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  1. #1
    Founder Psyk0sisS's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Default The New Khyber Guild Listing

    THE Khyber Guild Listing! PLEASE PM ME if you want your guild Listed / Updated / Taken off...I'm subscribed to the thread but for some reason I don't always get notification of a new post. Please help me keep it up-to-date, so if you know a guild has been disband or you are a new guild, LET ME KNOW . IF your guild starts with "THE" it will be listed in the "T" section due to previous similar guilds (i.e. Awesome Guild and The Awesome Guild). Also, if you could follow the basic format below, it would help, Thanks!!

    Suggested Template
    Average Playtime:
    Raids We Do:
    Raids per Week:
    Raid Loot System:
    Info: *please try to keep this fairly short, thanks*

    -- A --
    -A Poppy in the Dark:
    Average Playtime: mostly european evening/night
    Size: around 10 active players (lvl 70)
    Raids we do: Mostly eVoN, ToD, Shroud - but basically any
    Raids per Week: 6ish
    Raid Loot System: it's just loot
    Leader: Hyanne, secondary: Darkpoppy
    Recruiting: not really
    -Acolytes of Foluke:
    Average Playtime: EST Evenings US
    Size: 5-10 (Small)
    Raids We Do: None, But Run Some PUGS Together
    Raids Per Week: Four
    Raid Loot System: Please Offer Pulls You Dont Need to Fellow Guild Members
    Leader: Foluke
    Successor/Officer: Bentor
    Website: (in process)
    Recruiting: Yes, Send in Game Mail to Bentor or Foluke
    Info: Looking for Team Players, that want to run quests together. Currently High Level and Some Low Level Characters. Life comes first we all have other responsibilities outside of DDO that should take precedence.
    -Adventurer's Asylum:
    Average Playtime: 6pm until 10pm nightly CST
    Size: small but growing
    Loot system: If it is yours do as you wish, but give consideration to other players as well.
    Leader: Tzoaxont Illictaule
    Recruiting: currently recruiting all classes and levels. Must be at least 18 to join guild. Please fill out an application or talk to an officer in game.
    -Adventure Inc.:
    Average Playtime: Varies... Members span US, Canada, Australia, and Southeast Asia
    Size: 90+ members
    Raids We Do: All raids
    Raids Per Week: When we are in the mood
    Leader: Daruis the Blind Mage
    Recruiting: Honor, Loyalty, Sharing & Fun - that is our Creed! We have an open door policy. New players to the game are very welcomed and we are happy to help them learn all about Stormreach and the citizens of Khyber.
    -Alpha and Omega:
    Average Playtime: Mostly during the day eastern time.
    Size: 22 Active Players
    Raids We Do: All
    Raids Per Week: 5-10
    Raid Loot System: Need before greed must /roll d1000 highest roller wins, in the case of a tie its a reroll
    Leader: Aneta / Successor: Baptism
    Website: None
    Recruiting: Sure. We look for people with a great sense of humor and great attitude. It is a must that you know how to take a joke, do to the fact that there is alot of sacasm in this guild, and I mean ALOT! So serious people need not apply! We only recruit people that we have partied with on more then one occassion. Also the benifit of having a good toon.
    -Ancestral Guardians
    -Army Of The Deep:
    Average Playtime: 10PM EST and later
    Size: Brand New, <20 Members
    Type: Light RP with optional Perma Death Flair
    Leader: Krumblee Bleu
    Recruiting: Just about anyone. Read the above website and there is an application there.
    Size: 4
    Info:Un-organized guild. Closed to new applicants. Always ready to assist other guilds/players. Contact Cedarstone or Deathfiddle with questions...
    -Aundair’s Elite
    -Aundairs Freedom Fighters
    -Avant Garde Mercenaries Guild:

    Average Playtime: Varies; guild spans central and eastern US, usually evening times though (allied with Agents of Chaos)
    Size: 15 with AGMG and 20 with AOC (all active players)
    Raids We Do: Temepst Spine frequently (for loot/favor); Von occasionally
    Raids per Week: varies
    Raid Loot System: items go to guild members before AH or Vendor
    Leader: Liyandra
    Recruiting: We are always recruiting anyone
    Info: We are serious and mature but still have plenty of fun. No preferred age just as long as you can be serious when needed. We do request that anyone under 18 let us know that you are a minor so that we can be sure to act appropriately.
    -Avatars of Virtue:
    Average Playtime: Mostly during US daytime.
    Size: Small
    Raids We Do: None, yet!
    Raids per Week: None, yet!
    Raid Loot System: Point System
    Leader: Sunarch
    Recruiting: Everyone
    Info: AoV is a small founding guild focused on fun and playing the game.
    -Avatars of the Witch Queen:
    Avatars of the Witch Queen
    Average Playtime: Evenings 1-3 nights a week. UTC -8 Pacific Time
    Size: 8-10 Players. and 3-5Active
    Raids We Do: Size does mater, were small so we don’t raid alone.
    Raids per Week: See above
    Raid Loot System: Since we are small we abide by the host raid system
    Leader: Bobosmash
    Website: No
    Recruiting: By invitation only.
    Info: We are a small group of friends that have played PnP together and formed a guild to make it easier to play together on line.

    -- B --
    -Bad Voodoo:
    Average Playtime:
    Size: 10+/-
    Raids We Do: None at the moment still too new
    Raids per Week: Want to do at least 1-2 per week
    Raid Loot System: at this point nothing has been decided most likely DKP
    Leader: Vrianna
    Website: Non atm
    Recruiting: All classes and Races. Need to have a subscription or have access to all content
    -Band of Brothers:
    Average Playtime: M - F 11am - 10pm (EST), Sat & Sun All Day/Night
    Size: 30+ Members
    Raids We Do: All
    Raids per Week: 8+
    Leader: Iinilye
    Recruiting: Light recruiting
    Info: Originally from Aundair. The core group has been associated for about 2 years now. The merger of WarlordsII and BoB in Nov 2007 reunited the core members of the original guild. We raid almost every day in some form or fashion.
    -Band of the Hand Riedra
    -Band of Skull:
    Average Playtime: EST afternoon, evening, early AM (8-12 hours per day)
    Size: 160
    Raids We Do: all
    Raids per Week: 1-2
    Raid Loot System: your loot
    Leader: Ravendagger
    Recruiting: invite only
    Info: Remnants of Skull's Dragoons from Quakeworld and Ultima Online (Chesapeake). Adults only. Old members
    we are looking for you! Hite!
    Average Playtime: Mostly during the day eastern time.
    Size: Currently only about 5 players...
    Raids We Do: I do and Know all raids!
    Raids Per Week: 1-6 raids (depends on play time)
    Raid Loot System: Need before greed must /roll d100 highest roller wins, in the case of a tie its a reroll
    Leader: Trucia(Jket)
    Website: None
    Recruiting: Looking for any type of bard build only. Jket has a build posted under Bard Class forums which is a really great build. So all new members are welcome just ask him, in game or in forums!
    -Beginners Luck
    -Beholder's Bane Adventuring Co
    -Blaze of Glory
    -Black Company
    -Blades of Khorvaire
    -Brotherhood of Heroes
    -Brotherhood of Valor:
    Average Playtime: Random and rare
    Size: 1 active member
    Raids We Do: have so far only done VoN
    Raids per Week: none
    Raid Loot System: roll
    Leader: Braedonnal
    Website: none
    Recruiting: not actively
    Info: No active members so don't play this toon often, but it is a founding guild from Riedra so not letting it die.

    -- C --
    -Cavalier Cavalry

    Playtime Wed, 7pm+ Pacific, Fri-Sun (various)
    Size: 6 people, level 38.
    Raids we do: Oryara's our ToD monk, I do Shrouds all the time, Aaronitus is our Chronoscope specialist.
    Raids Per Week: ToD 2 -3. Shrouds 7+, Chrono 1 per week. DQ 2 times a week. Others are catch as catch can.
    Raid Loot System: Chests are finders-keepers, guildies first call, roll for extras. We've been rolling for Shroud powershards a lot, as we're all full up.
    Leader: Glyndwyr Owain, 20 Cleric. Oryara, 20 Monk is successor.
    Website: (coming real soon)
    Recruiting: Nope, but once we hit 50, we'll pretty much have open invites to the ship.
    Info: We try to run as a six man band, but we do a lot of pugging as well. Ears, vox, and an ability to take direction. Have enough toons with needs that we don't mind helping to farm for some things.
    -Cavalieri dei Draghi:
    Average Playtime:afternoon,evening (GTM+1)
    Italian guild(and 1 portugues ) inbound lvl 70
    Size:100+ Active Players
    Raids We Do: all
    Raids per Week: 6-12(specialized leadership in TOD(Donabbondio), LOB/MA(Kalistoo), Srhoud(any officer), DQ(Llino, Ranclar), Patatina & Fede(in all of epic quests))
    Raid Loot System: your loot is your choise.
    Leader: Fede
    Successor: Alixa
    Recruiting: Accepting all italians with loyalty and willing to learn.
    Info: As players, we count a variety of classes (TR and not) able to cover any roles in any raids. As the only Italian guild in khyber we have the duty to be the lighthouse for those italians newbie that approach to DDO, and we try to lead them trhough the game mechanics, helping with advices. we ensure during the playing time always an Officer online, who is the interface for any problem.juste send a message in general chat(or sent tell via "who" panel) and as soon as possible we'll reply with a PM.
    -Clan Blackwolfe:
    Average Playtime: 8:30pm-10:30pm PST M-T later on F-S
    Size: small- (core group family of 3)
    Leader: Talohn
    Recruiting: like minded dungeon crawlers always
    Info: See website for more info.
    -Clan Spellcaster
    -Company of the Phoenix
    -Crimson Eagles:
    Average Playtime: GMT+10 evenings with a splattering of people online at other hours. Most players are Asia Pacific.
    Size: Medium
    Raids We Do: All, but Titan very very rarely.
    Raids per Week: Some nights 4, other nights 1.
    Raid Loot System: Your loot your call. Offer to guildies then pugs if unwanted
    Leader: Felgor
    Website: Inactive
    Recruiting: No, unless we know you well.
    Info: We also have a busy channel exclusive to CE and friends.
    -Crimson Hand
    -Cult of Ryliegh:
    Average Playtimes: All the time - got a few aussies so someone is usually on
    Size: 20+ active
    Raids: Most of us are playing TR lowbies atm but all except Abbot
    Raid loot system: Need before the greed but now it is d100 low or high loot holder chooses
    Recruiting: please see website for that
    Info: casually hardcore.

    -- D --
    -Das Syndikat:
    Average Playtime: 6pm-12pm GMT+1
    Size: ~25 active accounts
    Guildlevel: 55+
    Guildship: Stormglory Tempest
    Leader: Lhidda
    Recruiting: Yes (German-speaking, TS2, Premium/VIP required)
    Info: German Guild
    -Death From Below:
    Average Playtime: sometimes days on end...most US time zones
    Size: above average
    Raids We Do: randomly any of them
    Raids per Week: 1-3
    Raid Loot System: need before greed
    Leader: Breck N'Dwall
    Recruiting: by invitation only
    Info: "fun before dishonor"
    -Death’s Shadow
    -Deathwatch Guard:
    Size: Small
    Raids We Do: -
    Unique Raids: -
    Raids per Week: -
    Raid Loot System: -
    Leader: Gwyar Nwyfre
    Captains: Niennah Vardamir, Redhood
    Recruiting: Currently not recruiting
    Info: Most of our leadership has been pulled away from the game for various rl reasons, and DWG, while it still exists, is currently on hiatus. Many of our members, including our active officers, have joined Mature Adventures Club and we highly recommend that group of people.
    -Defenders of the Faith
    -Delightful Gentlemen:

    Average Playtime:5pm to 12am EST
    Recruiting: Yes
    Info: We are a F2P guild that is currently looking for active players.
    -Deities and Demigods
    -Demon Waste Runners
    -Deus Nova:
    Average Playtime: PST, early afternoon to the wee hours
    Size: 20
    Raids We Do: not organized for raids atm.
    Raids per Week: n/a
    Raid Loot System: n/a
    Leader: Ezmo
    Website: We have no website, FB page, gaming forum or otherwise.
    Recruiting: yes
    Info: Deus Nova was founded 2 years ago by a group of friends that played many different games together. As most of the original guild has moved on to greener pastures, it was decided to just regrow the guild by those that remained. Deus Nova is a casual, adult guild with dedicated players. There are few rules, if any. With no drama and a free society, we have the ability to quest as we please, either in PUG or guild runs.

    If you would like to become a member, just contact any Deus Nova mamber and ask. The ONLY recruiting restriction we currently have is player level. You must be at least lvl 4. We want to grow in level and you can help.
    Always remember to have fun .
    -Dirty Feet
    -Disciples of Insane Drunk Men:

    Average Playtime: 6pm until 1am nightly PST
    Size: about 200 members, many of which who play actively.
    Loot system: If it is yours do as you wish, but give consideration to other players as well.
    Leader: Phunk
    Recruiting: Currently recruiting newb or vet players. Must be willing to do guild runs at times, help out your fellow guildies and have a good time. See website for more details.
    -Disciples of Apocalypse:
    Average Playtime: All day
    Size:Currently 298
    Raids We Do: Various raids, we organize when someone needs loot otherwise.. Shroud, Pikers Fate and Chrono every 3 days
    Raids per Week:3-6
    Raid Loot System: /roll d69
    Leader: Burboink
    Recruiting: Not Currently Recruiting
    Info: Fairly casual group of gamers dedicated to having fun and helping one another get xp/loot. Free trade within guild which means we do not charge each other for items, if I have it and don't need it and you need it it's yours.
    -Disposable Heroes:
    Average Playtime: evenings (US times zones) some daytime, but can find some of us on most every night.
    Size: 30+ (some more active than others)
    Raids We Do: All
    Raids Per Week: 2-4
    Leader: Jasperheart
    Recruiting: Yes. We are a guild that belives in skilled play, fun, low drama, and helping each other achieve in-game goals.
    -Divine Calling: (See "The Trinity Guild")
    -Divine Magnanimity
    -DixoN Clan
    -DnD’s ELITE Warlords
    Leader: Balorian
    Info: We're mostly military veterans and their family, but all are welcome!
    -Dragon Renaissance Brotherhood:
    Average Playtime: Varies..10am - 12am Midnight PST Peak time is 4pm-11pm PST. Members span US, Canada, Australia, and Southeast Asia
    Size: 150+ members - 300 Toons (most members have jsut 1-2 toons in our guild, thou we prefer all toons) We have approx 70-80 log ons per day.
    Raids We Do: All raids
    Raids Per Week: When we are in the mood, thou some are scheduled in advance.
    Leader: Xxdevlinxx the Protector
    Recruiting: Honor, Loyalty, and protect the King - that is our Creed! We have an open door policy. New players to the game are very welcomed and we are happy to help them learn all about Stormreach.
    Info: We will help all newcomers by answering your questions when you have them. We also have a Guild Treasury and a Guild Bank with plenty of items to help new players.
    Size: 5
    Leader: Justkidderha
    Recruiting: Low levels only (1 - 6)
    -Dungeon Master's Hell Spawns
    -Dwarven Defenders:
    Average Playtime: varies, almost always a few members on.
    Size: 55 members with 300+ alt's.
    Raids We Do: We have a guild raid every Sunday, we have members that regularly do the Titan every 2 days 17 hours and 42 minutes, same with The Reaver. All others are on request by members, Raids per Week: 7-10 Raid Loot System: The player who pulls the raid loot may dispose of it as he or she wishes, including the possibility of allowing the rest of the party to roll if so desired.
    Leader: Durak / Successor: Dullgoth
    Recruiting: We are currently looking for more folks to assist in defending Stormreach! Please speak with an officer.
    Info: One of the longest standing guilds remaining from Riedra, the Dwarven Defenders have always maintained a democratic guild where everyone gets a say in what goes on. We are currently looking for more players who have varying game styles that will complement our ranks. Visit the website or speak with an officer in-game.

    -- E --
    -Echoes in Eternity
    -Economy of Scale
    Average Playtime: Usually somebody on at all hours. Most activity in the US evening hours.
    Size: 226 members. I see ~75 toons have logged on in the last week.
    Level: 60
    Officers: Dunlop, Anybodys, Desarius, Dratt, Drowna, Hilbo, Krustee, Ozzgood, Raypin, Shlainn, Straiden, Sylvra, Tekiko
    Recruiting: We don't recruit. But we accept new members.
    Info: We are a non-guild guild. We solo; we PUG; we share the benefits of guild renown.
    Contact any officer to join.
    -Elite Farmers
    -Elite Raiders:
    Average Playtime: all times (some Aussie players to handle the night watch)
    Size: ~15, 6-10 generally active
    Raids We Do: All
    Leader: Cavern
    -Elven Seekers
    -Eminence Forged
    Average Playtime: Majority is serveral hours a day...mix of east and west costers and some in turkey... usual hours are 4-5 to 1 am EST weekdays varies on the weekend.
    Size: Small
    Raids We Do: All sans abbot currently
    Raids per Week: 4-8
    Raid Loot System: Player Generated priority list system with points towards missed opportunities.
    Leader: Kirvan
    Recruiting: Only skilled reliable fun individuals
    Info: Closeknit bunch, goofy and fun but elite level players all about completion of quests/goals and the betterment of the whole guild.
    -Errant Venture
    -Evil Outsiderz:

    Average Playtime: 24 hours
    Size: 227
    Raids We Do: All
    Raids per Week: 12 or more
    Raid Loot System: Need before Greed
    Leader: Tempzilla
    Recruiting: Actively recruiting people of all levels.
    Info: Our guild officers are experienced DDO players who enjoy the game and helping new players become successful players. We offer guild voice chat, drama-free and keep a good sense of humor. While we are serious about the game, we don't take it too seriously.
    -Exiled in Eberron
    -Eyes of War

    -- F--
    -Failed Action
    -Fallen Heroes:
    Our Motto : "We Fight for True Love!"
    Average Playtime: Prime-time thru morning
    Size: 50+ with 30 usually active (550 alts)
    Raids We Do: All
    Raids Per Week: 2-3
    Raid Loot System: d100 simple or sometimes need.
    Leader: Emili / Successor: Akirra
    Recruiting: by three officers
    -Fire Eaters
    -Firefly Misfits
    -Forgotten Souls:
    Average Playtime: 24/7 - Active 6+ Members
    Size: 400
    Raids We Do: Any
    Raids per Week: Varies - 30-50
    Raid Loot System: None
    Leader: Adeona
    Website: None - We Operate on a Login/Logout Play Basis
    Recruiting: Ask Via Forum/In-game Mail
    Info: We are currently looking for some new members. Classes we need are Wizards, Sorcerers, Clerics, Druids & Fighters. We are a long standing guild with good knowledge of all raids and content. If you want to know more contact in game: Sunstone, Sunaxe, Sunblade or Sunart. Please have access to all the new and major raids.
    Average Playtime: Most players are PST. Usually play in the afternoons, and All through the night (9:00pm - 3-4 AM)
    Size: 12+
    Raids We Do: All of them
    Raids per Week: 2-3 a day
    Raid Loot System: Generally the items are distributed to those that need it most. Most toons in this guild are pretty decked out, so whatever we can do to help other guildies we do.
    Leader: Vyr
    Recruiting: By invitation only (dont be shy, we enjoy grouping with/recruiting other solid players)
    Info: Fun, late night guild. We have about 10-12 very solid players that strive for success, perfection, and overall harmony amongst fellow guildies/players. Most importantly, we work extremely well together and are looking for other experienced players that are in search of the same team building ideals. Please contact Vyr, Tekbo/Tekstar, Roxie/Imreapper, Virtuous/Archaic, Tvaar, or other "Founders"

    -- G --
    -Gods of Heroes
    Average Playtime: All different times but Most members on at 6:00-10:00 (GMT -5)
    Average Level: 1-8
    Size: 13+ Were growing!!
    Quests We Do: No Specific Quests. We kind of do Different Quests each day
    Leader: Harrypotterr
    Recruiting: Most members level 1-8 any higher might power level other members. So levels 1-10 would be best. ALL classes Accepted. We welcome new members.___ /tell Leader or a Officer to Join___
    Officers: Carye, Idrilden, Benyamin, ( There will be More when Guild gets Bigger )
    Loot System: If you need something, Ask for it. If your low level it is more likely that Someone will have the Item your looking For.
    Info: Started not so long ago. Not my first guild.
    ____Active + Helps guildies with Quests = Officer
    Leader: Xoren
    -Guild Name: Guardianes Del Tiempo

    Average Playtime: 16pm-01am
    Size: 40
    Raids We Do: All
    Raids per Week:3- Just Starting Raids
    Raid Loot System: What you dropped, its yours. But -consider that need should be before greed. In important raids we´ll roll 1d/100 for high loots.
    Leader: Khondaru Hanzo
    Website: Http://
    Recruiting:Spanish players.
    Info: Spanish language based guild. All members live in Spain. Soo anyone who needs this just apply in our website.(Guild de habla española. Todos los miembros viven en españa. Para unirte solo deja el apply en nuestra website).
    -Guardians of Faith:
    Average Playtime: All Hours
    Size: 15-25 People on durning all hours of the day
    Raids We Do: Alot of Dragon and Reaver Raids, We do all of them
    Raids Per Week: 1-2
    Raid Loot System: Need first, Roll System Next
    Leader: Fallien Successor: Reneweed
    Recruiting: Always Looking for laid back people to join, beers and loot and a good time is our motto.
    -Guardians of Fellowship:
    Average Playtime: Varies
    Size: About 25
    Raids We Do: None yet.
    Raids per Week:
    Raid Loot System:
    Leader: Scraggle
    Website: None
    Recruiting: Not actively
    Info: GoF, also known elsewhere as Guardians of the Flame, is a family-oriented guild dedicated to fair play and providing a safe gaming environment for younger players. We have run in several main game environments over the years, beginning with an on-line multiplayer pioneer game, NetStorm. We had a large presence in AC1 for quite awhile.
    -Guardians of Khyber:
    Average Playtime: most members on all day and night
    Size: about 100 active
    Raids We Do: All
    Raids per Week: most all
    Raid Loot System:
    Leader: Yaztromo
    Website: under construction
    Recruiting: Yes
    Info: Brother Guild with Guildless Guild
    -Guardians of the Savage Kitten
    -Guildless Guild:
    Average Playtime: all hours
    Size: 20+
    Raids We Do: All
    Raids per Week: 5 per Week
    Raid Loot System: Need then Rolls
    Leader: Inker
    2nd: Littlefoot
    Recruiting: Always looking for good player who like to have fun.

    -- H --
    -Halls of Champions
    -Happy Hunters
    -Heretics of the Sovereign Host
    -Heroic Champion
    -High Caliber Consecrators
    -Hireling of Quicktoe:
    Average Playtime: Anytime
    Size: Small
    Raids We Do: None
    Raids per Week: None
    Raid Loot System: N/A
    Leader: contact ‘Melwright’ via in game mail or Melicat here on the forums
    Website: None
    Recruiting: Favour farmers and people on server holidays are invited. New players are welcome but encouraged to find a different real guild as soon as they can. People who are rude or unpleasant to other players are not welcome. Send PM to ‘Melwright’ or send a PM to this Melicat forum account: I will send you a guild invite. Once guilded you will receive plat up to 5k dependant on level ( and can ask for more at a later time up to 5k. Will also send 20csw pots. Unbound crafted shards available on request as can be made with crafting skills of 100 in all schools (ie up to about 110) – send essences if you can at a later date but no pressure to do so.
    Info: This is an attempt to make starting out on Khyber a little easier but it’s not a real guild. If you intend to stay on Khyber it is encouraged that as soon as you can you find a real guild or even start your own. As one of my accounts is VIP I’m happy to start one and hand it over to make things easier for you if you would like to.
    -Holy Warriors:
    Average Playtime: Weekdays EST 1700hrs - 0200hrs and All Weekend Long
    Size: 100+ individuals with uncountable alts
    Raids We Do: ALL - planned raids by request via guildsite
    Raids per Week: Varies
    Raid Loot System: Need B4 Greed then /D100
    Leader: Blakdragon
    Recruiting: Always - but bring a sense of humor please
    Info: "Its Not About the XP - It's About The Experience". We are a fun loving guild who emphasise the social aspects of the game and love the fun of just exploring. Our members are from diverse backgrounds all over the world (so interesting playing times abound) and have myriad interests as well. You will find loot runers,rules-lawyers, number crunchers and build engineers just having a good time with casual players who are just there to continue their love of the Dungeons and Dragon's Experience.
    -Hostile Intent
    -House Bloodhawk:
    Average Playtime: 4pm - midnight CST
    Size: 130+
    Raids We Do: Vault of Night, Tempest Spine (so far)
    Raids per Week: 1 to 2 on average.
    Raid Loot System: We pass items to whoever needs them.
    Leader: Benjimin
    Recruiting: Mature, team-playing, anti-zerg adults.
    Info: We accept all levels of experience playing the game and all character levels as well.
    -House of Sword and Song
    -House of the Dire Bear
    Last edited by Psyk0sisS; 02-04-2013 at 04:33 PM.
    -KHYBER- Current Mains: Dios D'Muerte - Barb>FvS>Bard>Wiz>Art / Deeos D'Muerte - 20 Ninja(TR2) / Draugar D'Muerte - 20 Ninja (TR1) .Deyna D'Muerte - 20 Assassin x3 (TR2)
    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    ..Got a lunch break? A smoke break? You too can conspire with bacon

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