I know that I am not alone in wanting the developers of the game to convey in some sort of state of the game address their vision of where the game is going. A quick search through General Discussion and Development Discussion turned up the following threads, all active in the last 10 days,all requesting some sort of long term vision statement from the developers.
Level cap increase.
Devs when can we...
Half Orcs
Questions about the development cycle
Request for state of the game address
Request for State of the Game Address
Druid Question
Guild Housing
State of the Game
Level Cap Increase
The long term vision of the game is something which I believe many players would like to know about. We love this game, we love the friends that we have made in this game, and simply put we just want to know where it is headed. Not in the vague references of "down the road" or "a little bird told me" but in the same fashion that we received with the last state of the game address.
Folks have alluded to this occuring, but then silence. No response. For me this is the most maddening and disheartening occurance within the game.
We love the game. We just want to know where its headed.
Can we please schedule a state of the union, soon?