggaconro 20th Monk,New Player Advisor is Annakerri 20th Sorcerer. Thanks Very Much, Naz.
Average Playtime: Most are EU and American players, you'll also find a few Australian players,most active at European evenings and afternoons
Size: 50 Active Accounts
Raids We Do: The Chronoscope, Tempest Spine,will very soon be doing Reaver's Fate and Demon Queen!
Raids per Week: We do raids when we feel like it,dont follow a schedule,check the message of the day for guild raid announcements!
Raid Loot System: Most Officers and Leader (me) won't need a lot of the loot and will pass it on to people who do, if more than one people want it,then roll d100
Leader: Lomer
Recruiting: Yes we are, looking for around 20-45 new people!
Info: You'll often find us chatting in the guild chat for hours,you are free to join,ask questions and answer some too!
Min Reqs: Vale of Twilight, Sands of Menechetarun and/or Ruins of Gianthold, at least 3 months of gaming experience. The min reqs are so we can run raids together, if we cant...whats the point of being in a guild?
-Smash Syndicate:
Average Playtime: Daytime, evenings. Some late nights. USA
Size: Very small and looking to grow
Raids We Do: Shroud, VoD, ToD, HoX, TS, VoN6...
Raids per Week: Several
Leader: Sethgreen
Recruiting: Yes
Info: Looking to create a guild of intelligent adults who love DDO and want to develop characters that can survive and be a benefit to any party on any quest/raid. Teamwork, friendship, laughs, raids, leveling TRs and lowbies, special events, crafting, everything. Elite without the elitist attitude.
-Sons of Anarchy:
Average playtime:As often as possible
Size:59 on list some are alts and multiple personalities
Raids we do:We did Tempest Spine with 7 people from the guild working on doing more in the future.
Raids per week:Working on that
Raid loot system:who needs the most
Website:made one no one uses it
Recruiting:If you play the game to enjoy the game, maybe, best to talk to one of our other members that is online at the same time for more info.
Info:We are a smaller guild of older players that come mostly from paper version, so we adventure not race to the finish. We are basically a non zerg guild we try and get all the optionals and go a little slower so we survive and get all the xp bonus's and loot available.
-Souls of Chaos
-Sovereign Blades:
Average Playtime: Members mainly from central and eastern US, most members on around 9:00-11:00
Size: Medium
Raids We Do: Stormreaver, Shroud, Hound, Velah, and the rest...
Raids per Week: as many as possible
Raid Loot System: Who ever the item is most useful for.
Leader: Boness
Recruiting: All welcome, new player to vets.
Average Playtime: mostly european times but always someone is on
Size: 36 active accounts
Raids we do: any
Raids per Week:6-7
Raid Loot System: it's just loot
Leader: Adhs
Recruiting: An all Greek guild for Greek speaking players.
-Squirrel Terrorist Faction:
Average Playtime: 3PM - 10PM Eastern Time-US
Size: 4
Raids We Do: All (Abbot, Tempest Spine, Titan - Rarely)
Raids per Week: Depends on Week (Usually, as soon as timer expires)
Raid Loot System: 1. Self 2. Guildies 3. "Who has the biggest wallet?"
Leader: Mrsquirrel
Website: N/A to Non-Guildies
Recruiting: Yes - Look for STF Recruiting Post
Info: "We are not guildies, we are family."
-Storm Riders:
Average Playtime: Mostly during the eveing eastern time.
Size: About 15-20 active players
Raids we do: tempest, valeh soon, "quest series of the week"
Raids per week: approx 1
Raid Loot System: Need before greed
Leader: ameron/arlight
Website: None
Recruiting: people who enjoy playing any type character they want as long as they play smart...
we stress self sufficency and try to alternate characters on different days of the week so noone gets stuck in one role all the time..healboting ,etc.
-Stormreach Thieves’ Guild:
Average Playtime: Mainly Aussie Peak Times, GMT 8-12ish
Size: 10-20 most weekdays, 40+ when busy
Raids We Do: All Raids, rotation basis
Raids Per Week: one raid per week, Saturday night Aussie time
Raid Loot System: 1d100, basically for whoever wants it but with some sense of need before greed
Recruiting: Always! just nicely ask one of our memebrs if there is an officer online and you will be recruited, or can ask your questions. Open invite policy- no hoops to jump through
Info: Our guild is a place where casual off-peakers can call home. Some only get to play a couple of times a week, others play much more regularly. Fun is what we are for, and respect for other guildies is paramount :-)
Average Playtime: Varies My friend and my self are on a lot running quest and such to level.
Size: growing
Raids We Do: We do all we can when we can
Raids per Week: more soon to come
Raid Loot System: open for discussion with officers
Leader: Jagermyster/Jaggrr Officers: Steelkisses, Decerebrator and Sashaneal
Recruiting: open atm(Must be currently 5+ in Level and have a VIP account), Really need Rogue, Casters Dmg, and Bard Must Apply at website sign in With main toon name if name is taken plz add "ddo"at the end.(18+years old only)
Info: A friend and I decided to come here and play we are new to the game but have experience in MMO games. We would love for someone who has knowledge of the game that would like to help us newbs out. (will be updating as we can on this post)
-Sun Worshipping Dog Launchers
-Sword Of Shadows:
Leader: Muzzy
Members: 250 Plus Alts. over 350
Sucsessor: Tiberianrex
Guild Page:
Recruiting: Always(if you are a good person who likes to have fun). We love to help new people to the game.
Raids: Always never planned!
-Systematic Chaos
-- T --
-The A List
-The A Team:
Average Playtime: Afternoon and evening EST
Size: 10-15, to varying degrees of activity
Raids We Do: All
Raids per Week: 3-5
Raid Loot System: /roll d1000000 for whatever you want (within reason)
Leader: Kally Successor: Dewk
Website: here
Recruiting: Not actively, though anyone is welcome to apply. Send in-game mail to Kally, Mehlee, or Cruxx for more info.
Info: More or less a small group of friends which no one else can stand to run with. Backtalk and sarcasm are encouraged.
-The Ashen:
Average Playtime: All hours - peak probably between 9pm and 1am EST. Have several oversears players as well, giving us players on at all times.
Size: 30+
Raids We Do: All
Raids Per Week: 10+
Raid Loot System: /roll d100
Leader: Nuckles / Successor: Torosar
Recruiting: Yes. We generally aren't actively recruiting, but we always welcome anybody who wishes to join us whom an officer has grouped with and is observed to be someone who won't bring drama/grief to the guild.
-The Bums Rush
-The Black Company:
Average Playtime: we are all on at different times theres usually at least one or two on
Size: atm not sure we r in the stages of rebuilding
Raids We Do: atm not sure we r in the stages of rebuilding
Raids per Week: atm not sure we r in the stages of rebuilding
Raid Loot System: d100 and need b4 greed
Leader: Silent / Successor: Ellyie
Recruiting: Currently yes, plz see an officer for more info
We are a mecenary company of misfits, miscreants and misanthropes, but we are family. We are slowly rebuilding the Company to fielding strength by recruiting only the best. Though the Company has nearly been destroyed countless times over the millenia, we march on.
-The Breakfast Club
-The Cavalier Cavalry:
Average Playtime: 2 hours a day Mon-Thurs, as much as we can get away with Fri-Sun.
Size: Six Man Band (The Association)
Raids We Do: Shroud, ToD, Shroud, Chronoscope, Shroud, HoX, Shroud, Shroud.
Raids per Week: 7 Shrouds a week, 2 ToDs, everything else is catch-as-catch can.
Raid Loot System: What's yours is yours. Guildies can get passed items, then roll.
Leader: Glyndwyr Owain, Oryara is Successor
Website: ddo.cavaliercavalry.com (coming soon)
Recruiting: Nope. We're a six man band.
Info: For those of you afraid, yes, we're named after a horde of small late 80s Chevrolets, or a bunch of people on horses who don't give a ****. Striving for GL50. We're always ready to help other Khyber Guilds on any raid or quest.
-The Core HC Permadeath Guild:
Playtime: every evening, weekends all day
Size: 200 characters, vast majority of those alts (1-15 regular members).
Leader: Movan
Recruiting: yes. "Come and get some hardcore."
Info: We have been around for a year. HC means "hardcore."
-The Crusading Spankers of Death:
Guild Name: The Crusading Spankers of Death
Average Playtime: Varies as we all have to earn our keep and spanking monsters does not pay… well… anything! The Guild Founders play about 2-3 times per week and play together with our main characters whenever we can make that happen.
Size: 100 and growing…
Raids We Do: Depends on our mood and who in the guild is online and what level they are at… we try to party with guild first and let who is online cater to what we do.
Raids per Week: Varies
Raid Loot System: … if it’s yours you keep it, but we encourage sharing with those who could use an item and encourage hand-me-downs to our lower level players.
Founders: Dritzzmaul, Rockdots and Phineasferb
Acting Leader (on DDO Site): Dritzzmaul
Recruiting: All the time, all levels and races
We wanted our own airship so we started a guild in early summer of 2010. We liked to “spank monsters” together and so in a meeting of the collective minds we dubbed ourselves “The Crusading Spankers of Death”… the rest is soon to be history. We try to encourage players that are new to DDO to join our guild and play with us and try to help them make a few friends they can play with and learn from along the way as we did when we started. There is so much to learn and it’s nice to have someone welcome you to the game and to help get you off the ground. We don’t care how big or small we are or if people jump ship to other guilds or even decide to create their own as they learn and progress in the game, we just want to have FUN! We just set up the website and it’s still a work in progress… will get more organized on raids and events as we go but for now we really just want to spank lots of monsters and have a good time doing it.
-The Dark Brotherhood
-The Ded:
Average Playtime: Evenings and all through the night: PST!
Size: 4-5 Members (Level 49)
Raids We Do: All
Raids per Week: Multiple
Raid Loot System: Priority goes to need
Leader: Dryndll Officers: Cecyll and Renamedep
Recruiting: We all are connected in the real world, but would love some new friends!
Info: Located in the Bay Area and Los Angeles area.
-The Dern’d and the Blessed
-The Devas:
Average Playtime: Anytime. More at night.
Size: 30+ Active Players.
Raids We Do: All raids anytime of the week but we also have specific raid nights.
Raids Per Week: About 1 per week, see members online.
Raid Loot System: If you want it, it's yours otherwise we roll's(d100) if someone wants too.
Leader: VonKlaus Debonnair / Successor: Phaleon.
Recruiting: No arrogant players, to fix the fun and friendship in the game. We are "FRIENDS", noob or vet. TRs or adventures.
Additional: We are growing with this philosophy of friendship. Most part of guild is old ages D&D table players. Have good number of Braziliam players, can talk in : English, Spanish or Portuguese(BR).
-The Disciples of the Dark Knight:
Average Playtime: Anytime. More at night and weekends.
Size: 15+ Active Players.
Raids We Do: Mostly low level characters except a few TRs, so we do group runs mostly. Will do all raids anytime of the week but we will also have specific raid nights.
Raids Per Week: About 1 per week, see members online.
Raid Loot System: If you want it, it's yours otherwise we roll's(d100) if someone wants too.
Leader: Lathal / Successor: Draxulle Nightblade.
Recruiting: Yes. Small group of friends and we are a mix of noobs, vets, and TRs
Additional: We are a small guild of mature players, that like to have fun and enjoy playing the game.
-The Dragon Knights:
Average Playtime: 6pm Pacific - 10pm Pacific M-Th, After 6PM Pacific Fri - 10pm Pacific Sun
Size: ~10
Raids We Do: All are fair game.
Raids per Week: 10+ (Every one is at least on Reaver timer)
Raid Loot System: Keep it or put it up for roll.
Leader: None that we are aware of.
Website: Errr... not right now.
Recruiting: That's a strong word...
Info: We're gimps, we're insane, we're likely drunk (or drinking), and we seem to dance on tables way too much.
-The Dragon Order of Arcanix (DOA):
Average Playtime: Prime time is US Eastern evenings, but you can find Dragons on at any time. We have members from all over the world.
Size: 85+ (some more active than others).
Raids are done frequently but not pre-planned, we usually have enough on to fill.
Raid Loot System: you pull it, it's yours to do with, but d100 roll if you state "it's up for roll"
Leader: Doritto
Recruiting: Yes, refer to website if interested. Most important is that we are a mature guild that is more concerned with a "family" feeling and helping each other out rather than how Uber you are.
-The Dragon Riders of Eberron
-The Ebon Phoenix:
Average Playtime: From 6-7 p.m. to 10-Midnight weekdays, All night till daybreak on weekends. (CST) Various Members are on at any given time, though.
Size: 25+ members, 11 or so active often
Raids we do: F2P, but buying more Adventure Packs all the time. Some mems are VIPs
Leader: Kaiyro the Golden
Recruiting: If you would like to join, find an Officer and ask, or send mail to Kaiyro, and I'll find you.
Info: We're a semi-new Guild with lvls ranging from 1-11, looking for more people to join around that level range. We're a fun-loving bunch, we love to help out anybody, if you're new, we'll show you the ropes and help get you good equipment to start. Must have good sense of humor and comraderie! Join us! We got your back!
-The Free Companions:
Avg Playtime : Ppl on 24 hrs with peak times during eastern to pacific evenings
Size: About 100 members with currently 25-35 active (this may change back to higher numbers after MOD 5)
Raids We Do: Currently Impromptu basis, 2 scheduled 12 mans during weekend and one 12 man during week.
Raid Loot System: We generally just use whoever wants it rolls for it system now.
Leader: Eightball /Successor: Tabytha
Website: Its changing with guild name but Ill edit later.
Recruiting: Not actively, 18 older, See leaders for more info.
-The Four Bearers
-The Hand of the Black Tower:
Average Playtime: EST afternoon, evening, early AM
Size: 40 Active Players
Raids We Do: Any
Raids per Week: 6-12
Raid Loot System: Your loot your choice
Leader: Gruntiz
Recruiting: Accepting applications on website. You will most likely be asked to run a few raids or quests with the guild prior to a decision regarding an invitation.
Info: The Hand is one of the longest running raiding guilds. Some first time achievements.
-The Hatchery:
Average Playtime: USA late nights/early mornings, AEST late afternoon, evenings
Size: about 15
Raids We Do: Still working on getting some of our nublets flagged but atm, Reavers, Shroud, DQ2
Raids per Week: 2-3/week
Leader: Drilltex
Recruiting: Generally on a 'I played with them and I thought they were good to join the guild' basis
Info: Half TRs, half rapidly levelling nublets. Laid back but with some serious knowledge mongers in the group. Pretty irreverant bunch but good fun.
-The Iron Enforcer’s Alliance
-The Night Masks:
Average Playtime : GMT 11pm - 5am (EST 6pm - 12am)
Size : Tiny (3 atm)
Raids We Do: Flagging for Raids actually (GH / Reaver / Shroud)
Raids per Week: -
Raid Loot System : need / keep / whatever
Leader: Kuronons (ROG 20 - GMT +1) / Officers : Thorspawn (BAR 19 - GMT -5) / Dhedly (PAL 20 - GMT -5)
Website: none atm
Recruiting: YES - Mostly high lvl characters (healer / casters needed) who haven t done most of high lvl quests.
Low lvl toons also welcomed to run with rerolls.
Info: Founded in order to get a good group of friendly active players who can run together in good spirit without pressure, with great sense of humor and self-derision. Supporting each others for loot, build and quests related questions.
Mature content ! International players (actually franco-americano-colombian...)
And remember...it's just a game heh.
-The One:
Average Playtime: 24/7
Size: 200
Raids We Do: Shroud, T-spine, DQ, Reaver,on our way to doing more as a guild. Some of us are flagged for all raids.
Raids per Week: As needed, sometimes dailey, Raid night is Saturdays.
Raid Loot System: 1d100 roll/highest wins
Leader: Murdan
Recruiting: yes, no blind invites...we watch who and when we invite. Consider us a secret society!
-The Order of Eminence
-The Outcast's Sanctum:
Average Playtime: majority play at night, but there are some of us without lifes...
Size: 104
Raids We Do: DQ, Reaver's Fate, VoD, ToD, Hound, even a few tempest spires...lol
Raids per Week: 3-4
Raid Loot System: roll a 1d100 but only if you actually need it for that toon.
Leader: Redorn Haven
Recruiting: always, who doesn't recruit?
Info: We are a very close knit guild of Friends, we welcome anyone wanting to join us. We are a very easy going group of people as well as very mature, never turn anyone's questions down (no matter how stupid they can be), and just very fun loving basicly. Come check us out for yourself.
-The Paper Dolls:
Average Playtime: evenings (US times zones)
Size: ~30
Raids We Do: All
Raids per Week: 2/Mo
Raidloot system: Need before Greed
Leader: Mame
Recruiting: Actively recruiting, no, if we find someone we like, 2 officers agree, they want in, we make it happen
-The Red Dragon Inn:
Average Playtime: Varies but normally afternoons and evenings us times
Size: 40+
Raids We Do: All of them minus Abbott
Raids per Week: 2 give or take
Raid Loot System: You keep what you pull if you don't want it put it up for roll
Leader: Saleena-Riedra
Successor: Krisera
Recruiting: By invitation only, but always looking for new good players
Info: A crazy and insane guild who helps one another out and has alot of fun in game at all times.
-The Red Gauntlet Regiment
-The Riot Clan
-The Severed Fist:
Average Playtime: Varies as we have members from both US and Aus timezones
Size: Currently have 13 registered members
Raids We Do: We do all when available to do so
Raids per Week: No set raid times
Raid Loot System: 1D100, need before greed
Leader: Kelderon
Captains: Emerld* (he has many toons prefixed with Emerld), Spudy
Recruiting: Not actively, but applications welcome.
Info: Small guild formed by Kelderon and Emerld. Band of misfits and outcasts, but a collection nonetheless. I have personally grouped with all members prior to recruitment and recruitment is based on a case by case basis. We accept all playing styles, however group play is strongly encouraged. As membership grows we will be funning all raids with small groups, ranging from 3-6 depending on the raid.
-The Shadowhand:
Average Playtime: Varies, members are from all parts of the world.
Size: 12+ members with 40+ Alts
Raids We Do: All Raids
Raids per Week: 5+, when and where we can.
Raid Loot System: What's yours is yours, do as you wish with it.
Leader: Quanefel Celebryl
Second in Command: Avoiderto
Website: In progress
Recruiting: Yes, always. Ask leader or an officer.
Info: This guild has been active since start, and only recently have been actively recruiting to fill our ranks. We desire honest, loyal and hardworking players to join and come have fun with us. Teamwork is a must as well as some ability of being self-reliant when needed. You will be helped and in return are expected to help other members. Also, a member is expected to represent the guild at all times. What each individual member does, reflects on the whole. Act accordingly. But above all else, have fun.
-The SilverBlade Champions:
Average Playtime: varies people from across the world play here...
Size:45+ maybe more didn't feel like counting...lol
Raids We Do: when we get the urge to
Raids per Week:1-2
Raid Loot System:need way before greed. end of story.
Leader: Tanache Brea
Website: sbchampions.guildlaunch.com
Recruiting:any and all, only Req is to have your voice turned on so you can hear the rest of us... oh and like to have fun also...
Info: The SilverBlade Champions, we are a good group of people looking for others who are up for alittle fun and looking to learn the ropes of the DDO world. Look forward to seeing you all ingame.
-The Silver Leaf
-The Sisters
-The Sycko's:
Average Playtime: As often as we can
level: 16 right now
Size: so far 10 active member and at least 75 others
Raids We Do: We would love to.
Leader: Syckobabydol
Recruiting: Anyone is welcome to join.
Info: At level 5 and you be listed on the site to be promoted to officer.
- ** The Thousand Eyes **
Average Playtime: Usually ~5-11pm Eastern, all day weekends.
Size: 8-12 Active, many others periodic play.
Raids We Do: All
Raids Per Week: Depends
Leader: Qantaqa / Kraki / Hali
Recruiting: Yes, need to group with a member to make sure you're are a team player.
Info: Founders guild from Beta, small but tight, most are founding players. VERY Knowledgeable players. Seeking nice players. (This is the guild I'm in so extra props lol)
-The Uberones
-The Undying Court:
Average Playtime: Usually early morning, but some players are on most of the time
Size: 15 or so active players, more and more during peak times.
Raids We Do: Lots. All bar Abbot.
Raids per Week: 10 - 15 (ish) Self determined.
Raid Loot System: Offered to guildmates first, then public for rolls.
Leader: Jenapher
Website: We're on guildportal.
Recruiting: See Valanthius/Radah in game...or ask a member of the court about recruitment.
Info: Laid back, easy going guild. All about having fun first, and foremost.
-The Unforgiven
-The Unsung Heroes:
Average Playtime: 9pm -2am EST
Size: 15
Raids We Do: Not actively raiding as of yet but working on getting members raid ready.
Leader: Aramina
Recruiting: We don't actively recruit. If interested please approach a guild member.
Info: Very laid back style, we don't rush anything and prefer to master quests not race through them. Everything is in fun and nothing is serious.
-The Venerated:
Average Playtime: 6pm - 10pm CST Weekdays, majority of Satuday, early and late Sunday.
Size: Small (Newly formed Guild)
Raids We Do: None as of yet
Raids we aim to do: All of them
Raids per Week: None as of yet
Projected Raids per week: 2-3
Raid Loot System: On a drop basis. Owner of drop decides how to distribute.
Leader: Itemestale
Website: In Progress
Recruiting: Very much so
Info: Brand new guild trying to make it to the big time. Owner is very experienced (6 level 20 characters) and wants to raid, but is tired of finding a raid guild that fits his expectations.
-The Way of Balance:
Playstyle: Casual role play (for enjoyment and recreation)
Size: Small
Leader: Junsui
Recruiting: All (ages 18+) (Please allow 24 hours for in-game guild invitation)
Info: Mature play, no obligations, looking to grow, open enrollment.
-The Welfare Bandets
Average Playtime: 2-6 hours a day
Raids We Do: the free ones
Raids per Week: Depends
Raid Loot System: ?
Leader: whorobbedme
Recruiting: yes
Info: were all about the fun and helping out new ppl with the game. and loot, loot loot and lots of loot.
-The Zhentarim:
Guild name: Zhentarim
Size: Medium-Large (Always someone online)
Raids We Do: - All, but currently not on an active schedule (may change if website gets use for posting raids)
Raids per Week: - Anytime not on a timer so a lot.
Raid Loot System: - If you need something, say something.
Leader: Khellbenn
Captains: Flatbottom, Celldweller, Kirthan, Salmissra
http://zhentarim.guildportal.com - This is a new website so it's still under-construction but it will get prettier :P
Recruiting: Open Recruitment - If interested send mail in-game to Khellbenn and I'll get back you faster than PM'ing would work as I'm in the game far more than the forums. You can also post in the forums on our website if you can't reach anyone any otherway. I can also be reached on Xfire: danknuggets1
-Those Who Smash With Grime:
Average Playtime:
Leader: Grime - Captains: Liutenant Dan(Khyron)
Recruiting: No hard and fast rules, if we have fun you may get an invite.
Info: Grime is a big role player ya gotta love his style. (Message: Help everyone smash to da best no matter how they are to smashing.)
-Timmy and the Lord of the Underworld:
Average Playtime: morning to evenings eastern to pacific times
Size: about 25ish members
Raids We Do: random stuff, small guild so we voltron up on pugs
Raids per Week: me 5 or so, guildwise not as much
Raid Loot System: need before greed
Leader: dirtypete
Recruiting: if your a southpark fan with a good personality and can take the jokes and joke back its alot of fun
-Travelers of the Veiled Path
-Twilight Avengers / Twilight Defenders ( TA Alt's Guild ):
Average Playtime: evenings (US times zones) but have early and late time players
Size: 45 (Max 60) (some more active than others)
Raids We Do: All
Raids Per Week: 20+
Raid Loot System: Point Loot Score (can be explained in detail)
Leader: Riott Ad Infinitum
Message Board Site:
Recruiting: Yes, Read and follow the instructions under the Membership Application section on the message boards
-Twilight Alliance:
Average Playtime: U.S. evenings
Size: Capped at <20
Raids They Do: All
Raids per Week: 10-14 per week
Raidloot system: Need before greed /roll d100
Leader: Frets
Recruiting: Closed membership with occasional invitations sent to players that share our passion, knowledge, and enjoyment of the game.
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-Unearthed Arcana
Average Playtime: Mostly 7PST-3PST
Size: 40 active players
Raids We Do: All
Raids per Week: 10-20
Raid Loot System: None
Leader: Aussiee
Website: Not working at the moment.
Recruiting: Respectful people willing to have fun.
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-VIP’S Only
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Average Playtime: USA early morning/late nights
Size: about 15ish
Raids We Do: All except Titan.
Raids per Week: Every night
Leader: Psychogene
Recruiting: Maybe
Info: A mostly Aussie/NZ guild with a couple of Americans and Euros thrown in the mix.
-Warlords II:
Average Playtime: Mon - Fri 5pmP/8pmE - 11pmP/2amE, Sat/Sun All Day and into the Night
Size: 20+ Members
Raids We Do: All
Raids per Week: 8+
Leader: Sagar
Recruiting: Light recruiting
Info: Originally from Aundair. Smallish guild, most of us have been guildies for a year now. Looking to expand and bring in players who like to have fun and raid often. We have regular raid nights established and loot run/farming nights as well. Check our site.
-Way of the Blood Eagle:
Average Playtime: Almost 24/7 about a 6hr down time
Size: 3 lev 35
Raids We Do: Any
Raids per Week: As many as we can
Raid Loot System: Your loot is your loot roll them out if you want don't if you don't
Leader: All of us but chef is on the most (that would be me just look for a toon that has chef in his name many of you know me anyway
Recruiting: Must talk to and play with everyone fist (seriously 3 person guild should not be a porb)
Info: We are a group of friends that play the guild is there but we have people on our friends list on all the time so we do not really pug that much (we are one of the more laid back guilds very little official structure just her for low stress fun)
-Winter Wolf:
Average Playtime: mostly european evening/night
Size: 5 but still growing
Raids We Do: F2P Raids on request
Raid Loot System: Like normal party's, but if you need something you can always ask
Leader: Magicwolf / Eywen
Recruiting: Active, all lvl's welcome
Info: Guild for players looking for fun and quests.
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